Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 693 Encounter 3

Lin Sheng flipped through the pages of his notes quickly, his originally calm expression gradually became dignified.

He really didn't come in vain.

This notebook gave him a lot of clues, especially about Anseria.

Follow the notes in this notebook.

This is indeed an infinite city, but it is not a complete infinite city.

Infinite City, as its name suggests, is a city with infinite number of cities.

It sinks and floats in the gap, infinitely replicating its own individuality, every ten years, it will replicate itself again.

The copied infinite city will be weaker than the original infinite city.

So there are specific divisions in the notes.

Divide the layers of Infinite City.

According to the notes, the place where he is located is the 755th floor of Infinite City.

If you want to enter the deeper infinite city, you need to completely destroy the flame towers and find the hidden connecting cracks.

"...If you can find the original main city, if you can defeat the guardian of the flame tower in the main city, then the successful individual will become the supreme god!"

The last paragraph recorded in the notebook moved Lin Sheng's heart slightly.

He thought of what Anseria said, that the infinite city hides the hope of redemption.

"Could it be this?"

He is very curious about Anseria, who seems to have the same special physique as him, and can mark different worlds for the Kuroshio.

The difference between the two is that he had discovered the mark of the Kuroshio earlier, and sealed it in time to control it.

But at that time, Anseria might not wake up as early as he did. It is not easy to find the Infinite City and traces of God.

Lin Sheng closed his notebook and started wandering around the dark hall of the flame tower.

If there is no accident, the guardian of this flame tower has been killed by the door he accidentally smashed just now.

Soon, Lin Sheng found another clue.

On the body of the crushed two-headed lizard man, he found a small scroll.

Unfolding the scroll, a research and observation report was recorded intermittently on it.

'The appearance of the Black Mist Sea, so far, has not been able to find a specific source. However, according to causal observations, and deduced from the theory of Copper Mountain, the King of Fire Elements, we discovered a series of strange features of the Black Mist Sea. '

‘First of all, the Black Mist Sea is only for intelligent life, and for non-intelligent life, there is only a little erosion and pollution. '

'Secondly, there is almost no way to isolate the erosion of the Black Mist Sea. Only by temporarily using the power of God can the Infinite City be sealed for a short time. '

'The latest research results show that the Black Mist Sea seems to be related to the Primordial Chaos Sea. It's a bit troublesome.'

'It seems that it is really the primordial chaotic sea. Why does this kind of natural disaster breed? This is completely unreasonable. '

The content of the subsequent scrolls was completely blurred, as if it was too old to see anything clearly.

But Lin Sheng gained a lot.

"The Primordial Chaos Sea should be related to the Kuroshio Current.

And the mysteries of the infinite city. It seems that Anseria probably came here, and then tried to break through the Infinite City and grasp the power of God. "

Lin Sheng was also quite interested in this.

Can you gain the power of God by defeating the original infinite city?

It looks like a breakout game.

"In addition, there is the world of origin of those two little guys." Lin Sheng was very interested in the seemingly huge technological world.

But judging from the superficial information in Murphy's memory, the other party's world technology ability seems to be very strong. It has reached the point where it can destroy planetary civilization.

With this level of power, even if he exploded with all his strength now, he would not be able to destroy planetary civilization in an instant.

Unless relying on the speed and divinity and rapid destruction, the same effect can be barely achieved.

"Try it first, see how many floors you can rush to the Infinite City, and then go to Murphy's world to see, if you can get enough boundary sources, it will be the best."

Lin Sheng made a decision in his mind instantly.

He looked around and soon found a narrow staircase going up.

"There are floors above?"

Lin Sheng walked over and went up the stairs.

On both sides of the dark narrow passage, the walls are full of faces with unknown meanings.

These people have expressionless faces and open eyes, and they are carved extremely realistically.

After walking up the stair passage for more than 30 meters, Lin Sheng soon found that the passage had come to an end.

At the end, there is a hemispherical closed wall.

Under the wall, there was actually a black iron box more than one meter wide placed quietly.

"It's more and more like playing a game." Lin Sheng felt a strange feeling in his heart, and approached.

He carefully looked at the box in front of him.

The whole box is thick and gloomy, the main body is black wood, the outside is covered with thick black iron, and there is a petal-shaped keyhole in the front.

Streaks of colorful fluorescent lights are continuously reflected from the keyhole.

Lin Sheng squinted his eyes, reached out and pointed at the box.


The box suddenly exploded into a circle of colored light, and the faint colored light spread out like mist, and soon faded and disappeared.

The lid also pops up slowly and automatically.

Inside, lay a black-haired girl in a delicate lace black dress.

As if sensing the movement, the girl trembled, and slowly opened her eyes, a pair of bright red eyes like flames quietly fell on Lin Sheng.

Lin Sheng also looked down at the other party in astonishment, never expecting that there was a person inside.

The eyes of the two immediately met.


When the girl opened her mouth for the first time, Lin Sheng was taken aback for an instant.

".Did you recognize the wrong person?" He didn't want to suddenly have an extra daughter for no reason.

"I have lost my memory. But seeing you, I feel a father-like warmth in my heart, so you must be my father." The girl said calmly what made Lin Sheng's heart shudder.

"What is fatherly warmth?" He didn't think he had such a thing.

And he came to break through the level and fight the boss, not to recognize his daughter. What the hell is going on with this girl now? ?

"What's your name?" Lin Sheng asked softly.

"I can't remember." The girl lowered her head, her eyes showing a trace of confusion and helplessness.

"But I remember here, this is Infinite City." She said in a low voice.

"You still remember Infinite City, so do you know how to get to the upper level of Infinite City?" Lin Sheng asked quickly, his heart moved.

"I don't know. But if Dad hugs me, I might remember it." The girl in the black skirt raised her head expressionlessly.

"." Lin Sheng has faced all kinds of vicious monsters, and he has slaughtered countless non-human races. It also rules hundreds of millions of powerful warriors and extraordinary people.

But this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"Be careful!" Suddenly the girl's eyes widened, and she flew out, blocking the space on Lin Sheng's left.

Boom! !

There was originally nothing there, but at this moment, a slender and sharp silver blade suddenly appeared.

The blade fell on the girl like lightning, and it made a dull sound of chopping on wood.

The girl groaned in pain, her body flew horizontally, hit the passage wall and rolled down, splashing the bright red blood all over the floor.

Lin Sheng snorted coldly, stretched out his hand to grab it, and an invisible force suddenly entered the space where the blade was located.

There was a loud bang.

The entire blade was instantly shattered, disintegrated, and dissipated into countless silver light spots.

After doing all this, Lin Sheng frowned and looked at the unconscious girl on the ground.

He completely ignored the sneak attack just now, because even if the blade fell on him, it couldn't even break through the defense.

But I didn't expect this girl to fly over.

Because he didn't know what the girl meant, he didn't try to stop him, but he didn't expect that the girl didn't want to attack him at all, but jumped at his side to help him block the knife.

Looking at the black-haired girl who had passed out and was bleeding profusely, Lin Sheng was silent for a while, and the holy light immediately poured down.

But the strange thing is that the holy light, which has always been invincible, has completely lost its effect on the girl.

The bloody mouth on the girl's waist was still bleeding, showing no sign of healing.

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