
Chapter 12 One-stop operation is as fierce as a tiger

Wang Catcher sat in the main seat, with a sullen face, without saying a word.

These days, the first thing County Magistrate Zhu did when he woke up was to inquire about the progress of the case. Catcher Wang couldn't provide anything valuable, so he spit out his mouth.

The pressure was all borne by him, the head catcher, and his subordinates hid under his umbrella to protect him from the wind and rain. Not only did they not solve his problems for him, they even argued with him!

Catcher Wang has reason to be angry. He thought he was under pressure that he shouldn't have at his age.

Xu Qi'an, who got the file, sat at the table, staring intently, surrounded by colleagues, silently exchanging glances.

Xu Qi'an's ideas are very researched, the best way to coax Lao Wang well is to solve the case.

If it doesn't work, let Lao Wang go to Taohuayuan Cave to play. We have known each other for so many years, and the boat of friendship is still very stable.

What's more, Xu Qi'an's resistance to fishing is not only because he doesn't accept the three views, but also because he wants to solve Lao Wang's worries and problems.

[The deceased's name is Zhang Yourui, 51 years old this year, a wealthy family living on Kangping Street, with more than ten hectares of fertile land in the suburbs of Changle County, and three shops in the capital, selling silk, satin, rouge, and groceries.

His wife died early, and he continued a good family twenty years younger than himself. Zhang Yourui has an only son, left by his deceased wife, and has no other children. 】

Twenty years behind, Xu Qi'an complained in his heart.

This is the so-called, as long as you work hard to make money, your future wife is still in kindergarten?

[Four days ago, Zhang Yourui went to the countryside to collect rent, and rushed back home around Yinshi. The wife who was sleeping in the house suddenly heard a scream and went out to check. Zhang Yourui had died in the courtyard. The wife saw a black shadow go over the wall]

That's how it happened.

When Xu Qi'an saw Wu's autopsy report, he noticed another doubt.

He continued to read patiently, flipping through the confessions of the deceased's family members and servants, closing his eyes and sorting out his thoughts.

Catcher Wang snorted coldly, and teased, Excuse me, Catcher Xu, who is the murderer and where is he?

Don't worry, boss. Xu Qi'an opened his eyes: I saw in the file that there were footprints on the outer wall of Zhang's house, so you can infer from this that the thief jumped over the wall and escaped. What the little woman said is true .”

Wang Butou gave a hmm.

The footprints are facing outward, so they were left when they fled. Xu Qi'an said.

What's the problem? Catcher Wang frowned.

Why did you leave footprints?

Because there's mud on the soles of your feet.

Why is there mud?

Because there is a flowerbed beside the wall.

Xu Qi'an nodded: Then, why are there no footprints entering the yard on the file?

Wang Butou was stunned.

In the silence, the rest of the police felt that he had lost face, and added for him: Perhaps the thief noticed this when he came in, and did not leave any trace.

Another person said: But after the murder, he was eager to escape and left footprints in a hurry.

Xu Qi'an glanced at them: It's possible, then, there is a flower garden under the wall. Are there any footprints in the flower garden when sneaking in? It stands to reason that if the thief can jump outside the wall, he can cross the flower garden without leaving any footprints. If there is light work, then when he escapes, there is no need to step on the wall to borrow strength.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to answer.

Without them answering, Xu Qi'an knew the answer, it wasn't 'yes' or 'no', but he didn't know.

The detectives didn't check it out.

Ning Yan, what's the point of arguing about this. Someone objected.

Xu Qi'an didn't answer, looked at Wang Butou who was frowning and thinking, and continued: The deceased died of a blunt trauma to the back of the head, right?

Wang Butou nodded: Dead on the spot.

Xu Qi'an said: I have a question, why is it a blunt weapon? The murderer is naturally carrying a weapon when he does this kind of thing. Wouldn't it be easier to kill with a sword?

There was silence in the side hall. Obviously, everyone was aware of the problem. Xiao Li guessed: Maybe the thief didn't want to kill people at first?


This time, it was not Xu Qi'an who retorted, but Wang Butou, who stood up, his eyes widened slightly: I hit the back of the head with a blunt object, killing him with one blow, and I have murderous intentions.

He sat back in his chair and murmured, Yeah, why use a blunt weapon instead of a sharp one?

Unless the murderer didn't have a weapon in his hand at the time. Xu Qi'an said.

Wang Butou's eyes lit up suddenly, as if he had caught something, but he hadn't realized it yet.

And the last point, which I am more concerned about. Xu Qi'an glanced at the file: When the family of the deceased brought her back to the county government office for interrogation, Mrs. Zhang Yang suddenly fainted because of kneeling for a long time. After the doctor made a diagnosis, she was found to be pregnant.

It's a posthumous child.

It's really pitiful. The child lost his father before he was born.

People who eat melons are annoying, you interrupt me every now and then.

Zhang Yang was married to the deceased ten years ago, why is she pregnant at this time? Xu Qi'an waited for them to finish before he had the chance to speak.

Perhaps the child was not the deceased's at all?

If men and women are in normal health, it is impossible not to have children for ten years, unless they deliberately avoid children.

One of the parties must have a physical problem, so it is difficult to conceive an heir. With the ancient technology of treating infertility, although it is not completely impossible, the success rate is definitely very low.

Wang Butou's breathing became heavy all of a sudden, Ning Yan, please make it clear, make it clear

Xu Qi'an took a sip of tea to soothe his throat, Maybe this is not a case of burglary, but a murder case. Zhang Yang steals a man behind her husband's back, and the adulterer is either a man outside or the son of the deceased. They went out to collect rent, and the two parties had a secret tryst. Unexpectedly, the deceased would return early, and the adulterer was caught on the spot, and a conflict broke out between the two parties, so the adulterer got angry, grabbed a vase or other blunt objects, and beat the deceased to death.

Zhang Yang and the adulterer hurriedly dealt with the scene, dragged the deceased to the courtyard, and pretended to be thieves to enter the house and steal.

Since the adulterer wants to have a tryst, he stepped on the spot in advance and found out the rules of the night patrol soldiers, so that he was not met by the soldiers of the sword guard. If the thief was really seeking money, he would never choose that night Do it, but wait for the deceased to exchange the rented silver into a bank note, put it in his pocket and take it away.

The rhetoric given by Mrs. Zhang Yang happened to take advantage of the wind of rent collection and bring your thoughts in the direction of 'seeking money'.

The arresters in the room were dumbfounded.

Well, can you identify the murderer just by looking at the file?

Ning Yan, this is not a joke, don't talk nonsense.

But, don't you think it makes sense?

Xu Qi'an's operation gave them the feeling of only four words: I don't know what to do.

I'm just making a bold guess based on the details of the case. This may not be the truth. It needs to be verified. Xu Qi'an responded to the surprised colleagues.

The process of solving a case is to collect clues, then reason and analyze, and finally verify; collect evidence.

The thieves had fooled the night patrol soldiers into the house at the wrong time and used blunt weapons to kill people instead of sharp weapons. Zhang Yang's pregnancy After Xu Qi'an's deliberation, these seemingly insignificant details converged into logical clues.

Wang Butou felt that his career had opened a new door, took a deep breath, and calmed down the turbulent emotions. After careful reading, he found that there was something in Xu Qi'an's words that made him puzzled: Why do you think that an adulterer is The dead man's son?

I suspect him for two reasons, Xu Qi'an sipped his tea slowly, and said slowly under the eager eyes of Wang Butou and his colleagues:

The deceased's son, Zhang Xian, said in his confession that he was reading the accounts in the study that night and did not sleep with his wife. Since he was awake, how could he not hear the movement in the yard?

Ms. Zhang Yang was awakened by the screams, which means that there was a lot of movement, but he was an awake person, but he didn't hear the slightest movement. Is it reasonable?

Secondly, if there is no trace left by the thief in the flower garden when he sneaked in, then the so-called thief probably does not exist. Based on this, the deceased's son is highly suspected.


Wang Butou asked: So, the footprints on the wall are probably left on purpose to confuse us.

Xu Qi'an guessed: Yes, that's right, let's directly compare the boots of the deceased's son.

I'm sure I won't leave my own footprints, Wang Butou said.

Xu Qi'an was full of admiration, and slapped a rainbow fart: The boss is really wise and powerful, and he can understand a little bit. It's really a great gift to the gods.

Xu Qi'an just uttered shocking words at length to establish his image, then turned his head and licked at 350 degrees without any dead angle, which was very comfortable. A smile appeared on Wang Catcher's dark, old farmer-like face.

I feel that my image has also been raised a lot.

I'll go to Master Zhu right away. Get ready and come with me to Zhang's house. Catcher Wang's dark face like an old farmer revealed an expression of impatience.

He nodded Xu Qi'an with his finger, let out two tractor-like laughter, and rushed out of the rest room in a hurry, and went to the back hall to find the county magistrate.

ps: Thanks to Little Dolphin's Ling Xiaochen, Big Brother Take Me Fly, Xipiyou, and Li Peiyun for their rewards.

I will remember it first, and the leader will remember it first, and return it together when it is on the shelves.

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