Nightmare Card House

Chapter 319 Ancient Empire Coins

"Just pretend I didn't say anything." Fang Tian closed his mouth.

He had an absolute control over the card gallery, and would never allow anyone who was not clear to appear in his card gallery.

"What a pity." Tom showed a look of pity, "You should know that the historical experience of countless predecessors tells us that closing the country to the outside world is not conducive to development."

Fang Tian secretly rolled his eyes, he felt that Tom was cursing him.

"How about this, I heard that Mr. Fang Tian sold a batch of cards some time ago, and he seemed to be in need of money?"

Fang Tian's eyes lit up, as if he saw a rich man, and looked at Tom with burning eyes, "Are you willing to lend it to me?"

Tom's forehead was full of black lines again, thinking that you have written the words "debt evasion" on your face, do you think others are stupid?

As a gallery owner, as long as he keeps hiding in the card gallery, Tom really can't do anything to him. He can't really let someone kill Fang Tian, ​​right? Not to mention how many points it takes to commission the killing of a reserve gallery owner, if Fang Tian is killed, they can't get their debt back, right?

No matter how he calculated, Tom felt that he had lost a lot.

"Mr. Fang Tian, ​​I have to remind you that your last loan has not been completed yet." Tom continued to cough, and he decided not to beat around the bush, "Ahem, in fact, I have a good commission here. If you are willing to accept this commission and complete it smoothly, the loan between us can be cleared, and you can earn a lot of points from it."

Fang Tian narrowed his eyes, "Are there points to earn? I'm always interested, can I hear the quotation first?"

Tom nodded and stretched out a finger to Fang Tian.

Fang Tian raised his eyebrows, "Ten million points?"

Tom resisted the urge to curse in his heart and said in a deep voice: "It's one million."

One million? This is a big deal.

Fang Tian's mind moved, "Really?"

"I never joke about business matters." Tom looked at Fang Tian and said sincerely, "We need you to help us get something. This thing will definitely appear at the mysterious side seminar, but."

"No problem, I understand." Fang Tian snapped his fingers and said first, "I won't ask anything else. I will find what you want, give it to you, and then exchange it for points, right?"

"Mr. Fang Tian is really straightforward. It's a pleasure to work with you." Tom took out a file bag from the inside of his clothes, "The detailed information is inside."

Fang Tian took the file bag and quickly checked it.

There were only two thin pages of A4 paper in the file bag.

An ancient copper coin was printed on an A4 paper.

"Ancient Empire Coin, this is its name, and I don't know any other information."

Ancient Empire Coin?


Fang Tian frowned.

What a strange thing.

Given Tom's greed, he was able to spend one million to get this copper coin, which means that the value of this copper coin is at least five million.

What special function does it have?

The person on the second A4 paper is an old man in a suit. In the photo, he is giving a speech. He looks very energetic, with high cheekbones, and looks very old-fashioned and stern.

"We got the news that this old man is the owner of this ancient empire coin."

So that's it. Fang Tian secretly wrote down these two things. If there is a way to get them, he will naturally not miss this opportunity. After all, it is Tom who wants to spend one million points to buy it. After getting it, whether it is for his own research or for points, it will not be too bad.

Thinking about it, Fang Tian handed the file bag back, "I have written it down."

"Mr. Fang Tian." Tom took back the file bag and said with a smile: "With your help, I believe our chances of getting the ancient empire coin will be higher. I have to go ahead. The driver will take you to the venue. Don't worry, he is very safe."

As he spoke, the vehicle stopped by the side of the road. Tom waved to Fang Tian as a greeting and got off halfway.

Fang Tian shrugged.

About an hour later, the car drove into the city and slowly stopped on the side of the street corner.

"Sir, you are here. The destination is just opposite."

"Thank you."

Unlike what Fang Tian expected, the seminar was held in a high-end resort hotel in the city center.

Before he stepped into the hotel, he just walked to the iron fence outside the hotel, and two uniformed security guards came to greet him on the left and right.

"Sir, I'm sorry, the hotel has been booked for a private seminar and will not be open to the public in the next few days. If you are here to attend the seminar, please show your invitation letter."

Fang Tian reached out to take the invitation letter, but he was surprised when he took out nothing.

This is a bit troublesome.

He suddenly remembered that he gave the invitation letter to the taxi driver when he took the taxi before.

Now, I'm afraid that the driver is already in the hospital?

"Wait a minute, I'll make a call."

The security guard stared at Fang Tian, ​​and his intuition told him that this guy just wanted to get in.

Fang Tian had no choice but to try to call Mu Yuxin.

Unfortunately, no one answered the phone.

It seems to be in trouble...

Fang Tian saw that the two security guards had a vigilant look on their faces, and one of them even whispered something on the intercom.

"Sorry, sir, this is a private seminar. If you don't have an invitation, please leave here."

"I'm here to see Mu Yuxin."

"Sorry, we only accept invitations." The security guards didn't know the so-called Mu Yuxin at all.

Fang Tian rubbed his wrist and quickly glanced around.

Well, there's no need to talk nonsense with them. The defense here doesn't look good. It's not difficult to get in. Just wait and find an opportunity to get in.

Just as he was about to leave, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and handed an invitation to the security guard, "This is my friend. We came together."

Fang Tian turned around and looked at the young man next to him in surprise.

The young man was wearing a white casual shirt and flip-flops on his feet. He looked out of tune, showing a mouthful of white teeth, smiled at Fang Tian, ​​and then winked at him wildly from an angle that the two security guards couldn't see, "Brother, I said why did you run so fast? The invitation is still with me. Can you get in alone?"

Fang Tian frowned, thinking, is it Tom who sent someone to help him?

In any case, get in first.

Fang Tian snorted, "Last night the noise next door didn't stop until 4 or 5 o'clock. I thought you couldn't get up."

"I can't help it. I'm young."

The young man was stunned for a moment, then immediately reacted and laughed.

The two security guards found that there was nothing wrong with the invitation letter, nodded and made way.

Taking the invitation letter back from the two security guards, the young man followed Fang Tian into the Garden Hotel.

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