
Chapter 4: It's time to perform real techniques

When Fang Fu stepped into the inner hall, he felt three sharp eyes cast on him.

The one wearing the crimson robe should be Fu Yin, embroidered Yunyan, um, the uncle with the silver gong embroidered on the chest of a fourth-rank official, hiss, I'll go to the police organization, this girl is so good-looking, she's so beautiful, right? Is there anyone?

Looking at his chest again, Xu Qi'an calmed down a lot.

He bowed his head quickly, showing a very humble gesture.

Chen Fuyin sat high on the big chair, his face expressionless, and his tone of interrogation of the prisoner was quite majestic:

Xu Qi'an, when you were released from prison three days ago, you didn't say that you had important clues. You know the consequences of not reporting them.

Even if you are an old official in the officialdom, even if you are anxious to death, you will never ask for clues, but put psychological pressure on it.

Being able to come here means that half of the plan has been successful, Xu Qi'an is still calm: My lord, just now, Xu Jiaerlang came to me, and I asked him for the file.

Be honest first.

All three present knew about Xu New Year, not because he was famous, but because he was the eldest son of Xu Pingzhi, so the three hosts would naturally investigate.

How does this relate to the clue you mentioned? Chen Fuyin asked.

Caomin deduced the truth of the case from the file

Wait, Chen Fuyin interrupted him, leaning forward slightly: From the file?

This is different from what he thought.

I've already solved the case. Xu Qi'an nodded, indicating that was the case.

Chen Fuyin suppressed the idea of ​​calling for someone to send this kid back to the prison, with a serious expression on his face: Talk about it, but I remind you that if you talk nonsense, two hundred boards can beat you to pieces.

The robbery of the tax bank was actually not done by monsters, but by man.

In a word, three people were shocked.

Chen Fu Yin slammed the table and shouted angrily: Nonsense, come here, drag it down, and you will be charged two hundred.

The robbery of tax money by monsters is almost a matter of final conclusion, and it is the consensus of the three organizers.

If he had expected Xu Qi'an to give valuable clues before, he was completely disappointed now.

It's nothing more than the crazy and paradoxical words of the little boy who jumped over the wall in a hurry.

The middle-aged man's eyes lit up slightly, and he waved away the yamen servant who rushed in, Master Chen, please be safe and don't be impatient.

He turned his eyes and stared at Xu Qi'an, burning with scrutiny and anticipation: Tell me about it.

This Chen Fu Yin has a bit of a temper, and Xu Qi'an knew it was time for him to act, According to the statement of the city gate guard, my second uncle entered the city at the second quarter of the hour, and at the quarter of the hour, the escort team arrived at Guangnan Street. At this time, a strange wind suddenly picked up, and the horses were frightened and rushed into the river.

He tried his best to keep his tone neither humble nor overbearing, so as to make himself more calm, thus increasing his persuasiveness.

Chen Fuyin nodded: This is the reason why we concluded that this is a monster hiding in the river, waiting for an opportunity to steal the tax money.

No! Xu Qi'an retorted loudly: The evil wind is just a cover-up, and the explosion in the river is also a cover-up. In fact, it is to make you ignore a flaw, a fatal flaw.

Chen Fuyin urgently asked: What's the flaw?

The middle-aged man assumed a listening posture.

The girl in the yellow skirt bit the candied fruit without chewing it, and her aura-filled eyes stared at Xu Qi'an with great interest.

They read the dossier over and over many times, and they knew everything about the incident, but they never noticed any flaws.

My second uncle escorted 150,000 taels of tax silver, dare to ask some adults, how much does 150,000 taels of silver weigh?

The middle-aged man had a stiff face, while the girl in the yellow skirt tilted her head and didn't come back for a long time.

Chen Fuyin said displeasedly: Speak up if you have something to say, don't keep it to yourself.

Xu Qi'an originally wanted to give a hint and let the adults find out this huge flaw by themselves, but it seemed to be self-defeating.

The quick calculation ability is a bit low, you ancient people Xu Qi'an immediately said: It's nine thousand three hundred and seventy-five catties.

According to the mass conversion formula in this world, one catty sixteen taels, one hundred and fifty thousand taels of silver is nine thousand three hundred and seventy-five catties.

The middle-aged man frowned, he vaguely grasped something.

The girl in the yellow skirt frowned: What does this mean?

Her voice is as clear as a silver bell.

It means you are not very smart, Yazi!

Xu Qi'an said: How far is the distance from the gate of the city to Guangnan Street?

The middle-aged man replied: Thirty miles.

How many downtowns did you pass through?


How's the horse's footsteps?

The middle-aged man suddenly stared wide-eyed and stood up abruptly.

He widened his eyes hard, showing a sudden expression of it turned out to be like this, so it turned out to be like this.

After three days of tracking and searching for monsters, this experienced watchman realized that he might be going in the wrong direction.

But I didn't have a clear idea in my mind, so after being denied before, I didn't take it to heart.

Chen Fuyin's scalp was a little numb, because he still didn't hear any problems, it seemed that he was not very wise as a Fuyin.

Chen Fuyin glanced at the girl in the yellow skirt, and felt a lot more balanced.

The girl in the yellow skirt said depressedly: What's the problem?

The middle-aged man was a little excited: The time, the time is wrong.

Guangnan Street is thirty miles away from the South City Gate. With the foot strength of a rough horse, you have to pass through four downtowns along the way. If you enter the city at 2:00, it is impossible to reach Guangnan Street at 1:00.

He was influenced by preconceived ideas, thinking that it was a monster who robbed the tax money. After Xu Qi'an's scrambling, he immediately chewed something wrong.

But the tax money was indeed transported to Guangnan Street at Chenshi. At that time, there were many people who saw a horse rushing into the river. It cannot be fake. The girl in yellow skirt said crisply.

Chen Fuyin nodded in satisfaction, and agreed: What's the explanation?

The middle-aged man was stunned, and subconsciously looked at Xu Qi'an.

Because the escort is not silver at all. Xu Qi'an said loudly.

Absurd! Chen Fuyin retorted: Not to mention whether your second uncle and the escorting soldiers have eyes, the file contains the confessions of the people present at that time, the horses rushed into the river, and the white silver rolled into the water.

He shook the file in his hand: Is this also fake?

Seeing is not necessarily true. The grassroots are willing to personally explain to adults. His eyes fell on the table and said: Let me borrow a pen and paper.

Chen Fuyin waved his hand, indicating that he is free.

Xu Qi'an dragged the shackles to the table, poured water to grind it, spread out the rice paper, and began to write crookedly.

My lord, please prepare the paper according to the request of the grassroots. After finishing writing, he handed the rice paper to Chen Fu Yin.

Chen Fuyin took the rice paper and glanced at it, confused.

Let me see. The girl in the yellow skirt came over to join in the fun, and stretched out a snow-white catkin to take the rice paper.

Then at a loss.

The middle-aged man Li Yuchun glanced at the paper, made a blank expression, flattened the folded corner of the rice paper without leaving any traces, and handed it to Chen Fuyin.

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