(the title is a friendly reminder, lest readers scold me...) In fact, the content is nothing, the writing is quite brief, that is, I was often scolded before, so this time I have a long memory... I originally thought that this book was very suitable for cooking)

in fact, just by looking at the skill introduction, Ling Yichuan knew that the 2 skills of the rotting angel are the best, and the two attack skills of 1 skill and 3 skills are far less incomprehensible and disgusting than the 2 skills.

but this is also relative.

as a hunter whose operational complexity is overall a notch higher, the 1 skill of the rotten angel is not too pulled.

idx="4"> [Name: Corruption Whip] [Type: Skill (Character Exclusive)]

[Level: C-level]


The rotten fallen angel manipulates his hair (tentacles) to attack, and can choose to attack in a directed attack or an omnidirectional undifferentiated attack.

when attacking, the body is in a 'hard and straight state' and cannot move; each tentacle will automatically recognize the moving target and cannot be controlled. <

P idx="9">【Characteristic 'skin open flesh bloom': Each tentacle suction cup will secrete a high concentration of bacterial mucus that can cause the skin and flesh to rot, causing the wound to continue to deteriorate. 】


p idx="10"> [Duration: 5 seconds] [Consumption: 8% of energy value]

[Cooldown: 150 seconds]


She is a real shake S, are you a real shake M? <

p idx="14"> Ling Yichuan's vision suddenly floated into the air, overlooking his head, and he could see many options for attack directions.

left and right... Where the gaze goes, there will be a rectangular area, or a fan-shaped area will light up.

which represents the attack range of [Corruption Whip], the rectangular one is concentrated, the range is small, and the damage will definitely increase appropriately; The fan-shaped area is more scattered and the range is large, and the damage will be relatively reduced.

which is reasonable.

finally, you can also choose to be all-round, and the entire circular area around the body will light up.

there is a wide range of choices....

such a simple skill, just choosing the direction of the attack can be dazzling.

think again about the skills of the chainsaw butcher....

but also.

When the level is low, the thinking speed is slow, complex skills are difficult to operate, and once used in battle, I am afraid that it will be in a hurry, where to light up.

Ling Yichuan's thoughts were almost boundless, and he thought a long list of electric flints.

flying sword has finally arrived.

she chooses the sector directly in front of her.

In an instant, the tentacles of the rotting angels, which had secreted a layer of sticky oily luster, suddenly rolled upside down, and they stretched several times out of thin air, and began to crackle and whip over!

the first attack of the flying sword... It's a prick!

a slender wriggling tentacle was pierced, but not cut off.

these tentacles become exceptionally tough in the skill state.

[Imperial Sword Art] began to automatically operate this eight-faced Han sword according to the established law.

it shook slightly, drew its sword, and then slashed it down in the air.

several dancing tentacles greeted it, and the flying sword cut off one, and the other tentacles whipped on the sword body, suddenly making the flying sword tremble, as if it was about to fall at any time.

just like that, the sharp flying sword that constantly changed the angle and posture of the attack, and the pitch-black tentacle that seemed to be disorderly, but in fact accurately whipped it, quickly collided more than a dozen times!

several tentacles were cut off and the flying sword cracked.

Soon, after finally cutting off a few tentacles, the flying sword found a short gap, and the loach bypassed the tentacle dancing defense layer, swam to Ling Yichuan's body through the loophole, and pierced her chest.

it stands to reason that sword weapons controlled by [Imperial Sword Art], as long as they hit, must have a 'knockback' effect.

but this sword entered the chest, and the frost created by the ice attribute filled the chest, but Ling Yichuan did not move, half a step did not retreat, stiff like a piece of wood.

'hard straight state'.

Imperial Sword Art cannot control him because he controls himself.

ice attribute that makes people freeze is naturally meaningless.

this is why Ling Yichuan used [Corruption Whip] to deal with [Imperial Sword Art]... She just wanted to see if the 'hard straight state' was hard enough!

Then, without her making any movement, countless tentacles automatically and quickly returned to defense, knocking the flying sword that had just been automatically withdrawn to the ground.

two automated skills clash, which ends with tentacle winning.

flesh wins steel.

only heard a crisp crack, the eight-faced Han sword fell heavily to the ground, the crack on the sword body was deeper, and it was about to be completely broken.

Shi Youcheng interrupted his skill, withdrew this rare quality sword with a sword, grabbed it in his hand with great distress, and examined it a few times.

It's okay, it's not completely scrapped yet!

Shi Youcheng was very happy, and at the same time, he cast his hopeful eyes on Qiu Qifei, who was sprinting ahead.

taking advantage of his delay, Qiu Qifei's mechanical exoskeleton was fully powered up, supporting him to quickly run to the console of the cultivation warehouse!

Is time?

two humans, one ghost, on the field, came up with this idea at the same time.

tentacles returned to normal, and Ling Yichuan, who had gathered back, began to run towards him, Shi Youcheng gritted his teeth, regardless of the risk that the equipment might be completely damaged, and shot the sword out again to block!

Ling Yichuan raised the ghost axe and blocked it, this time he was out of hard straight, sparks sputtered, gold and iron symphonics, the 'repulsion effect' worked, he took two steps back.

Shi Youcheng immediately disarmed his skill and held the sword in his hand again.

Qiu Qifei finally arrived in place, at this time he had no time to care, and was about to concentrate on the console operation... Only to see a line of bright red characters flashing on the screen.

[injection completed!] ]

he pressed it in a hurry, and the screen kept popping up:

[command cannot run!] ]

[command failed to run!] ]

[Instruction could not run!] ]

layer by layer, and finally the machine is stuck, no matter how it happens!

It is clear that the execution has been completed, it is too late ... Qiu Qifei glanced up at the cultivation cang in despair.

Fei Changcai has lost his human form.

he looks like a skinned seal at this time... The blood-red body was stretched out and rounded.

bulge as if it was about to explode.

three asymmetrical bat wings were born behind him, one large and one small, which were trembling and spreading.

seems to be pulled by these three wings, Fei Changcai's swollen body, still leaning back, spasming while exerting force, his eyes bulging violently, and his mouth opening up to the sky, showing a 'horn arch and anti-opening' posture like an evil spirit.

a sizzling blue arc that flashes in the water, and the mouth is still emitting "Ah... Yes...... Ahhhh

Qiu Qifei was stunned by this look of Fei Changcai, and his SAN value plummeted!

"I'll save you right away!" Save you now! Hold! "

Qiu Qifei couldn't do anything, he rushed to the hospital, saw a red pusher on the console, grabbed it with both hands, and pulled it down hard.

"duh... Duh... Click..." the locked putter made an overwhelmed sound.

Finally, the putter broke.


an arc knocked off the fluffy of Qiuqi, and at the same time, the cultivation warehouse also exploded with a bang, and Fei Changcai, who was deformed into a monster, followed the liquid tetrafluorocarbon, poured down, broke away from the shackles, and was washed to the ground of the laboratory.

like a dead fish washed ashore.

"Five-nine!" Shi Youcheng wanted to run over to save people.

Ling Yichuan does not think that he can still be saved... But he still stepped forward with an axe and blocked his path.

Just now you dragged me, now I drag you, it's fair.

Calling two axes, Shi Youcheng, who was in poor condition, was forced to retreat.

At this time, Qiu Qifei, who was overturned by electricity, supported his numb body with his hands, and slowly stood up, looking behind him with some hesitation and some fear.

monster-like Fei Chang was lying there.

he hesitated and walked there.

but as soon as he took two steps, the skinless "seal" covered in blood twitched, slowly raised his head, and revealed a terrifying face that could cure the child's night cry, and squeezed out the devilish voice of the abyss in his throat:


Qiu Qifei sat on the ground in fright, his eyes widened, panting and panting, unable to say a word.

the execution is actually completed.

the cultivation chamber exploded, and the inmate broke away... This is part of the execution.

scariest part.

In the culture cell, the inmate receives an injection of multigene drugs, and his body gradually deforms into an unspeakable monster - this is the first half of the execution.

and now, the second half of the execution.

the gene collapses.

The two half-melted eyes of the "monster" fell out first, and the black hole eyes stared at their teammates.

he stretched out his hand and slowly crawled towards Qiu Qifei.

"save... Save me..."

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