
Chapter 83 The rescue plan

Regardless of whether you can help or not, first draw a big cake to get some information. If No. 6 is a villain, Xu Qi'an will cast him out to reduce the number of wolves in the Tian Di Hui.

Of course, before that, he had to cheat No. 6's hiding place first, so as to avoid future troubles, because No. 6 was very powerful.

He broke into Uncle Pingyuan's mansion at night, beheaded Uncle Pingyuan, severely injured and beat others, and hid calmly. This is definitely a master of Zhongpin, even stronger.

If there is a reason for the incident, he will help a group within his ability to create a stalwart image of Chen Jinnan, the chief rudder of the Tiandihui.

Wei Yuan asked him to go undercover, but he didn't want him to dive all the time because he needed to make some achievements.

Can number three help?

Can he calmly take away No. 6 in the hunt of the watchmen and sword guards?

What is his identity, is he just a disciple of Confucianism?

At this time, if you don't have a reasonable identity, even if you walk in the inner city, you will be arrested on the spot.

In other words, he can command the imperial sword guard, or beat the guards?

Xu Qi'an's words made the holders of the Book of Earth Fragments run wild, secretly guessing his real identity, and speculating on his next actions.

[Nine: Hehe, if No. 3 is willing to help, then there is no problem. Number six, don't hide it. 】

Taoist Master Jinlian is sure that No. 3 can help No. 6 resolve the crisis. No. 3 is definitely not an ordinary Confucian disciple, he must have a more secretive and higher-level identity.

The members of the Tiandihui cheered up, remained silent, and watched the development of the gaffe.

[No. 6: One of my juniors has disappeared for a year. I suspect that he was trafficked and sent out of the capital through secret channels.

[After many inquiries and investigations, I locked down a Yazi organization. They kidnapped and kidnapped women and children, and sold them to brothels, beggar gangs, and other places that needed women and children.

[They not only sell children and women, but also kidnap practitioners. I haven't found out the real purpose yet.

[Finally, I found out that the owner behind the Yazi organization is Uncle Ping Yuan. 】

[Three: So you killed someone in anger? 】

[Six: I sneaked into Uncle Pingyuan's mansion and forced to ask my junior brother about his whereabouts, but to no avail, I beheaded him to save my sin. 】

[One: Why don't you report to the officials if you break the ban by force. 】

One disagrees with Six's way of doing things.

[Two: Nonsense, if the law is useful, Uncle Ping Yuan has already been sanctioned, and the officials will protect each other. There is no god when you raise your head three feet, justice is only in the sword. 】

This is a cynic! In fact, you can report Uncle Ping Yuan, it is unwise to kill people. Xu Qi said in peace.

However, it can be deduced from this that Number Six is ​​a straightforward, even reckless and impulsive guy who likes to convince others with reason (physics). This is quite similar to Confucianism.

Number one seemed to disdain to argue with number two and did not respond.

[Six: I have a reason. In one year, I rescued many children. Some of them had their hands and feet cut off and crawled on the side of the road to beg. The clever ones are trained to be thieves. And most heinously

【I once rescued a child. Yazi disguised him as a black dog and taught him a few auspicious words in order to please the unsuspecting people and ask for money. 】

[One: This statement is true! 】

[Six: Naturally. 】

Number One did not speak for a long time.

[Three: You have successfully convinced me that although I hate martial arts who break the ban with strength and do things without thinking, I am still willing to help you. 】

Xu Qi'an held back the anger in his chest, imitated Xu Erlang's character, and spoke in the tone that a Confucian should have.

[Two: Well, I agree with number three now. 】

[Four: People who are temperamental, drink together when you have time. 】

[Six: Thank you. 】

They didn't call No. 3's name, and they probably knew in their hearts that Chen Jinnan was not No. 3's real name at all.

[Three: Where are you hiding? 】

【Six: In the canal outside Pingyuanbo's mansion. 】

The canal is the sewer, a dirty and smelly place. In this era, there are no sewer workers, and idlers will not enter it. It is a blind spot for investigation.

But it's only for a while. When the watchman gathers his hands, he will never let this place go.

[Three: I understand, you wait for my news. 】

Xu Qi'an took back the small jade mirror, held the knife in one hand, and groped his chin with the other, thinking about how to deal with this matter.

He couldn't take people out of the inner city. Along the way, there were sword guards and beaters.

What Xu Qi'an can do is to turn a blind eye and close his eyes in the area he is patrolling, and he has to do it as soon as possible, otherwise, when the sword guards and watchmen seal off the surrounding area, and then investigate layer by layer, he will be unable to save No. 6 up.

Time is running out, we have to think of a surefire plan

If you want to save No. 6, you have to hide it from both the watchman and the warlock Si Tianjian. Then, Xu Qi'an has to do two things, first: help No. 6 find a hiding place. Second: help him cover his breath.

The former is not difficult, as long as you get through tonight, you can pretend to be an ordinary person tomorrow morning on the 6th and leave the city on your own.

With Uncle Ping Yuan's status, it is not enough to keep the gates of the inner city closed, and the gates must be opened at dawn.

The difficulty is how to cover up the aura of the number six.

After killing people, it is inevitable that you will be contaminated with hostility. This can't be hidden from Si Tianjian Warlock's Qi Watching Technique. Have another PY with Song Qing?

No, I haven't paid the prostitution fee for the last PY transaction, and the periodic table of elements has not been sent to Si Tianjian. Besides, Song Qing is as tough as I am. I want him to help with this kind of thing. It's a bit difficult. Unless I sleep with that little beauty Chu Caiwei.

Although the book from the ground can accept people, the members of the Tiandihui didn't mention it. Xu Qi'an guessed that the breath could not be concealed, and would be found by the qi-watching technique.

The key point is to cover up the aura Xu Qi'an has a way to try, and this is also the confidence he dared to put on in the Dishu chat group.

He took out the booklet, flicked through the pages, and found one of the pages, which read: A blinding leaf!

In the afternoon, Xu Qi'an had memorized all the spells recorded in the booklet in his mind, so he knew it well.

A blinding leaf can allow the caster to hide his figure and aura, achieving the effect of erasing existence.

Its essence is to distort the corresponding rules based on the words of the Confucian five virtues. Then use the learning ability of the sixth-grade Confucianism to record this rule on paper.

Xu Qi'an looked left and right, locked on to an inn across the street, tiptoed, flew to the ridge of the roof, listened to his heartbeat and breathing, and found a vacant room.

He hung on the wall like a gecko, using a saber to pry open the latch of the window bit by bit.

After finishing all this, he rushed to Uncle Pingyuan's mansion not far from him, stood on the ridge across the street and watched for a while, and found the water channel.

Xu Qi'an took out the arrow from the cowhide bag at his waist, tied the torn paper to the arrow, and threw it forcefully.


Arrows nailed to the dirt wall beside the ditch.

He crouched on the ridge of the roof, took out a small jade mirror, and passed on the message:

[Three: No. 6, by the side of the ditch where you are hiding, there is an arrow on the dirt wall, and there are things you need on it. I prepared a room at the Qingshu Inn on the adjacent street, and the sixth window on the second floor was open. go! 】

He didn't look in the mirror, but stared at the ditch. Ten seconds later, a big bald head appeared there, with a square face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, with a bitter and bitter look on his face.

The big bald head scanned the surrounding vigilantly, and then his gaze fell on the arrow nailed into the wall.

He pulled out the arrow and unfolded the paper on it to take a look.


The big bald head seemed to have figured out something, and his face showed a sense of relief.

No. 3 is indeed a Confucian student.

He immediately ignited the paper with an air machine, and an inexplicable force enveloped him, restraining his breath.

This ability to restrain breath!

The pupils of the big bald head shrank slightly, revealing a look of shock.

This is not something that can be achieved in the ordinary fifth-rank virtue realm, at least the fourth-rank gentleman realm.

No. 3's identity cannot be mistaken, not only is he a Confucian disciple, but also a student who is valued by a certain great Confucianist.

Daoist Jin Lian said that every holder of the fragments of the book from the ground is the proud son of heaven, and you will not deceive me.

He didn't leave immediately, but unhurriedly took out a clean and tidy monk's robe from the small jade mirror and put it on, and threw the foul-smelling shoes and clothes into the small jade mirror.

I have to leave quickly, and if the delay continues, it will be dangerous for the masters of the watchman to gather. The big bald head did not dare to fly over the roof and walk on the street.

At this time, he saw a straight young man standing on the ridge of the adjacent street, wearing a policeman's uniform, holding a knife with one hand, facing the night wind, looking ahead, his eyes were empty and lonely.

The figure is Yuan Ting and Yue Zhi.

He is like a firefly in the night, shining brightly.

This bronze gong has a restrained and deep imposing manner, and the handsome and extraordinary beater is indeed full of talents. The bald head glanced at it a few times, secretly admiring it in his heart.

Following No. 3's words, he found the Qingshu Inn, and the sixth window was indeed open.

The big bald head jumped up lightly, and entered the room without a sound. After a while, the window and door were closed.

Huh... Xu Qi'an's shoulders relaxed, and he stopped posing.

Although I knew that No. 6 was a Buddhist disciple and I thought it would not be a woman, I was still a little disappointed.

No. 9 is the old silver coin of Jinlian, No. 6 is Lu Zhishen who has suffered a lot and has a deep hatred, and the other netizens must have beautiful girls. Xu Qi'an was just about to take out the mirror to check the chat history, when he moved his ear, he saw it. Hasty footsteps.

In sight, dozens of black shadows were rising and falling on the roof, rushing towards this side.

Next, Number Six will be safe after passing through this test! Xu Qi'an narrowed his eyes and thought to himself.

Uncle Ping Yuan's murder alarmed the golden gongs on duty tonight, the six silver gongs, and dozens of copper gongs on duty at night.

Almost all the watchmen on duty at night were dispatched, and they also brought with them the white clothes of several Si Tianjians.

The imperial sword guards cooperated with the watchmen, with Ping Yuanbo's mansion as the center, and sealed it tightly for several miles.

Jin Luo, the team leader, is called Jiang Lvzhong. He is in his forties, with black hair and fine crow's feet around his eyes. His eyes are as sharp as eagle eyes, with sharp and cold pupils shining.

This pair of eyes is very famous in the prison guard's office. Except for Jin Luo, who is at the same level, no one can look at him for more than three seconds.

He led the team, constantly rising and falling on the roof of the building, his sharp eyes scanning the dark urban area.

The white clothes of several Sitianjians were carried by the gongs, and their eyes were shining brightly, sweeping the street below inch by inch.

Jiang Luzhong said in a deep voice: After the murderer kills, his breath must be stained with blood. Have you noticed any abnormalities?

Several warlocks are only eighth-rank qi masters, and their combat power is mediocre. They still don't know how to fly over walls, and they need to be carried by gongs, but this does not prevent them from showing their sense of superiority in front of martial arts.

No! Si Tianjian's white clothes replied indifferently.

Jiang Lvzhong's expression paused, and he endured it.

After walking for a while, a certain Sitianjian in white saw Xu Qi'an standing proudly on the roof, was stunned for a moment, and then exulted: Get down, get down quickly.

PS: 3,200 words are here, exchanged for recommendation tickets at the same value, what do you guys think?

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