Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 697 Slaughter and beheading!

"I choose mission 2, kill the monster!"

With the sound of metal clattering, Bacon finally breathed a sigh of relief. With a flick of his hand, a left arm completely covered by armor was already lying in front of him, exuding an unparalleled sense of power.

Among the four tasks, the first one was too troublesome, and the last two were obviously beyond his ability to intervene, so Bacon decisively chose the second task to kill the monsters that rushed out from the alien space!

In addition to its astonishing defensive power, the Guardian Armor itself will produce a powerful increase in the operator's power. Therefore, the young man felt a strong sense of power in his body, and his confidence suddenly increased, and he ran towards the place where the turbulent screams appeared.

When he lacked strength before, he could only drift with the crowd, but now that he can use the power of the armor, he decided to feel proud!

He did not seek Lu En's opinion from the bottom of his heart. On the one hand, he had been training his ability to be independent during this period of time. On the other hand, the young man also knew that Lu En would naturally give him guidance when the critical moment came.

But before that, he couldn't bother Lu En with everything and let him make decisions for himself.


Soon Bacon heard the screams not far away, and he quickened his pace with a look on his face. After stepping over two cars blocked in the middle of the road, he saw a dozen people running towards the other side of the street, all of them He was screaming desperately, with a bloody shadow following behind him!

Taking a closer look, the blood shadow turned out to be a two-meter-long two-headed lizard with razor-like claws and a mouth full of fangs x 2. It came and went like the wind, slaughtering the humans in front of it wantonly.

Or to be more precise, it looks like he is being tortured!

The eyes of this two-headed lizard flashed with cruel light. The behavior of killing humans was not for food, but pure killing. Every time it attacked, it would knock down the last human in the team, and either use its claws to take out the internal organs, or use The fangs snapped the neck, then ignored.

It looked like he was playing a game with this group of people, but the price was bloody lives!

The two-headed lizard seems to abide by the rules of the game, always attacking the last person in the team, and after each attack, it will stop for five or six seconds to give others a chance to escape, and then it will chase after him with its tail swung. Knock down the next unfortunate guy.

Just as Bacon approached, two people had already lost their lives, and this time running at the back of the crowd was a barefoot woman with disheveled hair.

Judging from her body shape and clothing, she should be a well-off and wealthy person. Perhaps she was originally wearing high heels that highlighted her figure, but now wealth cannot save her, so when she saw that she was the last one, she suddenly felt desperate!

"Help me, please help me!"

The woman let out a cry like a cuckoo crying blood, but the person in front not only did not stop when she heard it, but moved faster, wishing she could grow two more legs, her face full of joy.

In this case, they don't need to run faster than the monster, they just need to run faster than their companions.


The white-collar man who was running at the front watched Bacon pass him by against the current, but he didn't stop at all. The same was true for the others, especially the last person, who actually showed a bit of joy on his face.

Perhaps in this person's view, Bacon's surrender can buy them more time again.


At this time, the two-headed lizard had already bitten the throat of its previous prey. Thick blood dripped from the corners of its mouth. With a kick of its four claws, it pounced towards the woman who was running wildly!

Two ferocious heads were opened, one on the left and one on the right, showing cruelty. They instantly jumped into the air, and their jumping ability was extremely amazing!

"Get down!"

Bacon was still nearly ten meters away from the woman at this time. Seeing that the two-headed lizard was about to pounce on her, he only had time to yell, but he was just doing his best to obey fate.

The woman raised her head in an instant, just in time to see Bacon running towards him, and her heart suddenly burst into surprise. When she heard the roar in her ears, she didn't even think about it, she just rolled her head to the ground!


The two-headed lizard roared from its throat, jumped over the gourd-like woman, and met the oncoming bacon, its eyes immediately revealed a fierce look!

"Go to hell!"

But it never imagined that the young man in front of it was not an ordinary person who was allowed to be slaughtered by it. After a roar, an iron fist covered with blood streaks violently blasted out, directly hitting the fangs of one of its heads, and then The sharp teeth actually broke off, and with huge force, they smashed directly into its brain!


Like a devastating blow, the head of the two-headed lizard exploded like a watermelon. It flew out with a roar and rolled several times in a row before bursting out with a shrill howl!

The eyes of the only remaining head were full of fear. He turned around and wanted to run away, but was kicked directly in the abdomen, and then his neck was grabbed. With a click, the flesh, flesh and spine separated, and a large amount of blood spurted out!


Throwing the torn lizard head to the ground, Bacon was able to relieve some of the anger in his heart. After all, as a human being, watching these monsters slaughter other people wantonly, it was good that he could still maintain his sanity.

"These damn monsters!"

He gritted his teeth and looked at the corpses and blood all over the place. He felt the painful pain of a dead rabbit and a fox, and the murderous intention in his heart became even more intense.


At this moment, a cry of pain suddenly came from behind. When I turned around, I found that the disheveled woman had stood up. Her face and hands were covered with bloodstains. It looked like she had just fallen hard, but compared to saving her life, this was The price is extremely small.

"Thank you for saving me, I called"

Although the woman was trembling all over, she still spoke coherently. Just as she was about to say something, the boy pointed in one direction: "Go over there, there is a safe place, I wish you good luck!"

After saying that, he turned around and left, ignoring the thanks from the people behind him. Although he didn't know how many monsters rushed out of the alien space, judging from the commotion in the city, it was obvious that there would be many. He didn't have the ability to close the passage, but It was still within his power to kill these monsters.

Running along the street, Bacon specifically found places where there were screams and riots, rescuing hundreds of people along the way, and killing dozens of monsters of various kinds at the same time. His strength was not too strong, but for ordinary people, Said, the lethality is extremely huge.

Unknowingly, Bacon gradually began to approach the whirlpool area. The surviving humans in this area were even rarer. At the same time, the number of monsters was greater and the strength was stronger. Bacon had to fight hard several times. If it weren't for the life-draining If it was strong enough, he might have turned into one of the corpses on the ground.

Of course, all of this is still within the scope of Bacon's ability to deal with it. In a real life-and-death situation, he doesn't mind exposing the complete guardian armor, but this is the last resort. If you can, don't use it, otherwise it will cause a stir. Big wave.

This is not an alien space, but the real world. Just when Bacon raised his head, he noticed more than ten Guardian mecha warriors heading towards the whirlpool. It can be said that the clouds are moving in all directions and the rain is coming!

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