
Chapter 18 Taking My Girl For Shopping

As for poetry, the core law is the use of flatness.

As long as this remains the same, even in a different world, Xu Qi'an's poems preserved in his nine-year compulsory education will still be useful.

Xu Nian glanced at him and raised his chin: There is a bird in the sky, and a worm on the ground. The bird swoops down, and the worm turns back.

Pfft... Xu Lingyue covered her mouth and chuckled. But when Xu Qi'an gave him a hard look, he lowered his head with a blushing face.

It's so venomous, I really want to hit him. The corner of Xu Qi'an's mouth twitched. This was a poem written by the original owner when he was ten years old. The one who enlightened the three brothers and sisters of the Xu family was his aunt's father, the talented grandfather.

Once, the scholar's grandfather tested their poems, so this uncanny poem came into being.

The aunt sneered, Ning Yan, it's not that Auntie doesn't like you, the old Xu's family just gave birth to a young scholar. Your uncle and nephew's writing is like a worm crawling.

I can't write well, but I still write poetry. The aunt curled her lips, and the gesture of rolling her eyes was full of charm.

The second uncle was a little embarrassed, and coughed: Ning Yan, let's not get involved in the scholar's affairs, rest and take a bath today, and we two will help in the yard?

The implication is that you kid, don't just join in the fun, you don't understand the affairs of scholars, you lose face and even cause me to be ridiculed by my wife.

Thousands of miles of yellow clouds and white sun. Xu Qi'an said flatly.

Aunt rolled her eyes and lowered her head to drink the porridge.

Uncle Xu wiped the oil stains from the corners of the young girl's mouth.

Xu Xinian frowned, he couldn't hear anything in just one sentence, but Xu Qi'an's ability to write such neat seven-character quatrains was already surprising.

The north wind blows geese and snow.

Xu New Year was stunned for a moment, and a picture came to his mind spontaneously.

Xu Lingyue raised her head, her beautiful eyes looked at her cousin in surprise.

Xu Qi'an bowed his head to drink the porridge and stopped talking.

What about the back? What about the back? Xu Nian asked urgently. It felt like listening to Mr. Shu tell a story in a teahouse. When I talked about the exciting part, I suddenly slapped the gavel: I can predict what will happen next, please listen to the next chapter to break it down.

Makes people want to hit people.

I don't know how to write poetry. Xu Qi'an glanced at his aunt casually, he just felt that her aunt was very dignified and beautiful today, and there was absolutely no hint of asking her to apologize.

The aunt stared at her big Kazilan eyes, turned her head and asked her son, Is this poem good?

Xu Lingyue said softly: It's very artistic!

She has limited reading, but she can also recognize that the first two sentences are excellent seven words.

Seeing the attitude of his daughter and son, Xu Pingzhi was startled, and stared at Xu Qi'an without blinking, his eyes were both stunned and expectant.

Mochou has no confidant in the road ahead, no one in the world knows the king! Xu Qi'an chewed on the fried dough sticks, and threw out the following two sentences.

The chopsticks in Xu Erlang's hand fell to the table.

Mo Chou has no confidant in the future, no one in the world knows the king he muttered to himself, immersed in the artistic conception and unable to extricate himself.

Xu Lingyue's delicate body trembled, and goose bumps appeared on the back of her hands.

Xu Pingzhi grinned: Damn it, it sounds creepy.

My aunt was not convinced, but agreed with her husband's words.

This is the power of poetry, which is a kind of spiritual shock. Even people who don't know how to write poetry and don't understand the rules of level and obliqueness will still feel uncontrollable scalp numbness when they read famous works handed down from generation to generation.

This feeling, when Xu Qi'an was studying in the past, was often shocked by the masterpieces handed down in Chinese textbooks.

Thousands of miles of yellow clouds and white sun, the north wind blows geese and snow, don't worry about the road ahead without a confidant, no one in the world knows you.

Xu Nian stood up involuntarily, with two blushes of excitement on his face, which made the already exquisitely handsome him look even more charming.

What a masterpiece!

Although he is not good at the way of poetry, as a scholar, whoever does not yearn for a hundred poems against wine, hears good poems and good words, can't help but sing with enthusiasm.

When will you be able to write poetry? Xu New Year stared at Xu Qi'an, his eyes were bright, shocked, and puzzled.

When did I say that I can't write poetry? Xu Qi'an laughed: Can the poems I made during my enlightenment represent the present? I have always been quite talented in poetry, but I just don't show it.

It turns out that Ning Yan is the seed of our Xu family's study. Second Uncle Xu was overjoyed, smiling brightly: If I knew it earlier, I would let you study and quit old days to practice martial arts.

Unconvinced, my aunt opened her mouth, but she couldn't utter a strong rebuttal.

No, if that's the case, I won't be able to write, Xu Qi'an knows that the original owner is a scumbag, and studying is a waste of time, not as good as dropping out of school to move bricks on the construction site.

Xu New Year is not material for martial arts, expecting a creamy little boy with a thin skin and tender meat to pick up iron? Exercise your body?

However, this is a poem written by Ning Yan. Just listen to it. Say goodbye to the old one. You can't keep it for yourself. It's not for scholars. Second Uncle Xu said.

Xu Nian let out a 'huh', disdaining to respond to his father, what kind of person is he? Turning to Xu Qi'an, he said, Lend me this poem, and I will explain that you are the one who wrote it.

Xu Qi'an nodded slightly: Go ahead, take it and pretend to be someone else to show off.

The matter of scholars is, of course, to show their holiness in front of others.

This poem was originally intended to be sent to Xu New Year to make contacts, but he didn't care much about who signed it.

He is not a Confucian, and poetry has little effect on him, which is why he has not used poetry to show his holiness in front of people for a month.

The environment does not allow it.

Staying with a group of policemen wielding knives and guns all day long, and reciting poems to them, it is better to teach them to sing the man who sings.

What about the title of the poem? Xu Nian asked.

I forgot. Xu Qi'an's face froze, I wrote this poem because of my feelings. It doesn't have a name, so you can just think about it.

After breakfast, Xu New Year took his father's beloved horse from the backyard and hurried away. The uncles and nephews were discussing in the yard, and the order was over.

Yes, my skills have improved again. If I want to go further, I have to step into the Qi training environment, but the Qi machine needs the interaction between heaven and earth to be born. Xu Ershu took the sweat towel handed by the servant and wiped his cheeks: In addition to the medicine bath In addition, you must have a master in the realm of refining the gods to open the gate of heaven for you. Otherwise, you will not be able to step into the realm of Qi training for the rest of your life.

The realm of refining the gods is the seventh rank in the martial arts path.

Second Uncle, what do you want to say? Xu Qi'an wiped his sweat.

I was born and died in the Battle of Mountains and Seas, and only then did I accumulate military exploits. Only then did the masters in the army open the gate of heaven for me and step into the realm of Qi training. Uncle Xu sighed: The second year after returning home, there will be a new year.

Nowadays, the world is still relatively peaceful. You don't even have the chance to accumulate military exploits. How do you train your qi? If you don't train your qi, won't you be able to start a family?

Ning Yan, Second Uncle is getting old, and his only wish is to see you marry a wife and have children. I am worthy of your dead father.

Let's take one step at a time. Xu Qi'an said perfunctorily.

In addition to accumulating credit, there are other ways to promote, and that is to spend money.

Both prescriptions and masters can be solved with silver.

Heroes are forbidden by martial arts, so the imperial court strictly controls the number of martial arts masters. It is expressly stipulated that masters in the realm of refining gods are not allowed to open the gate of heaven for anyone in private. If they want to open the gate of heaven for their children, they need to report to the government.

However, today's Dafeng has a very bad bureaucratic atmosphere, corrupt officials are rampant, and the majesty of the court is weakening day by day. Even if they dare not disobey the law openly, there are still many masters of the alchemy realm who will look for trading partners on the black market.

Xu Qi'an worked hard to make money because he had the idea of ​​using silver instead of meritorious deeds.

Otherwise, if I'm stuck in the refinement state, what's the use of this iron rod?

The aunt came over with a pair of daughters, stood under the eaves of the corridor, and shouted: Master, the sun is warm, you can take Lingyin and Lingyue out for a stroll.

Uncle Xu frowned: I have something to do.

Isn't it Hugh Mu today?

I invited my colleagues to have a drink, and I'm leaving soon. Otherwise, let Ning Yan take them out to play.

A girl from a scholarly family is usually raised in a deep boudoir, and cannot go out for shopping at will.

The Xu family is a family of generals, and they don't have so many harsh tutors.

Xu Qi'an looked back, just in time to meet the clear and bright eyes of the twenty-eight girl, the girl who was more beautiful than blue pursed her lips, slightly shy and bowed her head slightly.

It's just that I have nothing to do. Xu Qi'an nodded.

Looking back, I took a sixteen-year-old girl out shopping in my previous life, and I was still eighteen years old. Of course, the girl at that time couldn't be compared with Xu Lingyue at all.

PS: Thanks to the leader of the Fallen Stars boss, and will add updates after it is put on the shelves.

Ask for a recommendation ticket, my lord.

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