Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 718 Deterioration!

Inno City.

It is the largest city in this area. It is close to the Withered Wasteland, a resource point valued by necromancers. Therefore, two powerful necromancers are stationed in the city all year round, and a towering mage tower has been built to overlook the entire city.

The entire city has a permanent population of more than 50,000, and it can be considered a large city. It is surrounded by cultivated farmland, and there are many villages and towns dotted nearby, which are under the direct jurisdiction of Inno City.

Since the necromancers have an absolute advantage in this world, a unified and powerful country has not emerged. There are even very few larger countries. They are more divided into independent cities, and then support and protect the city. Necromancers.

In this world, there are some powerful beasts in the wild, some with extraordinary power, such as the flying dragon Lu En once saw, and some are naturally awakened undead. Due to their instinctive hatred of life, these undead will kill everyone in sight. The life that has arrived is also the main enemy of mankind.

Humans living in this world need to serve the Necromancer from birth to death, and even the proportion will be greater after death. Some powerful humans will be awakened to become the servants of the Necromancer, turning into skeleton warriors and dying. Knights, banshees, etc. exist.

The dead bodies of ordinary people without potential will not be wasted. They will become nourishment for new servants, using their flesh and blood, their bones, and even their spirits to support the necromancer.

Therefore, there is no burial or cremation in this world. All deaths belong to the necromancers. They have also completely controlled everything in this world from birth to death.

Today, several oxcarts covered by straw curtains slowly drove up outside Yinuo City and gradually approached the city gate.

"Stop, what are you doing?"

The two guards guarding the city gate's eyes lit up and they stopped the convoy directly.

"Sir, these are our town's share of this year's payment!"

A businessman with a pale face jumped out of the car and spoke hurriedly. At the same time, he wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, and gently placed something in the guard's hand with his other hand.

"Well, not bad, not bad!"

The guard showed a satisfied smile on his face, then casually opened the straw curtain. There was a row of blue-faced corpses in the car, with blood still remaining on them. He nodded repeatedly and let them go immediately.

"Remember to go to the other side and send it immediately to the place specified by the adults!"

Seeing this car of horrific corpses, neither pedestrians nor guards were surprised. Instead, they behaved as if they were commonplace. Because in this world, in addition to paying taxes, every town and village also needs to turn in a certain number of corpses every year. This is The only real thing is the payment of taxes and the inevitability of death.

As for the source of the corpses, the necromancers don't care. They rule these humans not to make them live a better life, but to get more and more powerful servants for themselves. In their eyes, humans are just renewable resources.

Several oxcarts drove through the city gate safely without attracting any attention. However, as they advanced, the oxcarts did not follow the prescribed path and instead blended into the busy streets on the other side.


Suddenly, the businessman in front lifted up all the straw curtains on the car, which immediately attracted the attention of some pedestrians.

"You're going the wrong way, you should be on that side!"

Someone kindly reminded him, but what he got was a nervous smile from the businessman, his face was pale, and the cold sweat on his forehead couldn't stop at all.

"No, this is it!"

The businessman suddenly turned over and got directly under the car. Before the onlookers could react, they found the body lying on the car. They opened their eyes one after another, and their hands and feet began to twitch!


Before the passerby who reminded him could react, there was a hoarse roar in his ears, and then a corpse flew out, grabbing his shoulders tightly with both hands, and then opened his big mouth, revealing four extremely sharp claws. Canine teeth, bite it off in one bite!


Half of the passerby's neck was torn off, and even the white cartilage was exposed. However, the next moment it was soaked in a huge amount of blood, which gushes out like a fountain.


After biting off half of the passerby's throat, the corpse did not stop. Instead, it kept chewing in its mouth. At the same time, it let go of its twitching body and rushed towards another woman who was stunned!

At the same time, more than twenty corpses on several bullock carts ran rampant at the same time. They were like crazy beasts, hunting the people around them with their teeth and claws. They were extremely fast and flexible, and soon set off a stir. There was a wave of fear and screaming!

The businessman held his head in his hands and hid under the car shivering. He chose a good location, which happened to be the most crowded place on the street. But now it was covered in blood and death. One injured body fell down on the ground. He kept wailing, as if he had come to a living killing field.

"Help, help!"


"Get out of my way, you damn pariahs!"

"Mom, where are you?"

Scream, exclaim, roar, cry.

Each infected corpse became an active source of infection, causing a bloody storm among the crowd. However, they were not obsessed with killing. Instead, they used their fangs and claws to quickly create injured people one by one. The fear of the crowd was sublimated almost instantly, completely out of control!

Even the city guards who came after hearing the news were dispersed by the chaotic crowd and could not maintain order at all. They could only form a group and move forward slowly.


Suddenly, an infected body rushed over from the sloping ground, but the guards were not vegetarians. They only suffered minor injuries to two people before they cut off the head of the infected body and kicked it away like a ball. .

"Help me, help me!"

Seeing the guards coming, injured people wailed and prayed from time to time. Most of them were ignored by the guards. However, when they saw a fat man in rich clothes wailing on the street, even the guard captain could not choose to ignore it. .

"Master Tax Collector, I'm here to save you!"

The guard captain's eyes lit up, and he had completely given up on trying to quell the chaos. Now it was as if he had seen the great savior. He quickly rushed over with his people, helped the fat tax collector up, and expressed his concern.

"My legs were bitten by those monsters. It will definitely benefit you if you send me out!"

The tax officer's lips were trembling. Looking at the chaotic crowd, he couldn't help but hold the guard captain's arm tightly: "You are the captain of the patrol, right? I know your commander. As long as you protect me safely, I will..."

The captain of the guard was just thinking that there was a bright future in the village, when he suddenly heard the tax officer's voice was silent. He couldn't help but turned his head curiously, but what came face to face was a big twisted mouth!


The captain of the guard felt a sharp pain on his face, and half of his face was torn off alive. He let out an earth-shattering scream and stumbled backwards. Suddenly, his calf was grabbed by a slender white hand!


A lady lying on the ground with blood all over her face howled like a beast, and then bit the guard captain's leg, tearing wildly, and blood gushed out and spattered onto her face. Both eyes seemed to be completely dyed red.


The captain of the guard could no longer stand still and fell to the ground in embarrassment, only to find that the people around him who had been wailing and twitching had stopped screaming and stood up unsteadily, with horror flashing in their eyes. Human red light.

It's over, the whole city is over!

The captain of the guard felt as if his body had arrived on the ice field of winter. A strong chill emerged from the bottom of his heart. The next moment, his vision went dark. The fat tax official was pressed against him, and his teeth fell on his throat.

Half a minute later, along with the swaying crowd, the tattered guard captain stood up quietly, tilting his head and limping with a broken leg, spreading the infection to every corner of the city.

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