Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1057: Xianjun Sirius

Everyone's eyes could not help but look at the top, Tiangong Palace Sirius.

Except that he did not express his opinions, others expressed their wishes.

The top five forces have also become a tie.

It can be said that the attitude of Gong Sirius can basically determine who can enter Xianban.

However, in fact, everyone understands that it can be said that it is now foreseeable that Zhao Wei will enter Xianban.

Gong Sirius is the title monk of Xianban.

In the case that other monks on the mainland are leveling each other, his opinions can be used as a final decision.

And he is a monk of the Heavenly Palace.

The result is obvious.

Sun Hao’s result is actually well-informed. What's more, when Sun Hao was bold enough to take the sacred air tower in the town, he was once in the palace, and some of the beams were in the house. .

However, as Sun Hao himself said, even if it is not in the Xianban, his attitude must be very clear.

Lightly standing, in the eyes of many great monks, Sun Hao quietly waited for the final result.

Gong Tianwo nodded to Zhao Wei, and gestured to him to sit down.

Then, once again, looking at Sun Hao, Gong Tianwo’s voice was softer. He asked: “Agarwood, when discussing the title of mainland monks and the distribution of interests of various sects, you have not expressed opinions. If you have any thoughts, It can be mentioned now that if it is reasonable, I can give you the title."

Within the hall, many of the great monks who supported Sun Hao could not help but sigh slightly.

Sirius Zhenjun is to compensate Sun Hao.

It seems that Sirius Zhenjun is preparing to set the immortal monk to Zhao Wei.

In Sun Hao’s heart, he also had the same judgment. He also knows that this is no way. If you stand in the position of Sirius, you may make the same choice.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Hao’s eyes were clear. Fame and fortune are not only foreign bodies, but they can’t fight for it, but they can’t fight for it.

of course. If you can't compete in Xianban, Sirius really gives you the opportunity to give your opinion. Then, Sun Hao will naturally be polite.

The mind quickly organized the language, and Sun Hao stood up straight without hesitation. Slightly paying tribute to Gong Tianlang, Lang said: "The mainland is enshrined and assigned to the territory. They are very reasonable. The monks are very considerate of Zhou Xiang. Aquilaria does not have much revision. However, since Zhenjun asks the idea of ​​Agarwood, then Shen Xiang also hopes to add some content here, I wonder if it is ok."

Gong Tianwo said softly: "Agarwood please talk."

Sun Hao recalled the sword hundred forging and solitary. I remembered that they would never forget the embarrassment. At this time, they must also fight for them. The eyes flashed in memory, and Sun Hao said: "Agarwood hopes that the territorial distribution can add such two big Principles, first, ensure that the distribution of the territory within three years, all delivered in place; second, within a hundred years. Other sects must not attack the sect of the heroic monk..."

Speaking of this, Sun Hao slightly paused, and then said: "The above two, if violated. Can teach everyone to get it, Aquilaria on these two requirements, also ask the seniors to decide."

The monks took a glance at the dust.

Sun Hao's two articles are the most powerful counterattacks against the dust.

To be honest, many monks are skeptical about whether the re-division of the southern continent can be implemented.

The first one is the first in the South China. Can you be willing to divide the territory? Even if it is barely divided, just find an excuse to start a war, it is estimated that it will take a long time to fully recover.

But now, Sun Hao proposes to add so many general principles, especially the last sentence, but it is a true expression of his determination and courage to maintain the heroic spirit.

Looking at Sun Hao, who is floating in the field, many of the big monks have such a thought in their hearts. With the cultivation of agarwood, it is possible to catch up with it even if it is not degraded.

Now, Shen Xiang has made such two things. One day, perhaps it is the head and reason for him to fight with the original one.

In the eyes of Gong Sirius, there was a glimmer of light, and nodded and said: "Well, very good, the suggestion of agarwood is really necessary. First, the division of the territory we set can not be a child's play, but it is only a matter of fact. Big, delivery is not easy, I suggest delivery within five years, how do you feel?"

After that, I swept away and went back to the dust.

Returning to the dusty eyebrows, he said slowly: "The proposal of Agarwood is very good, I totally agree."

It is imperative that Sun Hao cannot be placed in Xianban.

As long as Sun Hao can't enter the Xianban, other things are negotiable, and it is not necessary to return to the dust. The top forces such as the Tiangong will be so idle, and they will not feel that they will interfere with the specific things of the Southland in the future.

What will happen after five years, who will make it clear.

As for whether Shen Xiang will find a return to his friend's business in the future, it is still early to return to the dust, and then I will say it later.

Returning to the dust has no objection to Sun Hao’s proposal. Basically, all the monks understand that this is nothing but compensation for Tiangong’s inability to be placed in Xianban, and naturally will not oppose it.

Sun Hao’s two suggestions were passed.

Sun Hao clenched his fists around and sat down with a smile.

Although it is not possible to rank in Xianban, there is a slight regret in the heart, but the monk is like this. On the road of practice, it cannot be smooth sailing, and face it calmly.

Gong Tianwo got up, sharp eyes swept through the big monks, and then said: "Everyone's discussion, I listened to my ears, everyone's opinions, I also remembered one by one, tell the truth Everyone is so concerned about Xianban, so paying attention to the mainland and making me happy."

After a pause, Gong Sirius continued: "The monk of Xianban is both glory, but also a responsibility. As one of them, I deeply feel that before the burial of the market, Xianban had a simple meeting. There is a resolution that if the Jindan of this ruined Tianxu market is outstanding, one of them can be selected as a Xianban."

This is the news that Gong Tianlang has already revealed, and everyone is not surprised.

However, if Gong Tianwo took it, everyone would be surprised again and again: "Just, before the burial of the market, no one thought that this time, Jin Dan actually shines, perfect repair of the burial sky, and also produced two The position of the points is extremely high, and the ranks of Jin Dan are hard to decide. I have heard your arguments. What I am saying here is that you think more."

The monks are succinct, and I don’t know what the palace is.

What do you think more?

"The Temple of Heaven is not as complicated as you think, and there is no stupidity that you imagine." Gong Tianwo said leisurely: "In fact, you don't have to look at the face of the Heavenly Palace and fight for the Heavenly Palace Monk. It is not the style of my Heavenly Palace. Who should be? Who is it, my opinion is that Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang is in Xianban, you are friends, how do you feel?"

Big and unexpected decisions.

The confident and full of Zhao’s body is stiff and his face is unbelievable.

At this time, Gong Tianwo actually chose Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang.

Most of the great monks are looking at the righteousness, and the palace scorpion, standing in the middle, is stunned. Is this the monk of Xianban?

Is this the true face and spirit of the monks of Xianban?

I am afraid that I really want more.

Sun Hao’s body is also a shock. He has already made plans for failure, but he did not expect that the end will be the case, it is really unexpected!

In my heart, I couldn’t help but look at Gong Sirius. I can enter the mainland Xianban. It’s really very human. It’s not bound by the Heavenly Palace. It’s a strong heart and admire.

The face of the dusty person, the white and white, has a strong feeling of losing the wife and the soldiers.

The voice of Gong Sirius, once again in the hall: "Don't forget, Xianban is responsible for determining the destiny of the mainland. Who can dare to take the fate of the mainland? Just as Shen Xiang said, the hero is not tolerant, I Gong Sirius will not, then what about you? What do you think of Ben Xianjun’s opinion?"

The ice is frost-free and vomits a up and say: "Xianjun has a chest, admire, and there is no objection to the Ice Palace."

The eyes of the two dragons stared at the palace Sirius, and they kept thinking: "Mother, what is this guy going on? Is he so right? It’s true that his mother’s devil is gone, but I don’t understand. Ah! How can he support Agarwood!"

After the ice-free frost, the monks expressed their support for the decision of Gong Sirius and congratulated Sun Hao.

The trend of the times, even the return to the dust, also had to bow down and said: "Gate one to agree with Xianjun decision."

Then he shook his hand at Sun Hao and said sourly: "Congratulations to the incense."

Sun Hao smiled back.

At this time, Gong Sirius looked at Zhao Yumo and said slowly: "You don't have to be discouraged by the devil. Considering that the restoration of this burial sky market is unparalleled, your points are more than the first in history. Ranked Jindan, I decided to list you as an alternate first, after the Xianban discussion, or can be officially listed in Xianban."

Zhao Yi's spirit is invigorated. (To be continued.)

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