Nightmare Card House

Chapter 149 Talent

Half an hour later, Fang Tian sat behind the carriage, and sitting next to him was the shop owner with a bitter look on his face.

The goods behind the carriage had been emptied by Fang Tian and thrown on the roadside.

"Yes, Lord God Envoy, we received the news two weeks ago that the barbarian orcs will launch an attack here. The empire asked us civilians to take refuge in various main cities in advance. Currently, this area has been completely blocked."

Fang Tian rubbed his chin. Judging from the exchange between him and the businessman, this seemed to be another world.

And Stani is the god believed in by the human kingdom.

Those who use cards are called messengers of God.

It seems to be getting more and more interesting.

Fang Tian thought.

If there were not more important things to do now, Fang Tian would like to go to the so-called human world as mentioned by the shop owner. However, according to the shop owner, it will take at least five or six days to get to the nearest city from here. of effort.

Five days?

Fang Tian felt there was no need to waste time on this.

With the carriage, the speed suddenly increased a lot.

More than an hour later, Fang Tian followed the guidance of the sycamore leaves in Chao's hand and came to a jungle.


Chen Yu jumped down from a nearby tree and landed next to Fang Tian. He glanced at the shop owner nearby, then moved his gaze to Fang Tian, ​​and said simply: "Come with me."

"Okay, you can get out."

Fang Tian jumped off the carriage, said something to the shop owner, and followed Chen Yu into the dense forest ahead.

Chen Yu said as he walked, "It seems that you already have a little understanding of this world."

Fang Tian frowned and asked, "This is a real world, isn't it?"

Chen Yu said as he walked forward, "You are right. All the trials you conducted in the card hall before were in a virtual environment, but not here. The land you called is real. , this world is one of the branch worlds controlled by Stani, and it was chosen as the location for this trial. "

Fang Tian nodded. This was similar to what he had guessed before. Fang Tian had already discovered some clues when he entered the trial.

The biggest difference is that in the previous virtual trials in the card hall, you can get the spiritual brand bonus from the trial as soon as you enter the trial. But in this environment, the spiritual brand bonus is through the card. to achieve.

"Getting back to the subject, I'm going to explain to you some issues about building a card. First of all, it must be clear that there is no way to build a card in a virtual environment."

Chen Yu seemed to have been here once just now. He had cleared part of the path here. He led Fang Tian around a bush and entered a forest path ahead, and then asked: "So, Where do you think the cards came from?”

"Is it Stani's gift?"

Fang Tian smiled self-deprecatingly, this was what Jace said at the beginning.

But now, Fang Tian completely disagrees with this answer. The most powerful evidence is the wasteland card in his hand. The mark on the card is completely different from Stani's mark.

Except for the Stani mark symbol that is displayed when entering the trial, the pentagram mark is displayed at most other times.

Maybe it's another god.

Fang Tian had thought about these things before, but because there was too little information to get reliable answers, Fang Tian didn't bother with it.

"Well..." Chen Yu pondered for a moment and said: "A gift is in a certain sense. According to my understanding, cards can be understood as a way of storing power. Stani sealed his power in the card. Within the card, we release the power within the card through spiritual imprints.”

Fang Tian seemed to have some new insights after listening to this.

"So how do we get cards? In addition to passing the trial and getting Stani's gift, we can also try to build cards on our own." Chen Yu said and stretched out his hand, throwing a card towards Fang Tian.

Fang Tian raised his hand and took the card flying towards him in mid-air.

This is?

A blank card?

The patterns on the back of the cards are the same, but the front is blank.

There is no name or level sequence on the blank card, but there are stars, a 2-star blank card.

"Building a card is for a certain creature. The creature is sealed in the card. Through analysis, if the creature is successfully simulated by Stani, then this type of creature will form a card." Chen Yu Explain to Fang Tian as simply as possible, "The stronger the creature, the higher the star level of the white card required to seal it. As for the rarity, Stani will sort it by himself."

Fang Tian began to understand, "So according to what you said, building a card means sealing the creature into the card?"

"Yes, a simple understanding is roughly what it means, but it is not easy to do this." Chen Yu said in a deep voice: "First we need to find the special creature we need, and then we have to seal it completely, and finally Successfully analyzed by Stani, only in this way can your card construction be finally formed.”

"Construction?" Fang Tian heard the word again and looked up, "What is card construction?"

"Similar to a card model, after successfully sealing the creature card, you can get a model and spend spiritual branding and various levels of dust in the card hall. Unfortunately, you can make this card without limit." Chen Yu looked at Xiang Fangtian, "To put it simply, now I need you to help me build a model."

Fang Tian stared at Chen Yu, "Then why don't you do it yourself?"

"It's also very simple, because construction requires talent."

Fang Tian was surprised, he looked up and said: "Talent? Me? Are you saying I have talent?"

"You haven't realized your talent yet?" Chen Yu's old-fashioned face showed a helpless smile for the first time. He continued to move forward and said, "Haven't you discovered yet that you can control the number of creatures at the same time?"

Fang Tian frowned, still feeling strange, "What do you mean?"

"Generally speaking, it is the limit for ordinary people to control seven or eight ordinary summoned creatures at the same time. Unintelligent creatures like skeletons may be able to control more, probably several times, only 20 to 30, but it is impossible to control hundreds of skeleton creatures at once like you do. In other words, the number of summoned creatures you can control far exceeds that of ordinary people."

Listening to Chen Yu's words, Fang Tian was stunned.

The fact that he could control hundreds of skeleton archers at the same time was leaked from the mouth of the mouse.

When he was in the advanced trial of the card hall, on the first floor of the third ruins, the number of teams was insufficient, and Fang Tian finally relied on a large number of skeleton archers to supplement the output and rushed through.

After the trial, Mouse announced how everyone had gone through hardships to pass through the ruins and get the final key.

Fang Tian's ability to summon a large number of skeleton archers was also announced.

At that time, in order to reduce the suspicion of the museum owner, Fang Tian did not let Mouse keep it secret, or tacitly agreed. At that time, Fang Tian did not think that summoning a large number of skeleton archers was a talent.

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