Nightmare Card House

Chapter 32: Desolate corpse dumping ground


What's wrong? Why did the ancient sandworms start to weaken so quickly?

Fang Tian couldn't help but look back at the skeleton archers.

He saw that the dark aura spreading from the wasteland was also lingering around the skeleton archers.

It seems that the skeleton archers can absorb this aura to strengthen themselves?

What surprised Fang Tian was that the skeleton archers in the wasteland environment absorbed the dark aura on the wasteland, and their shooting speed and frequency suddenly became faster, and even the strength of the bone arrows was enhanced, continuously piercing wounds on the sandworms.

An unexpected surprise.

Fang Tian originally used skeleton archers as the main force just because they were cheap and mass-produced. He didn't expect that in the wasteland environment, skeleton archers could play a stronger effect.

In this way, the output overflowed a lot.

Fang Tian was even more relieved. The ancient sandworm he was facing now was more than one point weaker than in the last trial. In addition, the eight skeleton archers were strengthened in the wasteland environment. With one increase and one decrease, the ancient sandworm soon could not continue to resist.

The first mental imprint can last for about one minute, and the two are a little longer. The two can last for less than four minutes in total.

Fang Tian did not try to get close to the struggling ancient sandworm, but just stood not far away, silently counting the time in his heart.

At the first minute and twelve seconds, the ancient sandworm let out a wail and fell to the ground.

Black thick juice seeped out from under its skin, leaving a foul smell.

After taking back the wasteland card, Fang Tian rubbed his neck, let out a breath, and slowly stepped into the final broken temple.

As Fang Tian had expected before, there were still some minor problems during the trial. Fang Tian had remembered them one by one, and would make various adjustments in details after returning. In general, this solo plan was very successful.

Unfortunately, no cards were exploded during the trial.

Fang Tian received a total of 1310 points in reward. Including all consumable cards, a trial costs about 900 points.

Not counting the final card extraction reward, about 400 points of income were obtained.

The process can be optimized.

Fang Tian thought, this time for the sake of safety, he summoned eight skeleton archers, now it seems that so many are not needed, five should be enough for safety.

Thinking, Fang Tian has stepped into the Broken Temple and entered the settlement stage.

The final rating was A-

There are three cards floating in front of Fang Tian.

Two-star-green-explosive fireball.


Compared with the first S-level evaluation, the reward range obtained in the final settlement period is much weaker, and the price of blue and green cards has changed qualitatively.

Fang Tian thinks that the clearance reward is the main reward for a dungeon. If you want to greatly increase the reward of a trial, you still have to make a fuss about the clearance score.

But what is the final evaluation related to?

Fang Tian has three ideas at the moment.

The number of injuries received? The number of cards used? Or the overall speed of passing the level?

It seems that most of the time in the future will be spent on figuring this out.

Put away the cards and exit the trial.

After exiting the trial, Fang Tian looked around. Jace was still entertaining other guests. As the afternoon approached, there were five or six more trialists in the card hall.

Fang Tian glanced at the mark on his palm.

The acquisition information in the trading hall can be conveniently viewed directly in the mark. Even after the players in the card hall complete the acquisition, the card will appear directly in the mark.

Unfortunately, no card has been successfully acquired so far.

"Maybe not many people have seen the acquisition information."

Looking around the slightly deserted second floor of the card hall, Fang Tian comforted himself and left the card hall.


In the library, Ling Luoluo was flipping through a comic book. When he saw something happy, he couldn't help but cover his mouth and laughed softly.

The eyes of several boys around were attracted by Ling Luoluo, and they admired her more. They looked at Fang Tian with more jealousy.

Why could an ordinary Fang Tian be liked by Ling Luoluo? That guy was too annoying.

If eyes could kill, Fang Tian would have died hundreds of times.

Fang Tian did not feel this jealousy at all. He took a sick leave for more than a week and met the final exam after returning to school.

In order not to be scolded by his aunt, Fang Tian had to make a little effort to pass the exam, so he borrowed Ling Luoluo's class notes from the library and copied them.

Halfway through copying, Fang Tian felt the mark on his palm suddenly light up.


Fang Tian felt something. He glanced at Ling Luoluo who was still obsessed with comics next to him and opened his palm.

Finally, it's all together.

Odd-gray-rotten bones. This odd card is just like the wasteland card. It costs 50 points to buy it at a high price. Unfortunately, the card hall still has few people. This card is rare. It was barely collected until today.

After completing the conditions of the combination card, what will the card look like now?

Seeing Ling Luoluo still reading the comics, Fang Tian used the cover of the book to put his palm on the ground.

A dark card appeared in the palm of his hand.


Fang Tian's pupils shrank slightly.

The pattern of the wasteland on the card has become a little more gloomy, and there are more rotten bones and white dry bones on the original wasteland.

Even the name of the original wasteland card has changed, merging into a new card.

Card - Desolate Corpse Land.

Level sequence: Dark.

Star rating: 1~

Special categories: Field card, permanent card, combination card.

Description: Destroy the current field and summon a special field - Desolate Corpse Land.

Output: After the combination is completed, you will initially obtain 5 Death Breaths. When the card is not in a cooling state, you will produce 2 Death Breaths every day.

After carefully reading the card description from beginning to end, Fang Tian became even more confused.

What does output mean? Extra cards?

Can I get cards for free every day?

This is an extremely unexpected good news for Fang Tian. Although he doesn't know the strength of the Death Breath, as long as it is a card, it is valuable. The gray card is worth at least 5 points.

He opened the palm mark again to check, and sure enough, there were 5 more cards that he had never seen before in the mark.

Card - Death Breath*5

Level sequence: Gray

Star rating: 0

Description: The death breath generated from the corpse abandoned land can affect some life forms.

Death Breath, then what is the use of this card?

Fang Tian looked at the gray card and the dark breath on the front of the card, and seemed to quickly associate something.

He had seen this dark breath when he used the wasteland card. When he used the wasteland card to deal with the ancient sandworm, it was that breath that spread from the wasteland and gradually invaded from the wound of the sandworm, causing the wound of the ancient sandworm to darken and accelerate his death.

Therefore, as a basis for judgment, it seems that this card is an attack card, probably similar to the corrosion spell, which can deepen the damage.

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