Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 431 Rules

"Ximen Xiu, what do you want to do by setting the alarm clock for 12 o'clock?" Beibei turned her head and looked at him with a puzzled face.

Ximen Xiu shrank his neck and showed an awkward smile, "Um... I made an appointment with a friend and wanted to go out for a drink at night and talk about life and ideals."

"Bullshit ideal, it's an in-depth exchange of research on biology and human body structure. Let me tell you what you want!" Beibei exposed Ximen Xiu's trap at a glance and became angry.

Yang Xiao also criticized Ximen Xiu calmly. After having a frank discussion with the director last time, he realized that Ximen Xiu was not as absurd as he seemed. On the contrary, he was extremely smooth and even dignified.

After getting off the bus, they quickly met the person in charge of the scene, but Yang Xiao was really surprised by the appearance of these people. They turned out to be some gray-haired old people.

Yang Xiao's first reaction was that these people had been tricked, harmed by some weird ability, and instantly aged dozens of years.

However, as soon as the leader of the old man opened his mouth, Yang Xiao suddenly realized that this was an acquaintance, Wu Zhe. At this moment, he remembered that the captain of the Luming Office was Wu Zhe. He had met Wu Zhe and Wu Zhewu last time when they were suppressing Grandma Yuyuan Zonghong and others. The two cooperated, and the latter was the captain of the Anping Office.

"Captain Wu, how did you end up like this?" Yang Xiao was shocked and heartbroken. He knew that Captain Wu was a good person.

At this moment, including Wu Zhe, all of his troops had gray hair and wrinkled faces. But the next second, Wu Zhe smiled bitterly and actually took off the white beard on his chin, "Captain Yang, these are all... It’s fake. I’ll explain it to you later. This time, brother, I specifically asked Director Nalan to send you here. Please don’t be offended.”

"What's going on?" Beibei was also confused.

Wu Zhe sighed, anxious and helpless: "Another person died half an hour ago. The body was found in a garage. The attack frequency of that thing is getting faster and faster. There were only two people last night. As of tonight, Three people have been killed, and according to analysis from the technical department, there may be more attacks in the second half of the night.”

"Have everyone evacuated the community?" Yang Xiao asked.

Hearing this, Wu Zhe frowned, "This is the most troublesome thing. The situation in this community is very complicated, because there are too many abandoned houses, and some old people who scavenge and homeless people live in secretly. We don't know the specific situation. , and we don’t have the conditions for a large-scale search, it would be too dangerous.”

"It seems that the battle is about to be resolved quickly. Captain Wu, please introduce us to the specific situation." Yang Xiao said quickly.

As Wu Zhe waved his hand, a female team member took out a map from her briefcase. When unfolded, it was the floor plan of the Scientists' Garden. The area near the upper left corner was highlighted, "According to our investigation, this area This is the scope of the supernatural incident, and these red marks are where the victims’ remains were found.”

There are a total of 4 red marks on the map, which not only indicate the order in which the bodies were discovered with numbers, but also

There is also the time of death estimated by the medical examiner.

In addition to these four cases, a staff member affiliated with the Patrol Department is also missing. According to Wu Zhe,

This person is not one of his investigative team members, but a team specialist sent by the technical department to record abnormal signals.

"Has this person not been found yet?" Big Bear asked in a muffled voice.

Wu Zhe shook his head. After being missing for so long within the scope of supernatural events, the fate of this person was already obvious.

Therefore, Wu Zhe directly reported the death toll of 5 people at the beginning of the introduction. Daxiong was mainly responsible for the use of equipment in the team. Monitoring abnormal signal sources was also one of his responsibilities. He could not bear to blame others.

"But during this time we also analyzed some things, including the attack pattern of that guy." Wu Zhe introduced one by one. "The first is its range of activities, which is within the interval marked on the map. Second, it will Priority is given to attacking those who are alone, but based on our experience in being attacked last time, the so-called being alone also includes not being witnessed by a third party.”

"If you are out of sight of your teammates, you are alone. Is this what you mean?" Yang Xiao has a strong ability to understand.

"Yes, the man who was attacked by our team last time has been following the team and was only out of our sight for less than 10 seconds." Wu Zhe emphasized.

Stretching out his hand, Yang Xiao pointed to the cross-out position on the map with a blue marker and asked, "This is his last location when he disappeared."

"That's right." Wu Zhe nodded, and then continued: "The third point, which we just concluded not long ago, is that that thing does not seem to attack the elderly. The victims in the attack cases we have confirmed now include children. There are teenagers, young people, and middle-aged people, but there are no old people. We guess this may be the rule. "

"No wonder you are all dressed up like this." These guys were trying to trick people. Only then did Yang Xiao understand. "Is it useful?" Yang Xiao asked.

"I don't know yet. You guys came before we even got in." Wu Zhe said frankly, "You guys came faster than I thought. Your troops are very fast. I'm here to thank you all."

Yang Xiao waved his hand, "It's your job, no need to say thank you. We've taken over this matter. You can stay as a reserve team. In addition, dress us up and do what you want."


Wu Zhe is also a happy person, knowing that they can no longer handle such a crisis with their abilities, and forceful intervention will only increase casualties.

Soon, Yang Xiao and his party were all dressed up. A group of five people crossed the cordon from the west gate and entered the Scientist Garden Community. At this moment, the community was silent, with only a few lonely street lamps emitting a half-dead light.

Among them, Big Bear wore headphones, carried an equipment box on his back, and walked at the front of the team holding a long-handled device that looked like a mine detector. Beibei walked in second with a flashlight. Next came Ximen Xiu, who was looking around with furtive eyes, and then Yu Unfortunately, as the captain, Yang Xiao walked last.

At this moment, Yang Xiao has secretly changed into the Mingyi opera robe. Don't tell me, the clothes become more and more fitting after wearing it for a long time. It feels empty inside, so that Yang Xiao always feels like he is running naked without wearing anything.

Suddenly, Big Bear, who was walking at the front, stopped, placed his left hand on top of his head, and punched with one hand. Everyone immediately followed and stopped.

After a while, Big Bear reported in a low voice, "There is an unknown signal nearby. It's not very strong. That thing must have stayed nearby."

Under the leadership of Daxiong, a group of people came to a short bridge in the community. It was dark under the bridge, and three flashlights were shining downwards. Soon the sharp-eyed Ximen Xiu discovered something unusual, and saw nothing but the dark water floating in the water. Holding something, the light shines on it, and there are some broken silver reflections.

"Hey," Beibei took a breath and whispered, "He's one of ours. He's wearing a coat from the technical department."

Yang Xiao had an impression of the people in the technical department. Their trademark was the clothing made of special silver material.

It was pitch black down below. It was not only unrealistic but also dangerous to rescue people now. Yang Xiao asked Yu Shu to mark the location of the body on the map. After the supernatural incident was dealt with first, he would send someone to rescue him.

Following the route set before coming in, Yang Xiao and his party moved forward cautiously. Not long after, Daxiong's equipment detected an abnormal signal again. This time the signal was much stronger than the last time. As for tracking the signal, this time they actually locked onto a building.

This is an old building with only 6 floors. The architectural style is still based on the aesthetic standards of the last century. There is no elevator and the mottled cement exterior walls have long since cracked. Standing under the 14th building and looking up, this building There was actually a house with lights on inside.

It's room 501 on the 5th floor.

In a completely dark building, only this one room had lights on, and everyone felt vaguely uneasy. It looked more like a trap.

"Beibei, switch positions with me and stay behind. Big Bear, I'll take the lead and you follow me."

Everyone recognized Yang Xiao's ability and strength without any objection. As the formation change was completed,

Everyone lined up and started going upstairs.

"Pay attention to the position of each teammate, and don't stand too close together." Yang Xiao paused and reminded in a low voice that the corridors of this old building were too narrow, and he was worried that once he started to use his hands, he might not be able to use them.

Arriving outside the door of 501 without incident, Yang Xiao lowered his head and noticed that there was another bag of garbage outside the door. After gently kicking it over with his foot, he found some kitchen waste such as vegetable stems and peels that still looked very fresh.

This at least proves that someone has been living in the house in the past two days. Yang Xiao thought for a moment, asked his teammates to step back, and knocked on the door alone.

The door is a very old-fashioned large iron door, black, with some inevitable rust on the edges, and the keyhole is also the simplest vertical hole.

The situation was unclear, so Yang Xiao did not rush in to check with the soul-telling mirror. Ximen Xiu took the initiative to ask for help. He simply bent a thin wire a few times, inserted it into the keyhole, and poked it a few times. A very clear sound came from inside. The lock spring clicked.

The door is open.

Yang Xiao waited for Ximen Xiu to retreat far away before opening the door. The next second, a smell of blood rushed towards him. The further he walked in, the stronger the smell of blood became, until he pushed open a door that was ajar. It was a bedroom, and the bedroom was in a mess. This time the scene was the most tragic. There was no complete house anymore, and there were fragments of house wreckage everywhere. Even the ceiling was covered with splatters of flesh and blood, and there were still stains on the surrounding furniture. Blood beads kept rolling down.

"That thing just left, it won't take more than 10 minutes." After observing, Beibei judged that this scene made her feel a little uncomfortable even though she was used to big scenes.

Yang Xiao took off his wig and pulled off the gray beard on his chin, "Throw away these things, they are of no use."

Everyone did so because they found a small piece of scalp at the scene with gray hair stuck to it.

The deceased was an old man.

The rule of not killing old people was broken.

In addition, the scene was so tragic that they could not even determine the gender of the deceased. Yang Xiao could feel it.

That thing's methods are becoming more and more cruel.

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