Nightmare Card House

Chapter 10 Sandstorm

The water in the lake has a special power. After drinking it, you can quickly restore your physical strength and energy, but it has little effect on wounds. Xue Yang's wound only stopped bleeding under the effect of the bandage, and there was no tendency to heal quickly.

"Fang Tian, ​​what are you thinking about?"

Seeing Fang Tian looking at the lake in a trance, Ling Luoluo walked to Fang Tian's side.

"Nothing, I just wonder if the water in the lake can still restore physical strength after leaving here." Fang Tian said and found a sporadic water bottle card from the team channel card, "Try it."

The card dissipated in the palm of his hand and turned into a green water bottle.

Bending down, Fang Tian filled the water bottle with lake water.

"It's almost an hour. If you don't redeem the soul card within three hours, you will have to pay an additional 1,200 points. Let's go quickly." Xue Gang was more worried about Fang Tian. The wound on his body had not healed yet, and the pain had weakened a lot. He stood up and urged everyone to move forward.

After a repair, everyone continued to move forward.

As usual, Xue Gang walked in front to lead the way, followed by Xue Yang. For the purpose of protection, Fang Tian and Ling Luoluo walked at the end.

Fang Tian had given up the bow and arrow as a means of long-range output. He held a spear in his hand and was alert to the possible dangers around him.

Perhaps the trial did not want everyone to waste time on the road, and would not give them the opportunity to go back for supplies. After walking forward for more than a minute, the desert oasis behind them had disappeared in a yellow dust.

As they continued to move forward, the wind and sand seemed to gradually grow stronger.

Fang Tian had to squint his eyes to avoid being blinded by the sand and dust.

"This damn weather!" As soon as he opened his mouth, yellow sand poured into Xue Gang's mouth, with a sour taste, which made Xue Gang, who wanted to complain a few words, shut his mouth obediently.

The wind blew.

Fang Tian looked up and saw that the sand and dust were rolled up to the sky, and the visible distance was reduced a lot.

It didn't seem good.

Waving his hand, Fang Tian signaled everyone to slow down and be careful of the possible threats in the wind and sand.

The wind and sand showed no sign of stopping, but became more and more intense. After walking forward for less than five minutes, a strong wind blew in the face. Even Fang Tian couldn't stand it for a while, so he took a step back. He immediately lowered his body to stabilize his body and pulled Ling Luoluo behind him.

The strong wind swept up the dust all over the sky. For a moment, the visual distance in front was greatly hindered. At a glance, it was all yellow.

Everyone fought in a line. Xue Gang, who was walking in the front, had to bend down to reduce the wind force. He felt a sour taste of loess in his mouth, spit, and cursed, "Damn it! What is this! Such a strong wind, is it a sandstorm!"

Fang Tian looked at Xue Yang, as if asking what he meant.

"This... I don't know either." Xue Yang had never encountered such a situation before. He instinctively felt that it was not good, and hesitantly said: "How about waiting? Or find a place to rest first? Wait until this strong wind passes before continuing?"

Xue Gang glared at him, "What place to find? There is nothing but sand around here. Can we hide in the oasis just now?"

Fang Tian thought about it and said immediately, "No, we can't go back. I think this should also be part of the trial. If we continue to wait, the wind and sand will not be small, which will only waste time. According to what the strange baby said, we can only move forward in the trial."

"Then continue!" Xue Gang put his hands in front of his eyes and led the team to walk forward slowly.

The further they moved forward, the stronger the strong wind blew in their faces. It even became difficult for everyone to walk, and they stopped and walked all the way.

"In front..." After walking for about five or six minutes, Xue Gang seemed to have discovered something. He covered his eyes with his hands and shouted, "There is a group of rocks in front! Let's go hide inside!"

The wind was very strong. Fang Tian vaguely heard what Xue Gang was shouting. He looked up and saw a pile of towering stone pillars not far ahead.

This group of rock pillars seemed to have been worn by wind and sand for hundreds or thousands of years. It was full of potholes. If it were not in the trial, it would be a spectacular sight.

There was a whirring sound in the ears. The wind was blowing hard. The voices of everyone were blown away by the wind and could not be heard clearly. Xue Yang saw the group of rocks and shouted, "Be careful! That may be a trial! There may be monsters inside!"

Xue Gang could not hear what Xue Yang was saying, and took the lead to break into the pile of stone pillars.

The stone pillars have a good resistance to the wind and sand outside. After walking a few steps forward and entering the rock group, Fang Tian and his companions were no longer affected by the strong wind outside.

Just as everyone arrived at the stone pillars, the wind and sand outside suddenly became more violent, and the yellow sand that covered the sky and the sun flowed over his head. Looking up, Fang Tian could see the dust that covered the sky and the sun.

Xue Gang glanced outside and was still in shock, "Damn, I almost died outside a little later!"

Xue Yang didn't feel relaxed at all. This densely packed landform gave him a bad premonition, and the long sword was already raised in his hand.

Fang Tian looked around. This environment made him a little unfamiliar. Should he continue to move forward?

Surrounded by giant rock pillars of all sizes and layers, people's perception would be affected in this environment, and it would be easy to get lost.


Just as he was thinking about it, he heard Ling Luoluo suddenly shout.

"What's going on?"

Ling Luoluo looked startled. She pointed at the rock, " moved!"

"Crack! Crack!"

Not far away, a boulder that was about to weather made a fine sound, and then it broke apart, revealing a rock monster that was more than one person tall. His body was made up of many large and small rocks, and his face had no organs except for the red eyes.

"Sand Puppet!" Xue Yang held the long sword tightly with both hands, "That's a sand puppet! I've seen this card before! A one-star creature card!"

The three stood in a row, looking at the sand puppet carefully and vigilantly.

This monster is made up of rocks all over its body, and its movement speed seems to be very slow. It slowly moved towards Xue Gang's position.

Seeing that his movement speed is so slow, would it be better to use long-range output means?

"Hah! You're looking for death!"

Xue Gang was full of courage. He shouted loudly, raised the big sword in his hand, took two steps forward, and slashed forward with the momentum of the forward rush.


Fang Tian raised his eyebrows.

The sand puppet seemed to have experienced years of weathering and was not as hard as imagined. Under Xue Gang's chopping, the sword pierced straight into the puppet's body, leaving a huge cut.

Looking again, the sand puppet did not feel any pain, and moved forward, swinging its arm towards Xue Gang's position.

"Be careful!"

Fang Tian shouted.

Xue Gang also reacted quickly, and quickly drew out his sword and stepped back several steps. Fortunately, the sand puppet's movements were extremely stiff, and this time it did not hit Xue Gang.

"Let's go! Let's go together! Help him!"

Probably judging that this is a creature with slow movement speed and strong defense, Fang Tian called Xue Yang to go together.

Just a few steps up, the sound of cracking rocks around him rang out one after another.

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