Nightmare Corrosion

Chapter 303: Ascend to heaven and become a god... Do you want to survive?

Chapter 303: Do you want to survive by becoming a god?

Although it sounds similar, there is still a gap between the two.

Because generally speaking, evil spirits will never change their host unless the host dies, and they rarely choose the identity of the next host. Most of them are randomly selected. However, after changing the host, the power will be weakened, which is common point.

Of course, the more important thing is that generally the hosts chosen by evil spirits are humans. It seems to be an instinctive preference. It is rare that like the Eastern Empire, large-scale animals and plants become spirits and become so-called demons.

Compared to humans, the intelligence of these animals or plants is simply not worth mentioning. No wonder the time for cultivation is often measured in hundreds of years.

There is no doubt that the essence of these monsters are evil spirits. Lu En has been dealing with evil spirits for so long, and his fortune depends entirely on them. You can tell it with your eyes closed, but why does this change happen? Still remains to be investigated.

Of course, it is useless to ask these little monsters. They all think that they are really monsters. Lu En feels that he must at least find someone who knows the difference between the two, so that he may know the answer.

I wonder if Lord Tianqi of the Tianjian Bureau knows this because it is also a powerful evil spirit, but it has strangely become a divine beast that protects all living beings.

Instinctively, Lu En did not want to ask the Heavenly Sword Bureau, but chose to conduct the investigation secretly. In fact, it did not matter whether he investigated or not. What is needed to eat spirits is extraordinary power, and it is not just the power of evil spirits. However, Lu En Just want to satisfy my curiosity.

"Then why did you build a temple and pretend to be a mountain god?"

Lu En paused before continuing to ask.

"For the incense."

The white fox's tone suddenly dropped, as if he felt guilty. Before Lu En could ask further questions, he had already used his small paws to pull out a metal ring from his neck. It was a bracelet similar to bronze, with cloud beast thunder patterns engraved on it. But it was used as a collar around his neck.


Lu En recalled that when Lou Yue first met him, he also talked about setting up a temple to offer incense. However, he did not hear any similar words from Venerable Tianqi and couldn't help but bow his head. one look.

In his eyes, wisps of fine gas like clouds and smoke lingered on the bracelet, giving people an inexplicable sense of grandeur, just like the feeling of the Bodhisattva and Immortal God enshrined in the temple.

What kind of incense is this? It's just thoughts emanating from people's unconscious mind, or to put it another way, it can be called the debris of the spirit!

Yes, just like the body, the human spirit will also age and die, and it will also shed debris like skin and hair, but most people cannot see or feel it at all.

The so-called incense seems to be collected in some way by these detritus naturally shed by human beings.

No, maybe it didn’t fall off naturally!

Lu En moved his hand, and the bracelet fell into his palm. He felt it carefully, and his expression changed slightly.

The will contained in these thoughts seems to be surprisingly consistent. Prayer, expectation, blessing, admiration, and reverence can all be considered good aspects for human beings, and they are also what most people do when they pray to gods and worship Buddha. thoughts that arise.

But that's not what Lu En cares about.


The uneasy white fox, who was kneeling at his feet, suddenly pricked up his ears and heard a soft sound, and then some bronze powder floated down from in front of his eyes, and his eyes suddenly widened!

“My incense!!!”

It let out a shrill scream in its heart, and suddenly, big tears could not help but fall down.

The little incense on the bracelet is already the result of decades of pretending to be a mountain god. It is also the key to its breakthrough. If the attached object is broken, it will immediately dissipate in the air.

That's what it picked out with so much hard work!

For a moment, the grievance and anger that surged out of his heart even outweighed the fear of Lu En. He suddenly raised his head and saw Lu En holding a broken bracelet in his hand with an expressionless face.

Of course, the next moment, fear came back to his heart, forcing it to turn into calm.

"That's all, that's all, isn't it just decades of incense? As long as you can survive, you can collect it somewhere else."

Just as it was comforting itself and in a daze, it heard Lu En ask another question, this time it seemed to be a little more emotional.

"Where did you get this bracelet?"

"The little demon got this from a demon king decades ago during the great catastrophe of the world."

Although he was in a low mood, Bai Hu still had to cheer up and answer Lu En's questions without any slack.

"It is said that this was made by a great demon who tried to ascend to heaven and become a god more than fifty years ago. There are a total of one hundred and eight pieces in a set. Each piece has boundless power. He gave it to his subordinates, but in fact they all It’s a lie. This great demon failed to survive the tribulation in the end, and even made wedding clothes for others. But I have had this bracelet for decades, but it has no effect, it is just extremely strong. "

It was just that this extremely strong bracelet was crushed to pieces by Lu En. Thinking of this, it almost continued to cry.

"Ascending to heaven and becoming a god, failed to overcome the tribulation?"

Lu En narrowed his eyes and chewed on these two words, but they were not as good as another piece of information that caught his attention: "You mean, there are one hundred and seven more things like this?"

He stared at the remains in his hand. In fact, the reason why the bracelet was broken was not that Lu En was extremely powerful, but that as soon as the bracelet fell on his hand, a strange energy surged out and was quickly absorbed by his body. After it was finished, it broke apart on its own.

After the influx of this strange energy, it turned into waves of warmth and was quickly absorbed by his body. This feeling could only occur to Lu En after eating food refined by the food spirit!

"This is the first time that my body has been strengthened without eating souls. Although the degree of enhancement is only a small amount,"

But he is now a powerful archbishop! Moreover, he is also an ascendant who specializes in the physical body. Being able to enhance his physical body, even just a little bit, is amazing!

What's more, this is the first time that the food spirit has not reacted to extraordinary power. Does it prove that in the eyes of the food spirit, this is energy that can be absorbed directly without refining?

When the physical furnace was temporarily unavailable and Archbishop-level enemies or artifacts had not yet been found, Lu En felt that his next chance to become physically stronger would lie in these artifacts containing mysterious energy.

One hundred and eight pieces, no matter what, it can help me improve a little level, right?

Lu En let out a breath and looked at the white fox kneeling at his feet with a deep gaze: "Do you know where else these things can be found?"

"The big demon distributed these to his subordinates. After his death, his power immediately fell apart. They all fled in all directions. Some were killed, but some were still alive. They should have it in their hands, in the hands of the famous sects who killed them. There should be some. It is said that this is the method left by the great demon to be resurrected, so some forces are also specifically collecting it."

The white fox lowered his head and whispered.

Lu En's brows suddenly wrinkled. Listening to what White Fox said, it was obvious that this thing was not that unattractive, and it had many and complicated owners. From famous sects to monsters, they all had them. It was not difficult to collect them. Average size.

Even Lu En can't investigate them one by one, so when will they be investigated?

"However, it's not impossible."

Lu En's eyes moved and fell on the white fox, and the corner of his mouth curled up: "Do you want to survive?"

"Want to become stronger?"

The white fox trembled, its ears stood up, and its eyes were bright.


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