Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 424: Possession

The text message he received not long ago was from Nalan Shuo, and the content only contained three words: Come in. But it was not until this moment that he saw Nalan Shuo in person that he was sure that his previous guess was not wrong.

"Sit." Nalan Shuo raised his left hand and motioned to the chair opposite the table. The chair was placed in front of Yang Xiao, as if it was specially prepared for him.

Yang Xiao hesitated for a moment, but chose to sit down. He knew that he would have a lot to say tonight, and if everything went well, he would know many secrets.

There was a tea set in front of Nalan Shuo. He warmed it skillfully, put in the tea, moistened it, woke up the tea, and brewed it. He first put the tea cup in front of him on the lake, and then...well...Yang Xiao did not enjoy this treatment. , with a bottle of mineral water in front of him.

Taking a sip of tea, Nalan Shuo slowly exhaled a breath of hot air. He did not feel any uneasiness about being exposed, as if this was still the patrol station where he had the final say. Yang Xiao couldn't help it anymore, leaned forward and whispered: "All of this You did it all?”

"What are you referring to?" Nalan Shuo asked calmly as he lowered his head to blow away the water vapor in the teacup.

"There are people from the Hehuan Sect in this office." Yang Xiao said in an aggressive tone, "I only gave you the shadow carving stone, but it appeared in the hands of a woman. Her name is Yu Xixin, a member of the Hehuan Sect. people.”

"Keep talking." Nalan Shuo didn't nod, but he didn't deny it either.

"In recent years, many resentful eyes related to evil cultivators have disappeared behind the scenes in Rongcheng, but the last clues have been found at the Patrol Office, and it is our Lin'an Office. Now it seems that these are all related to you. It is you who are secretly collecting resentments. Eyes." Yang Xiao got straight to the point. Nalan Shuo is a smart man. Now that he is here, he is trying to cover up his lies. "Director, what are you going to do?"

Hearing the word "director", Nalan Shuo's calm face finally showed a trace of emotion, and he slowly put down the tea cup in his hand. He raised his eyes and looked at Yang Xiao, his eyes filled with complex emotions, "Yang Xiao, that's it. "This matter has nothing to do with you, and knowing too much will not do you any good."

"But I don't want to be treated like a monkey!" Now that the day has finally come when the mystery is revealed, Yang Xiao refuses to let go of this opportunity. "Director, I know you are not a bad person. Your ability to send people to avenge Zhijie has proven this A little bit, but I don’t understand, what on earth are you going to do?”

After a moment of silence, Nalan Shuo finally spoke: "I can only tell you that this matter is related to a plan above. If you must know, I will tell you, because you are also on the inspection list of the plan, but in Once you know about this plan, you will passively become a member of the plan and will no longer have the opportunity to withdraw. "

"Other than death?" Yang Xiao asked.

"Yes." Nalan Shuo nodded indifferently.

Yang Xiao took a deep breath and suddenly smiled, "A friend of mine once said that if you want to survive in this world, you have to choose a place to live. I believe in your character, Director, so I want to hear this plan."

"It seems that you have made a decision." Nalan Shuo stopped admonishing and asked instead: "Have you ever thought about it?

What is the difference between the evil eyes of evil cultivators and the resentful eyes of yourselves? "

Yang Xiao had indeed thought about this question, but he never had a perfect answer that could convince him, so he answered honestly: "I don't know."

"There is no difference. They are all the same in the beginning." Nalan Shuo's voice was dull. "What really makes the difference in the Resentful Eye is the human heart. It is people who corrupt the Resentful Eye. Of course, this process is extremely long and requires the possession of the Resentful Eye." Those who have extremely high talents and amazing compatibility with the Resentful Eye. There were many such people hundreds of years ago, but now they are almost extinct. "

"Only such guys can be called true evil cultivators. These extremely talented guys will even parasitize a wisp of evil thoughts on their resentful eyes after their bodies die. Such resentful eyes are very dangerous. Once they are captured by someone with a weak will, Obtained, the consequences will be disastrous.”

"But our patrol department manual states that all resentful eyes seized from cultists must be processed centrally, and recycling is not allowed regardless of their level. Isn't this a bit..." Yang Xiao pondered. Choosing the wording, "Overkill?"

Unexpectedly, Nalan Shuo suddenly became serious and said in a deep voice: "An overcorrection must be overcorrected. This will be enough to alert future generations!"

“Once these resentful eyes parasitized by evil thoughts are obtained by unsuspecting people, they will in turn corrode people’s minds.

Turn a person into a stranger and a devil in a very short period of time. "

After a pause, Nalan Shuo emphasized, "You can understand it as being possessed by evil thoughts parasitic in the eyes of resentment. What's even more frightening is that such a guy can also pretend."

"In the past few hundred years, we have suffered extremely painful losses. Due to our negligence, we did not realize that a senior executive was possessed by evil thoughts in the eyes of resentment. The latter suddenly lost control at the meeting site, causing the core level of our patrol department to suffer. After a devastating blow, after decades of recuperation, I have still not been able to fully recover.”

"Not just us, the Apostolic Federation, the Chamber of Commerce, and other major forces have also had similar things happen. So in order to prevent such tragedies from spreading, we jointly formulated a measure to agree that no matter what sect or sect, , as long as the resentful eyes captured from cultists cannot be used, they will be destroyed if they are of low risk.

If there is any violation of the highly dangerous seal, no matter who it is, he will be a public enemy of each sect and will be treated with evil cultivators. "

"But with the increase in the number of apostles, especially the growth of the Apostolic Federation, we increasingly feel that the difficulties faced by law enforcement are increasing, and gathering various clues, we have reason to believe that the Federation and the Chamber of Commerce are secretly reselling people from cultists. With their resentful eyes, they will whitewash the way they trade, but this cannot be hidden from us at the Patrol Department.”

"So the above also came up with a plan to select some reliable patrol stations, carefully screen them in the eyes of the captured evil cultivators, and select some with low risk value for recycling, but there is a prerequisite that they cannot be used on their own people. body."

"To be precise, I am only responsible for providing the Resentful Eyes, and the rest of the work is done by dedicated personnel. As for the whereabouts of these Resentful Eyes and their ownership, I have no right to know. This is also a double insurance provided by the above for safety."

"You can think of these people who are armed with the Evil Cultivation Eye of Resentment as an assassination squad. They will deal with a lot of troubles for us that are inconvenient for us to do ourselves. Moreover, these people do not know each other's identities. With single-line contact with their superiors, they don’t even know who they are working for. They are just ordinary people in daily life, but when there is a task, they will be awakened.”

"The Yu Xinxin you mentioned is one of them. Before this, I didn't know she existed." Nalan Shuo said.

"Why did you send someone to assassinate Pang Cai? I mean why are you so anxious? Aren't you worried about exposing yourself?

"Yang Xiao still couldn't figure this out.

Hearing this, Nalan Shuo smiled bitterly and shook his head slowly, "That was not an order from me, it was Ximen Xiu's own decision."

"He is my liaison officer with the leader of this assassination team, but last time, he faked my order.

Someone was sent to Yunqicheng to kill people. I didn't know about it until the next day. I wanted to stop it, but it was too late. The news was delayed and the people sent out had already taken action. At this point, Nalan Shuo sighed slowly, "It seems that I guessed right. The person Yu Xixin met in Yunqicheng was indeed you." "

Yang Xiao did not deny this, "No wonder you locked Ximen Xiu into confinement, but... I'm curious, why did you choose Ximen Xiu as your liaison officer?"

In Yang Xiao's view, Ximen Xiuwu is not as decisive as Beibei, Wen is not as reliable as Daxiong, and his stability is not as stable as Yu Shu. He is recognized as a drag on the team. It is said that he is still in the internship stage and has not become a full-time employee.

Hearing this, Nalan Shuo shook his head, "First of all, Ximen Xiu is not as unbearable as you think. He is very smooth, timid and cautious by nature. In addition, due to his poor strength, almost no one will pay attention to him. These are all beneficial to him. Hide your identity.”

"Secondly, he is a relative of the leader of the assassination team, so he is reliable enough."

"Relationship household?" Yang Xiao never thought of this.

Nalan Shuo hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "That's right, but his performance before was always very stable until Zhijie happened."

"So that's it." Yang Xiao knew that his visit today was indeed not in vain. This news was very important to him.

"One more thing, besides Ximen Xiu, does anyone else in our investigation team know about this plan?" Yang Xiao was very concerned about this.

"No more." Nalan Shuo replied firmly.

Now that everything was out of the way, Yang Xiao had nothing to hold back. He pointed the finger at Lu Youdao, "Director, that Coach Lu once stayed in the Yuyuan Sect, right?"

Nalan Shuo was silent for a moment and looked at Yang Xiao with more and more complicated eyes. "You really know a lot of things. You should have found out from Linghu Guishan after you tortured him."

"Yes." Yang Xiao did not hide anything. "He said that he was not familiar with Grandma Hong. The people from the Yuyuan Sect came to Rongcheng not for me, but to find a rebellious person in the sect. According to his description, this person He is disabled, and he is hiding in our Lin'an Office. He lives in seclusion on weekdays. The only person I can think of is Coach Lu. "

Nalan Shuo stared at Yang Xiao for a while before speaking: "You didn't mention this to me at first. Why, were you worried that I would be bad for you?"

Yang Xiao waved his hand quickly, "No, Director, how could you, a great man, do such a villainous thing? I suspected that Linghu Guishan was lying to me before he died. I have no evidence in my hand, how dare I harm the Director?" Your relationship with Coach Lu.”

Nalan Shuo suddenly smiled, and the more he smiled, the happier he became, "I knew you were thoughtful before, but I didn't expect you were so thoughtful."

Nalan Shuo's smile made Yang Xiao cringe. The hairs on his body stood up. He subconsciously put his hand into his left pocket and held the soul-capturing mirror. He knew too many secrets tonight and had to Defend.

However, Nalan Shuo had no intention of taking action. Instead, he looked at Yang Xiao's left pocket with interest and said, "If you guessed it correctly, it's a soul-capturing mirror. It's a good treasure. I really know a little about this thing. "

Yang Xiao remained calm. He didn't know whether Nalan Shuo was trying to stabilize himself and then wait for an opportunity to make a sneak attack.

But until Nalan Shuo's next sentence, Yang Xiao's face suddenly changed.

"How are you doing in the mirror? Are you still safe?" Nalan Shuo leaned back in his chair and asked casually with a smile.

Seeing the sudden change in Yang Xiao's face, Nalan Shuo also knew that he had been wronged, and gradually stopped smiling, "What, it started to move?"

"Director, I have always been loyal to you. Today I did not report you, but came here alone, hoping to persuade you to turn back. However, I did not expect that this was all done under the wise guidance of your superiors, Director." It was my fault, but my loyalty to you can be seen from the sun and the moon..." Yang Xiao begged pitifully: "Director, please save me!"

Nalan Shuo almost laughed at Yang Xiao. The biggest advantage of this kid is that he can adapt to the wind and be thick-skinned. However, as the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. Nalan Shuo didn't want to argue with him, otherwise he wouldn't be here today. Wait for him.

"If you want to report me, you have to have a place. I am the nominal supreme commander of the Rongcheng Patrol Bureau. Is it possible that you are going to defect to Director Huang Guochao?" Although he didn't care about it, the beating was still indispensable. Na Lan Shuo made a serious face, "Yang Xiao, I remember I told you, remember to tell the truth in front of me."

"Tell me, what stage of evolution has the guy in the mirror reached?" Nalan Shuo looked at Yang Xiao seriously.

Hearing the word evolution, Yang Xiao shivered instinctively, but in order to survive, he still told Nalan Shuo everything about the ghost in the mirror. The latter frowned and said, "It's ready. Think like a human and influence reality?”

"What do you mean by that expression? Is it in the advanced stage? Director, do you think I can save him a little more?" In Yang Xiao's eyes, everything that happened tonight was not as threatening as the ghost in the mirror to him, so he let the ghost in the mirror If it continues to develop, the consequences will be disastrous.

"It's already very dangerous. I didn't expect it to evolve so fast in you." Nalan Shuo looked solemnly and looked Yang Xiao up and down with clear eyes, "Is there anything else you are hiding from me?"

Yang Xiao couldn't help but feel embarrassed, "Actually, it's nothing, it's just... I still have resentful eyes."

"There are more?" Nalan Shuo was shocked. He already knew that Yang Xiao had a ghost dream robe, a ghost lantern, and a soul-catching mirror. If you add one more, there are four pieces. One person has four pieces of resentment at the same time. Eyes, Nalan Shuo couldn't even think about it.

Soon, Yang Xiao had a whisk in his hand. The whisk looked ordinary. Nalan Shuo stood up and walked over. He took it over and looked at it, but there was nothing special about it. Before he could ask, Yang Xiao lowered his voice and said mysteriously: "Director, have you ever heard of the Little Holy Spirit Buddha Mother in White Clothes?"

Nalan Shuo didn't even raise his head and nodded perfunctorily, "I know, one of the three demons under the Black Buddha Mother, the guardian ghost of the real person in charge of the Southeast branch, also known as the Godmother of Yuhua, Master Wuji, I heard that the methods are extremely cruel, What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's what you have in your hand." Yang Xiao took the initiative to explain.

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