Nightmare Card House

Chapter 367 Limited Cards

Card Hall.

On a seat on the second floor.

Fang Tian flipped through the card book in his hand.

After thinking for most of the night, he still couldn't think of any way to solve the black boxes in the wasteland. Fang Tian could only hope to find inspiration from the card book.

After greeting several trial participants, Chike came over with two cups of freshly brewed coffee, then sat opposite Fang Tian and placed a cup of coffee opposite Fang Tian.

"Coffee?" Fang Tian raised his head, glanced at the coffee in front of him, looked at Chike, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

"I suddenly think coffee is also very delicious. I bought this cup at the coffee shop on the corner next door. I walked half a block. Would you like to try it?"

"Huh?" Fang Tian had a confused look on his face, "Chike, if I remember correctly, you shouldn't leave the card hall, right?"

"Binggo!" Chike snapped his fingers and said excitedly, "Correct! Fang Tian! With only 998 points, we can set up a freshly ground coffee machine on the second floor of the card hall, and you can enjoy silky smooth coffee without leaving home..."

"I don't have points, Chike, and I'm worried about points now."

Fang Tian retracted his gaze and continued to look down at the card book.

Chike pressed the card book in Fang Tian's hand, gave Fang Tian an "I understand you" look, and said, "I know, Fang Tian, ​​our card hall is very short of points now, I just found a job that looks pretty good."


Fang Tian said seriously: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you say last time that you were going to train a group of one-star spiritual imprint trialists?" Chike leaned forward slightly and said, "We just found a good job. If everything goes well, we can get a lot of points. When we have points, we will still be afraid that the strength of those new guys will improve too slowly."

Fang Tian stared at Chike with his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "With so many benefits, the risks must be great."

"Of course, but you must be interested, right?" Chike showed an "I understand you" look.

"Tell me in detail."

"Ahem, I remember I once told you about the reason for the existence of the card gallery, right?"


Fang Tian pondered, "I have some impression."

"Well, according to my understanding, the existence of the card gallery is essentially for expansion." Chike knocked on the table and said, "Originally, it is too early for you to accept high-level tasks at this stage, but it happens that I have a special rescue task on hand. Because of the special situation, only card galleries at the level of trainee gallery owners can accept the task, and the time is very tight. We only have more than ten hours to accept the task."

Fang Tian frowned, "What about the details of the task?"

"Restricted by the rules, I can only say so much." Chike spread his hands, "Some of the things I just said actually violated some of the rules. You should know that I am also taking a big risk, Fang Tian."

Fang Tian stretched out his hand to signal Chike to continue.

"I can tell you more details after you accept the task. Now you just need to answer me, accept or not."

"What's your suggestion?"

"Me? I suggest you take a look at the reward for completing the commission first."

As he said that, Chike smiled and raised his hand, and a pale white screen appeared in front of Fang Tian.

Points reward: 350W

Ritual card: X8 (limited card, level sequence: orange).

350W points attracted Fang Tian's attention.

Right now he really needs this point, which can solve his urgent needs.

However, what does the limited card mean?

Fang Tian looked at Chike in confusion and pointed at the words limited card.

"The so-called limited card means that you can choose to obtain a ritual card that you have bound to yourself. Of course, you can also choose to randomly obtain a ritual card of a certain type."

Fang Tian raised his eyebrows.

Chike added: "Of course, the level sequence can only be the corresponding orange."


Fang Tian almost instantly judged the value of this task.

At the beginning, the immortality mastered through the ritual card was the first level. To upgrade the second level of immortality, two cards are needed, and the third level requires four cards. And so on. If he can successfully complete the task, he can directly upgrade the bound immortality to the third level.

After this period of research, Fang Tian has been able to determine that the immortality ritual card is still very suitable for him. The transformation of the body by immortality can make him more adaptable to the breath of the undead, improve the control of the undead, and maximize the body's ability to resist blows and heal.

That's right!

Fang Tian suddenly realized something.

Before, in the wasteland of the shadow world, he couldn't get close to those black boxes because his body was repelled by the pressure of the undead.

If he can get these cards, strengthen the effect of the immortality card, and make his breath closer to the undead, does that mean that he can get closer to those boxes?

Fang Tian is more than 90% sure of this guess.

Calm down.

Fang Tian took a deep breath. The reward was so generous, and the risks involved in the commission were inevitable.

"How is it, Fang Tian? At most, we still have nine and a half hours left to dawdle."

Fang Tian raised his head and said, "Chike, I accept this task. Since it is based on the entire card hall, how many people do we need to arrange to participate? Also, how long does it take to recruit people now?"

"I knew you would agree." Chike smiled, took a sip of coffee calmly, and said, "The specific number of participants is limited to 1-30 people. I have contacted Mu Yuxin before, and she She is already on her way. As for the candidate, I think she has already made arrangements on the way. "

Chike put down the coffee cup as he spoke, and added: "After all, Mu Yuxin knows much more about the card hall trialists than an irresponsible hall master, right?"

"Hey, Chike, you guy..."

Fang Tian smiled bitterly in his heart. It seemed that Chike had already figured it out for him, and he knew that he would definitely agree.

After all, you have no choice.

"You don't need to thank me. After all, we are partners. If you really want to thank me, just give me some points to help me buy a coffee machine. It only costs 998." As he said that, Chike's originally smiling face suddenly turned serious. He said: "Fang Tian, ​​350W points is just a guarantee. I believe you can do better with your ability. I remember what you promised me. We don't have enough time. Our enemies are super powerful." It’s incredible, so we have to give it our best every time.”

"I never relax, Chick."


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