Nightmare’s Call

657 Assassination 3

The girl was about to use her powerful charm and tried to pull another boy to help, but she didn't expect to hear such a word.

"Hey, why are you like this? We are in the same class, classmates! Students should help each other, right?"

She immediately chirped.

Zhao Hongjing was too lazy to listen. He packed his books, stuffed them into his book bag, and walked out of the classroom slowly. Leave the chattering behind you.

"Forget it, let's go home and sleep. The monster arranged by the teacher is too perverted. I feel that if I die a few times, something will happen to me."

"No, maybe something is wrong with me." Recalling that when I saw a beautiful girl just now, my heart didn't fluctuate, and I even wanted to laugh a little.

Zhao Hongjing felt a kind of deep malice pouring out from the depths of his heart.

The moment he saw the other party, what he thought at that time was where would be the best place to cut the knife.

"It's over. I feel like I'm not normal"

Zhao Hongjing suddenly felt a little depressed.

"But maybe this type is not the type I like?" He suddenly thought of this possibility.

Walking out of the teaching building, he looked up at the sky.

It was cloudless and there was a jet trailing a long white line on the horizon.

Watching the plane go away slowly until it disappears into the sky.

His mood gradually calmed down.

"Another peaceful day"

He sighed and walked towards his dormitory.

Inside the dilapidated unfinished building.

Two figures were running fast, dodging in and out of partitions and room entrances.

Silent bullets continued to hit the wooden boards and walls, making a small popping sound.

Zhu Xingchu took a slight breath, leaning his back against the dirty wall, and quickly clicked the miniature pistol in his hand to replace it with a new magazine.

Sweat trickled down the sides of her cheeks.

Across the wall, in another room less than ten meters away from her. Also hiding a ranked killer who just arrived here.

The fight between ranking and ranking is often cruel that ordinary people can't imagine.

All ranking killers below the top ten, as long as the gap is lower than ten, the difference in strength is not big.

In a real confrontation, what determines the outcome is actually the state.

Mental state, physical state. And the environment, the timing.

like now.

Zhu Xingchu had just strangled a small organization that wanted to fish in troubled waters, but was blocked by another ranked killer.

Among the lists published by the World Assassins Alliance, the assassination blacklist is the most credible part.

And this list only included fifty people in total.

These fifty people represent the fifty strongest people in the world in the field of assassination.

Zhu Xingchu ranked in the 30s last year, but she forgot the exact number, the list is changing at any time.

At her peak she reached thirty-one.

After all, as a career as an assassin, one can be brilliant quickly and die even faster.

So the list is updated very quickly.

In fact, Zhu Xingchu did not expect things to develop to this point.

Originally, she had already designed a plan for Zhao Hongjing, which could divert his sight and gaze to other people.

But I didn't expect that the plan was not as fast as the change.

It didn't take long before such a powerful opponent came.

"Why bother? No matter how strong you are, how long can you protect him?

Ten days? Twenty days? or a month? "

A man's frivolous voice came from the opposite side.

The voice flickered from left to right, and it was impossible to figure out where it was.

"Actually, we don't need to work hard here at all. It won't be long before the top ten top players will arrive here." The man continued to speak loudly on the opposite side.

"Have you heard of the Jade Crystal? Last year she ranked sixth, and this year she rose one place to rank fifth. I have received accurate information that she has already boarded the plane rushing here."

"Bicui crystal...!" Zhu Xingchu's heart shuddered.

There is no doubt that she has been a very confident person since she was a child. Even many times it has reached the level of conceit.

But even she is very aware of the gap between herself and the top ten.

That gap is so different.

If it is said that she is ranked below 30, she is known for her precise marksmanship, powerful concealment ability and close combat ability.

Then the top ten killers are basically terrifying existences that have reached the limit of the human body.

The most important items for a killer are marksmanship, stealth, close combat, and intelligence.

At least two of the top ten killers are at the perfect level.

This meant that if they fought face to face, Zhu Xingchu would be killed on the spot if he couldn't even draw his gun.

This is a crushing gap.

" have no choice but to give up." The man gave a soft, disgusting laugh.

Zhu Xingchu didn't move, just quietly waiting for the opportunity.

Unfortunately, with the passage of time, a brand new and greater mental pressure gradually surged into her heart.

It seems that apart from her and the male killer, there are new troubles eyeing her.

She lightly pressed the headphone switch next to her ear.

There was a slight rustling sound from the earphones, and soon a deep male voice came out.

"Hold on, we'll be there soon."

"No hurry, I can handle this alone" Boom! !

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed beside Zhu Xingchu.

Hei Ying raised his knees, raised his legs, and with a sweeping sweep, he kicked Zhu Xingchu's waist and abdomen hard and swiftly.

She only had time to protect her body with her hands before she was kicked heavily by Sweeping Legs and knocked to the ground.

After turning sideways on the ground for more than ten times, Zhu Xingchu raised his hand and fired a gun. He shot out instinctively, then spit out blood, got up, jumped up from the broken window, and jumped out.

"Chasing!" The black figure behind him and the man in black rushed to the window at the same time, raising his hand and throwing out a string of silver throwing knives.

Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi Chi, the flying knife was nailed to the ground full of sand and mud, and Zhu Xingchu was completely gone.

"When I got hit, I kicked with all my strength, she couldn't run very far! Chase!"

The sound faded away quickly.

Under an abandoned car not far away, Zhu Xingchu suppressed his beating heart and breathing. Pull the headphone switch tightly.

It's just that what came from the earphones was not the low-pitched male voice just now, but a series of subtle gunshots as well.

Zhu Xingchu's heart sank slightly.

They are only a small part of Shen Xuehua's power, but they are indeed facing more and more top killers from all walks of life who are becoming stronger and stronger.

By now, this group of them already felt somewhat powerless.


Suddenly, Zhu Xingchu's heart skipped a beat.

"My uncle and I are both stuck, if someone goes to Hong Jing directly at this time."

Her pupils shrank. Instantly think of a series of recent encounters.

"My uncle and I encountered the enemy at the same time, this is not a coincidence! Someone must have designed it! Not good! Hong Jing is in danger!!!"

She didn't care about hiding anymore, she rolled over, rushed out from under the car, got up and rushed towards the spot where she parked earlier.

"Ah, another peaceful day."

Zhao Hongjing carried the book bag and walked slowly towards the library.

Yawning, he was in a good mood and planned to read a book.

It's rare that the teacher didn't give him special training today, saying that he was going to give him a vacation.

So he changed his mind and planned to take this opportunity to go to the library to have a good rest, sleep and replenish his energy.

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