
"Phew! Call! Call! "

In the fast running, Shi Youcheng, who is dressed in a moon shadow white warrior suit, runs with full attention, his eyes are round, and his breathing is fast and not chaotic!

Level 11 Taoist player, the speed when running at full strength can be called a gallop!

At at this pace, Shi Youcheng must concentrate quite much to ensure that he does not hit the wall when turning.

behind him, came the seeping laughter of the rotting angel.


" Shi Youcheng's scalp is numb.


laughing fart! Is there something wrong with him?!

players who like to immerse themselves in hunters, he has not seen it, but just now looking at the posture and state of the rotten angel running over, I feel that the other party is a little too deep....

Soon, Shi Youcheng, who was running at full speed, finally opened some distance.

he touched the headset, "I'm the captain, the ghost is chasing me, you guys report the location!" "

everyone has a tacit understanding, no one is verbose.

"I am a medical examiner, and I and Five-Nine are in the intelligence department office on the outskirts of Area B."

"I am a night whip!" Call...... Call...... I'm still outside Zone A, but I'll be in Zone C soon! "

"Captain, do you need help?" 'Riot soldiers' Fei Changcai asked.

which is what he is positioned in the team, responsible for covering teammates, saving teammates, and controlling hunters at critical moments - hence this question.

Shi Youcheng kept pace, galloped, in order not to speak, he took a deep breath, and then quickly said:

"19"> "'female ghost' is not moving fast, I can get rid of her!"

take another breath!

"You guys don't have to worry about me, don't waste time, after searching all areas of L1, go directly to L2!"

keep inhaling! Leng Ao smiled:

"This ghost is a bit of a middle two, Lao Tzu accompanies him to play!"

everyone was not worried about Shi Youcheng's strength, and responded one after another:

"25" > "received."



the one who disrupted the formation was 'Forensic' Lin Jiajun.

this product is among the four, second only to Shi Youcheng in age, but the man is a teenager until death, and his rebellious period comes later than others... Always want to look different.

Shi Youcheng thought, go back and straighten out discipline.

everyone's communication in the game should be more military and professional!

behind him, the movement from the rotten angel was no longer heard, and it was estimated that it had been thrown off, but Shi Youcheng was not careless, he opened the electronic map and took a look, turned to D area and ran!

this is team consciousness, if the ghost is still following him, then he cannot lead in the direction of his teammates, so as not to affect their overall escape efficiency!

soon he came to Zone D and ran from the inner circle to the outer circle, approaching the edge of the base.

the road was quite smooth, Shi Youcheng did not encounter the 'xenomorph flower' lurking in the shadows, but he ran too fast and always tensed his spirit, so he did not pay attention to the abnormal status bar at all.

does not know that he has left his invisible 'footprints'.

Shi Youcheng ran into the staff cafeteria, and through the dark red light, you can see that it is very clean, indicating that there was no one here when the accident occurred.

From the map, there is also an open kitchen behind the canteen, next to a cold storage room.

past experience tells Shi Youcheng that some props can usually be picked up in such small rooms on the edge of the map.

he thought about it and decided to go over and take a look.

search and hide by the way.

he doesn't understand the skills of rotting angels, and he doesn't know if he has completely thrown off the other party.

the white cold storage door was ajar, Shi Youcheng walked to the door, listened for a moment, confirmed that there was no strange sound in it, and then flashed into it.

his body was slightly cold, and Shi Youcheng looked intently at the furnishings inside.

The refrigerator was large and did not have the lights on, and through the faint red light in the cafeteria, he could see that it was clean, with only a few fenced exhaust outlets on the ceiling, and a row of cold storage fans with huge fan blades.

beyond that, there are only four rows of storage shelves left... It was empty, there was nothing.

Shi Youcheng was slightly disappointed, but he did not leave immediately, but gently pushed the door shut, extinguishing the last glimmer of light from the outside.

in the refrigerator, suddenly fell into complete darkness.

Shi Youcheng leaned against the door and let out a long breath... He was going to take a break a little.

this meal consumes a lot of stamina.

Flipping uses skills, and the energy value is also depleted a lot, and rest can speed up recovery.

but before he had time to catch his breath, Shi Youcheng inexplicably had a feeling of anxiety.


P IDX="53"> [SAN value -1%] [SAN value -2%]

[SAN value -3%]

his SAN value begins to fall, silently.

Shi Youcheng has not noticed.

because the fall is very slow, he just feels uncomfortable, his heart is faintly uncomfortable, and the slight fear and uneasiness are actually difficult to distinguish, much like heart palpitations after strenuous exercise.

then Shi Youcheng's body began to feel cold.

this cold feeling is psychological cold, not physical discomfort.

but he couldn't tell the difference, only thinking that the temperature in the refrigerator was too low.

Let's get out....

Shi Youcheng rubbed his hands and arms, shaking his body and leaving....

suddenly! He heard a "Snap!" behind him. "A bang!


Shi Youcheng suddenly turned around, his muscles were tense, and his eyes were as wide as copper bells!

but there is no light source in the refrigerator, and he can't see anything.

the bold Taoist player hesitated slightly, and instead of being frightened by the abnormal noise, he took out his lighting props.


P IDX="69"> [Name: Cold Fire Grease] [Type: Lighting Props (General)]


Taken from the fat of a deep-sea beast, it can produce a cobalt blue flame after friction, no temperature and no smoke, suitable for lighting in dark places. <

p idx="72"> [Note: Friction friction, friction on this smooth ground! ] Friction! <

p idx="73"> he took out a sponge-like object and gently rubbed the blue grease on the body and tip of the sword.

then swing the sword, gently rub it on the ground, and a beautiful cobalt-blue flame ignites on the sword.

temporary cold light torch illuminates the entire cold room.

Shi Youcheng's eyes were sharp, and he looked around through the glimmer.

in fact, this thing is not very useful, in terms of lighting effects, it is not as good as the ordinary flashlight that can be picked up everywhere in the replica map.

but Shi Youcheng is vain, no way.

this thing is too handsome, too compatible with the character with a sword, he can't refuse it at all.

but Rao is the lighting effect chicken ribs, such a small space is indeed enough, Shi Youcheng immediately discovered the source of the sound.

a square exhaust port fence that fell on the shelf.

his heart moved slightly.

there's something on it!

Shi Youcheng trusts his judgment, he thinks that the sound is probably from some xenomorph flower, or some other replica monster... And in such a hidden place, if there are monsters hidden, it must be some kind of "treasure guard"!

maybe there is a high-quality equipment hidden on it!

he slowly leaned over, only to feel that his heartbeat was becoming more and more violent, and his breathing was getting heavier.

overcoming the inexplicable fear and nervousness in his heart, Shi Youcheng held up the "torch" and looked up directly above the fence falling.

I saw a miserable white grimace that was smiling silently at him.

this face is stuffed with a small exhaust port, as if suspended in nothingness, a faint cold light, can really scare people to heart infarction!


Shi Youcheng instinctively looked away, and the hand holding the sword shook violently, but after a short startle, he immediately reacted!

that is... The face of a rotten angel?


suddenly, along with his heart twitching with fright, countless question marks emerged from his chubby head.

The reason why Shi Youcheng was suddenly scared like this by the rotten angel was because he didn't think that the ghost who was thrown off by himself would find himself so quickly.

even more unexpectedly, she will appear in a dead end in the refrigerator!

and... Why was she lying there motionless? Why not attack me? Don't sneak up on me?!

what is she doing?!

lying groove, the more you think about it, the more abnormal it is, the more weird it is, the more you think about it, the more you are afraid, and the more you think about it, it is extremely scary!

Shi Youcheng has not realized that he has long stood in the scope of the 'aura of fear'.

his rather good mental resistance is being corrupted by the insidious old six skills;

his sanity is being gently and silently stripped away by Ling Yichuan.

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