Nightmare Card House

Chapter 439 Ceremony

Juvenile detention center.

Closed room.

Until now, Sherek is still a little confused.

He didn't know what happened. When he regained consciousness, his hands were already stained with blood.

Every muscle in his body ached extremely, and everyone looked at him with horrified eyes.

According to what his tutor said, he smashed the head of another boy who was two years older than him with his rice bowl while eating, gouged out his eyes with a spoon and swallowed him in one gulp.

At that time, there were five or six teenagers on the road together and no one could stop him.

He was placed in solitary confinement.

But Sergei couldn't recall what happened during that time, and he didn't have any memory of what the psychological counselor said.

what to do?

Sherek was so panicked that he held his head in his hands and did not dare to continue thinking.

The young man whose eyes he gouged out is a tyrant here. If he offended him, what should he do after he gets out?

"Dad! Mom! What should I do?"

The brighter light shines into the room along the window.

Sherek shivered even more fiercely. He just hugged himself and murmured softly.

At this moment, Sherek seemed to smell something. He sniffed his nose, raised his head and looked out the door.

What a smell, so familiar...


The footsteps coming from the outside world are getting closer and closer.

Is it the smell of blood?

Sherek's originally shining eyes gradually became chaotic.


The door was opened from the outside.

Two followers of the Immortal Dynasty dressed in yellow linen bowed into the room, each carrying a plate with a small bowl of blood on it.

The two men were lying on the ground, praying devoutly, "Finally I found you, young king, you are free."

The young man's dark eyes were gradually swallowed up by chaos.

"Has the blood awakened your memory, young king?"

Hearing the sound, the young man stood up and looked towards the door.

"Are you... Said?" Sherek looked at the door and called out the name with some suspicion, although he didn't know why he knew the other person's name so well.

"It seems that you have remembered something, and the sacrificial ceremony prepared for you has been prepared." Said bowed respectfully, stretched out his hand and said, "Please follow me, and soon, you will get what you want." Everything to know.”

After walking out of the solitary room under the leadership of Said, Sherek's eyes were still full of confusion.

Said had a sneer on his lips.

The moment he saw Sherek, Said was already sure that Sherek was the reincarnation of the Pharaoh he was looking for.

There is no second possibility. Sherek's face is exactly the same as the Pharaoh he saw in the murals!

Go all the way into the basement.

The smell of blood became stronger.

In the room at the end of the basement, a huge magic circle was drawn with blood on the floor.

On both sides stood believers wearing sackcloth.

Said led Sherek to the center of the magic circle.

Stopping, Sherek looked at Said doubtfully.

"Don't resist, try to get your memory back, young king."

Said's words had a strange magic power, making Sherek's eyes filled with chaos again. He stood quietly in the center of the magic circle, as if he had lost his mind.

The chants of believers on both sides rang out again, and the magic circle slowly circulated under their feet.

Said slowly retreated from the range of the magic circle.


One of the believers cut his wrist with a sharp knife and stretched out his hand.

"Tick tock!"

Red blood dripped down his wrist and merged into the magic circle at his feet.

"Tick tock, tick tock..."

At first, it just fell drop by drop. Under the influence of the evil magic circle, the blood dripped faster and faster. After a while, the blood kept pouring out of the wound.

Surprisingly, the believers didn't seem to have any reaction.

As the blood continues to gush out, the believer's arms quickly dry up, as if all the blood in the body has been extracted, and under the linen, a strange smile appears on the believer's face.

Using sacrifices without the supervision of a priest violates the normal procedures of the ceremony, but Said does not care about this. As long as the sacrifices are completed, the memory of the Pharaoh can be fully awakened, and then he can tell everyone Prove the identity of the impostor Fang Tian!

By then the end is done, and the most he can do is to be punished by the priest.

Now, he just needs to wait quietly for the ceremony to be completed.

Said licked his lips and said to himself: "You will awaken soon, young king."

"Lord Said."

A believer walked in from the door, walked to Said, and whispered, "Sir Said, someone broke in again outside."

"Breaking in?" Said frowned and said sternly: "Have you touched the Chinese police? Didn't I tell you to be more careful!"

The believers lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

"Forget it." Said waved his hand and gritted his teeth, "With the existence of warriors from the ancient empire, we can sustain it for a while."

"Sir, the person coming here is very strong. I'm afraid he may not be able to withstand it. You'd better..."

Just as the believer was mid-sentence, a loud bang suddenly came from the ceiling not far away.

The entire basement trembled even more.

On the first floor, Li Xiang found a sledgehammer from somewhere and smashed it on the ground.

"Damn, the breath is so strong! I think there must be a secret passage here!"

Li Mu and Liu Yingying gasped for air.

At first, they followed Qin Hao's orders to guard the door, but Fang Tian and Li Xiang forced their way into the juvenile detention center, and Li Xiang gave a reason that was irresistible.

There may be survivors in the juvenile detention center, saving people is important!

There was no other way, Li Mu and Liu Yingying could only choose to follow in together to protect the safety of Li Xiang and Fang Tian.

Then, they saw something that they would never forget in their lives.

They saw the reborn skeleton creatures of the ancient empire, the skeletons resurrected from death, holding spears and shields to attack them.

Ordinary bullets can penetrate the shields of skeleton creatures, but it is difficult to cause damage to skeleton creatures.

It is precisely because they have seen too many strange things in the Special Affairs Office over the years that Li Mu and the others did not suffer a mental breakdown.

After replacing the bullets provided by Li Xiang, they were able to use bullets to kill the undead creatures in one shot.

Not to mention, after entering the juvenile detention center, they actually found two survivors who had fainted.

Afterwards, they followed the breath of the undead and tracked here.

"There is no secret passage here. It is meaningless for you to smash the floor like this. The entrance to the basement is definitely not here." Li Mu panted, shot down the undead who tried to approach, and calmly analyzed: "Let's go to the other rooms to have a look."

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