Nightmare’s Call

Chapter 641: Ignite 2

After continuing to accelerate for a while, Lin Sheng soon slowed down, and then had time to observe his current situation.

Under his feet is a huge blue-black planet.

The surface of the planet is covered with a faint black film.

On the right is a massive star that is burning. That's the giant fireball that provides heat to the planet.

Above his head is an endless black space, and the stars are densely scattered in the space, but these are not places that surprised Lin Sheng.

What really made his gaze dignified was a black figure standing between the stars and planets.

It was a dark monster figure covered in spikes.

Humanoid, with two slender horns extending to the back on the head, and dark red stripes like magma on the torso of the body.

"What is that?" Lin Sheng narrowed his eyes unconsciously.

As if sensing his gaze, the black figure moved slowly and raised its head.

Countless black air diffused from his body.

The black figure is like a flower bud stretched open, with a pair of arms slowly spreading out from the middle of his torso.


He opened his eyes, a pair of silver eyes that seemed to be surrounded by stars, staring at Lin Sheng quietly.

The huge and terrifying pressure crushed Lin Sheng like a real storm.

hum! !

A huge dark red circle suddenly appeared behind Lin Sheng, and endless white light oscillated around him.

Countless gray and black sand grains and beads on the cloak shone with colorless light.

Raising his head, he also met the other's eyes without flinching.

"See? The fate of this star."

A burst of obscure syllables entered Lin Sheng's mind.

"I see." Lin Sheng sneered. "So what. I don't admit it."

"Fate. Irreversible." The humanoid monster said flatly. .


Lin Sheng's eyes became colder and colder.

"There is nothing irreversible!! I am the Holy Emperor! I am the one who can save everything!"

The monster figure fell silent, he had seen too many such eyes. But the owners of those eyes were all destroyed in the end, and even their souls were forever sunk into the reincarnation of the Kuroshio.

He is a family of observers of fate and time, and now he is about to be completely alienated by the Kuroshio. Unexpectedly, on the surface of this remote star, such a powerful existence of will can be seen.

"Go away, your time is running out."

The monster figure slowly closed its eyes again, and the Kuroshio breath on its body became stronger again.

Lin Sheng also noticed this, and was about to make a move, but now he held back again.

A person who is about to be devoured and alienated by the black tide, no matter what his origin or strength is, now will become a thing of the past.

If the other party hadn't given him a heavy pressure first, he would not havetily eliminated him as an enemy.

Seeing that the opponent didn't plan to fight, but closed his eyes instead, Lin Sheng didn't bother to talk nonsense with the opponent.

The desperation and lifelessness in that guy's body can be clearly felt even when he is so far away.

What is there to care about with a dying person.


At this moment, the monster figure slowly faded out of thin air and disappeared in its original position.

Lin Sheng's eyes flickered, and he quickly thought about the other party's origin and purpose.

There are too few clues, except for some baseless guesses, there is no point of deduction at all.

"Forget it, let's absorb the source first!"

It was with great difficulty that he obtained the boundary source from the angel world. For this group of boundary source, he even deliberately introduced the Kuroshio into the opponent's world.

Fortunately, it finally succeeded.

Lin Sheng grabbed it lightly, and took out the boundary source stored in it from the folded protective protection of Yin Zhuan Evil Wheel.

This thing was sealed with his patron saint nature. The current state is a blue bead the size of a fist.

Holding Jieyuan, Lin Sheng bit into it like an apple.


"It tastes good. It's sweet." The texture is also very crunchy.

In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Lin Sheng swallowed Jie Yuan whole in a few mouthfuls.

He burped after eating.

There seem to be far fewer Kuroshio monsters in space.

Lin Sheng simply closed his eyes and absorbed it here.

This time, the boundary source was like a hot fireball, staying in Lin Sheng's stomach, continuously releasing a wonderful colorless power, which penetrated into his divine soul, and then was absorbed and swallowed by the blue lines on the soul .

Those blue lines are the external manifestation of Lin Sheng's speed and divinity.

With the previous example of absorbing Jieyuan last time, this time Lin Sheng absorbed it more easily. Soon it was completely integrated into his soul.

After completely absorbing the source of the world, Lin Sheng clearly felt that his speed and divinity became more and more perfect. All the previously broken positions began to connect into one piece, forming a complete blue pattern.

After perfecting the speed and divinity, this time Jieyuan even spared no effort to nourish the red guardian divinity, making its color more vivid and bright.

"It seems that the divine nature of speed and divinity has been completely fulfilled." Lin Sheng quickly recalled the next step of igniting the divine fire to become a demigod.

"If the divine soul wants to become a demigod, it must ignite the divine fire, and use the huge and pure power of the divine fire to further evolve and qualitatively change its own life level.

But once the divine fire is ignited, the required consumption is not as small as it is now. That is a powerful soul flame that requires a lot of wish power to maintain. "

The so-called stronger the power, the greater the consumption. Once the divine fire is ignited, the willingness to consume will also be many times that of before.

This is the common sense that Lin Sheng got from Nurgna's inheritance memory.

"Moreover, once a pure orthodox demigod loses his faith and loses his fuel, he will fall back to the level of a divine creature, and his strength will completely change with the changes of his believers. It's too unstable."

Lin Sheng wanted power, but what he wanted was not this kind of power controlled by others.

He pondered.

Soon, a new method appeared in his mind.

"Essentially speaking, gods are actually the highest manifestation of the collective will of life. They represent the power of the group of life. But life will eventually change with the passage of time. It is impossible to believe in one thing forever."

Lin Sheng thought about it.

"If you want permanent power, you must first find something that is eternal."

He suddenly recalled the Tongshen Pillar.

Essentially, if the source of will power can be replaced with other sources

His gaze unconsciously fell on the cloak behind him.

To be exact, it is the countless inlaid fine sand and beads on the cloak.

"If it is the object of protection, it is the source of the will, or it is a large amount of nature in the pure world, as the source of the wish."

A decision was made in his eyes.

The part of the soul that belongs to the speed and divinity suddenly burst into flames.

Rainbow-colored flames covered and burned Lin Sheng's soul. At the same time, it is also removing the fine impurities in his soul.

Ignition is just a very simple step, just control the divine soul power, separate two parts and rub and collide at high speed.

What Lin Sheng didn't expect was that the pain of igniting the fire would be so intense.

He was floating in space, and gradually, his whole body began to glow with a faint color from the inside out.

The speed and divinity were continuously burned and consumed, and half of the total amount was burned in a blink of an eye.

All the burned divine souls have been completely transformed into a rainbow-colored flourishing flame.

This flame, along with the other half of the soul that guards the divinity, has also been affected.

Soon, the colorful flames will also temper the parts that protect the soul one by one.

I don't know how long it took, after the colorful flames completely tempered the last trace of divine soul.

Lin Sheng slowly woke up.

Vision opened.

The spirit vision at this time should no longer be called spirit vision. It is the eye of God.

After successfully igniting the divine fire, Lin Sheng's soul has completely transformed into another level.

Opening the eyes of God, Lin Sheng immediately saw a large number of colored silk threads connected to his body.

These silk threads are connected to him on the one hand, and on the other hand to an unknown place in the void.

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