Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 464 On the Ceiling

After collecting the money, the uncle did his job very quickly. He turned around and locked the small iron door. He quickly walked back to the cement concierge, locked the window, and then led the big black dog, one person and one dog leading the way, "You young people, When I get tired of staying in the city, I like to go into this abandoned factory. What’s so interesting about this shabby place?” The uncle didn’t even look back.

"Uncle, it seems you have been in this factory for a long time?" Yang Xiao asked tentatively.

"I was there when the factory was built. I was still a machinist at that time, and my technical skills were much better than those who worked hard and worked hard." The uncle was quite proud in his words.

It was there when the factory was built, which was good news. Yang Xiao took out newspapers along the way to compare, and finally found the place where the woman hanged herself in the newspaper.

This place is located in the gap between two building complexes. It has long been deserted. Dozens of trees of various shapes grow randomly. The ground is covered with weeds. If you push the weeds away with your feet, you can still see the old-fashioned bricks laid on the ground. .

The two building complexes are separated in the middle by a red brick wall. On one side are several tall factories, and on the other side are many low-rise bungalows connected together. The bungalows are also abandoned, with closed doors and windows and glass windows. It was also broken a lot.

According to the caretaker, these bungalows were prepared for female workers in the original factory and were their dormitories.

"Uncle, I heard that a woman hanged herself here before. Do you know about this?" Yang Xiao suddenly asked.

The uncle turned his head and narrowed his eyes at Yang Xiao, "Young man, you are not here to hang out, you are here to inquire about things."

"That's right. I heard someone say it before, so I came here to take a look out of curiosity." Yang Xiao casually made an excuse, hoping to put it off.

Fortunately, the old man didn't pursue it. He just looked at the crooked tree deep in the bush and couldn't help but sigh, "That's what happened. The girl who died was the female worker in our factory. She was in this area." Hanged in the woods."

"Oh, the little girl is so kind. Everyone in the factory said that she was unlucky because she was pregnant with someone else's child, but they didn't want her anymore. Later, they couldn't even find anyone. The little girl's family, in the end, I couldn’t think about it anymore, so I came here to commit suicide.”

"The body was discovered by a female worker on the night shift. At that time, she thought she had seen it wrong, but when she got closer and took a closer look, she was scared to death." Recalling this incident, the uncle's voice was filled with laughter.

"Do you know this person's name and where he lives?" Yang Xiao asked.

"Her name is Weng Jinzhi. I don't know where she lives. In those years, our factory was very popular and many people came to work from other places. She came from other places. Later, I heard that the body had been parked for a long time before someone came to claim it from my hometown." After a pause, the old man said in a low voice with a serious face: "It is said that fetuses that die in vain before they are born are full of resentment.

What kind of evil son and mother are, everyone avoids them. "

She hanged herself and was pregnant before her death. This was a persona tailor-made for a female ghost. The more Yang Xiao thought about it, the more he thought it was her, but further verification was needed. "Uncle, what kind of clothes was this Weng Jinzhi wearing when he died?" ,

What shoes do you still have? "

"It's been so long that I can't remember." The uncle answered truthfully.

"Think carefully, is she wearing high heels?" Ju Juan was also eager to confirm the identity of the other party.

Unexpectedly, the uncle shook his head after hearing this, "That's impossible. It was the twelfth lunar month of winter. How could someone be wearing high heels? And you don't know. Our factory has a lot of rules. For the sake of production safety, female workers are prohibited from wearing high heels. Before entering the factory, Check the carry-on luggage, she can't bring it in at all."

"Do you know who knows this Weng Jinzhi, or who she has a good relationship with in the factory?" Yang Xiao asked.

"I didn't know that. Not long after this incident happened, the factory closed down and the workers dispersed in droves." The uncle introduced.

"What about the man who abandoned her? Is there any news about him?" Ju Juan continued to ask without giving up.

"I know a little bit about this. That person was also a migrant worker from other places. He worked odd jobs in our factory for a few days. Because his hands and feet were unclean, he was kicked out by our workshop director. Later...I don't know what happened later. ”

The uncle said it or not. There was no specific name or whereabouts, leaving Yang Xiao and the others without a clue to find this person.

There was no point in wasting any more time. Yang Xiao was about to leave, but Monk Wukong, who was always silent, asked them to wait. Monk Wukong walked alone into the grass and came to the crooked-neck tree deep in the bush. This scene shocked the gatekeeper, and he quickly called him from behind to let him out, but Monk Wukong didn't seem to hear him.

"He...what is he going to do?" The gatekeeper became nervous for no reason.

At this moment, Yang Xiao had no choice but to comfort the uncle, "Don't worry, he is a monk. A monk is compassionate. He should...should sympathize with the girl's situation and want to recite sutras for her salvation."

Yang Xiao himself didn't believe what he said. He didn't know what the crazy monk was up to. Could it be that he had discovered some clue?

Thinking of this, Yang Xiao couldn't hold it any longer and asked Ju Juan to keep an eye on the uncle. He took advantage of pulling the monk back and walked in. The more he walked in, the taller and thicker the grass became. When he walked behind the monk, the grass was almost there. Yang Xiao's legs are broken.

"Master Wu Kong, what did you find?" Yang Xiao asked in a low voice.

Monk Wukong shook his head, clasped his hands, and faced the long-dead crooked neck tree. At this moment, Yang Xiao suddenly saw a white plastic lunch box placed under the tree. The lunch box was open and contained several pieces of chopped beef. .

What is this, worship? Yang Xiao was confused for a moment. He couldn't figure out what the monk was planning.

Ten seconds later, Monk Wukong turned and left. Yang Xiao checked under the tree alone and found no abnormalities.

Then he left.

After coming out, the gatekeeper complained a few words, but seeing that the other person was a monk and had a compassionate heart, he couldn't help but admire him.

"Little master, I see that you are very sincere. You became a monk in that temple. I will go and worship the Bodhisattva when I have time." After sending the person to the iron gate, the gatekeeper imitated Monk Wukong and clasped his hands together, sincerely ask.

Unexpectedly, Monk Wukong didn't even look at him. He shook his head and said, "A poor monk does not worship Bodhisattva."

"Why don't you, a monk, worship the Bodhisattva?" The uncle was stunned.

Worried that the monk would say something crazy again, Yang Xiao immediately interrupted the gatekeeper and left quickly with Monk Wukong and Ju Juan.

Now Yang Xiao and Ju Juan have nothing to do with this monk. Ju Juan thinks he has a big head. There are many weird teammates in the mission, but this is the first time she has seen such a guy.

"Master Wukong, since you eat meat, do you also have a wife?" As she walked, Ju Juan decided to test the monk's limits again.

"Good." Monk Wukong clasped his hands together.

Ju Juan frowned. She was also a little annoyed by this crazy monk. She hated people who made mysteries the most, "Monk, what kind of mystery are you trying to make with me? If you have it, you have it, if you don't have it, you don't have it. What do you mean by kindness?"

"The poor monk observes that if the person next to his pillow is pink and withered, his love is as crazy as a devil, it will only increase chaos. It is not as good as a close friend in the mortal world, meeting by chance, the more the better." Wu Kong's handsome face was extremely pious, and even Yang Xiao had to admit that this monk had an outstanding temperament. Chen Chen has a good face that is easy to attract peach blossoms.

After hearing what Wu Kong said, Ju Juan was even more confused. She subconsciously looked at Yang Xiao, and the next second Yang Xiao was also happy, "Don't you understand? People say he won't get married because his wife will only restrict his freedom. , becomes his bond, as for worldly confidants, romantic relationships, etc., all comers are welcome, the more, the better.”

"Amitabha." Monk Wukong raised his head and chanted the Buddha's name.

Ju Juan: “.


At noon, the three of them found a small restaurant in the village. Monk Wukong ordered a few hard dishes and a cold dish platter. They had a good appetite.

Ju Juan, on the other hand, frowned. She seemed to have determined that the female ghost who killed Yu Dagui was Weng Jinzhi. Yang Xiao told her not to think too much.

After Yang Xiao and the others finished eating, they were still wandering around, looking for some old kiosks or small stalls to try their luck, but they couldn't get any goods. Until 1:30 in the afternoon, they waited for a passing taxi and took the three of them away. Return to hotel in city.

It was already 2:30 in the afternoon when they returned to the hotel. They came to room 8018. Zhang Man and Wen Chongxian were in the room. Zhang Man looked very bad, while Wen Chongxian looked like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, huddled in the corner of the bed alone, grand. They didn't even dare to come out.

"What's going on?" Yang Xiao asked.

"He's just a loser, he can't help at all." Zhang Man seemed to be angry, scolding Wen Chongxian, "I asked him to ask for directions, but he was lucky and actually found a convenience store to hide. He got up, but I couldn’t contact him, so I thought he was dead!”

Facing Zhang Man's responsibilities, Wen Chongxian just lowered his head without any reaction, his eyes filled with despair.

"Which of you stayed in this room last night?" Yang Xiao glanced at the ceiling and asked suddenly.

"It's him." Zhang Man glanced at Wen Chongxian and said angrily.

Yang Xiao turned to look at Wen Chongxian and said in a softer voice, "Brother Wen, Yu Dagui's room is above your head. Did you hear any strange noises last night?"

"For example, the sound of walking, or... the clicking sound?" Yang Xiao thought of the sound of high heels he heard at Nie's Tea House in Xiangma Town.

"No, really not." Wen Chongxian shook his head violently, "I didn't sleep a wink all night, it was very quiet was very quiet all the time."

At this moment, the door was pushed open, and another group of people came back. Now the three groups of people gathered together, each introducing the gains of the trip.

Zhang Man was responsible for investigating the woman who died after falling from the building. According to her, the woman's name was Bai Qian. She was a nurse in her early 20s and worked in a city hospital. She was addicted to playing cards and owed a huge debt, so she couldn't think of leaving the house on the 9th floor. Jumped off the window sill.

They had figured out where she lived, but it was far away, so they didn't go to check. They planned to leave tomorrow.

Zhang Man emphasized that the woman named Bai Qian had the habit of wearing high heels in life, but they didn't know whether they wore them on the day she fell.

Lian Jinshun and the other three were responsible for investigating the woman who died in the car accident. This person's name was Fang Qingyun. She was a bartender in a karaoke bar. She had a complicated background. Because of her work, she dressed up in a coquettish way, and high heels were standard. That day she After drinking too much, he failed to dodge while crossing the road and was hit by a speeding van. The scene was said to be very tragic.

Yang Xiao also introduced the situation of Weng Jinzhi, a female worker in Hongxing Textile Factory. Everyone agreed that the suspicion of these three people cannot be ruled out at present.

Before Yang Xiao could finish speaking, he suddenly stopped. The others were instantly frightened and looked up at the same time.




A series of high heels sounded from the ceiling, just above them.

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