Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 386 Resentful Infant

"What?" Mi Shu couldn't help but feel nervous.

Cheng Cha turned around, walked behind the gate of the house, and gently opened a gap in the originally closed gate.

When everyone saw this, they walked over one after another and looked out at the street through the gap. They didn't know what to do, and they were shocked when they saw it.

I saw that the once bustling and bustling streets were empty and desolate. The shops on both sides of the street had long been dilapidated, with broken doors and windows. Many store signs had fallen to the ground. There was not a single soul on the street. It was lifeless. This was clearly What a dead town!

What's even weirder is that there are clothes scattered everywhere on the street, and many of them are in sets. It feels like the person was there one second, but the next second, the person disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the clothes in place.

"Everyone in the town has been eaten by ginseng essence. The townspeople we saw before were all disguised as resentful babies.

They are imitating human life. "Cheng Cha slowly closed the door.

"If we shout the wrong thing, will...will we attract those resentful babies?" Mi Shu's face turned pale. It was true that the scene just now was too shocking.

"Yes, compared to ginseng essence, those resentful babies are the most dangerous. When we are looking for ginseng essence,

These resentful babies will also seek us out. "

Cheng Cha's words immediately made the atmosphere more uneasy. Recalling those weird townspeople, everyone had a very bad premonition in their hearts.

"Don't worry too much. Those guys are not as smart as you think. They are not complete humans after all. We just need to be careful and try to avoid them." After a pause, Cheng Cha continued: "Once discovered, we will not be punished immediately. When it comes to killing, those resentful babies will force us to play games with them. As long as we win the game, we can escape."

"What if we lose?" Tong Han frowned.

"If you hand over the red rope for the first time, you can save your life. If you hand it over for the second time, you will disappear and disappear from this world forever." Cheng Cha took a deep breath, "I found the clothes of a missing teammate in the last mission. , just like the ones on the street outside, only the people are missing.”

Yang Xiao nodded slowly. He probably knew that the so-called disappearance meant that he was eaten by ginseng essence.

"It's almost time, let's get started." Cheng Cha turned around and walked to the incense burner. He untied a few red threads from one leg of the incense burner and gave one to everyone present. "Men tie it on the left wrist, and women tie it on the right wrist. Unless you find out Ginseng doll, otherwise don’t take it off.”

Rolling up his left cuff, Cheng Cha wrapped the red thread around his left wrist, and the others followed suit.

Rolling up his cuffs, everyone's wrists were soon wrapped with a red thread. After confirming that it was correct, Cheng Cha took out a stick of incense, lit it, and inserted the incense straight into the incense burner. This heralded the beginning of the mission.

"We have a moment to find that guy. We should spread out as much as possible. The more people gather together, the easier it is to be targeted by the resentful infant." Cheng Cha finally emphasized, "Once you lose the red rope, don't run around. Come back." to here,

Remember not to talk to anyone on the way. Just stay in front of the incense burner and don't leave until the mission is over. It's absolutely safe here. "

"I understand." Everyone nodded.

"Then let's begin." Cheng Cha directed everyone to circle the city, close their eyes, and hold hands. There was an incense burner in the middle. Soon, a cold and vicious aura appeared around them, as if it came out of the ground. The cold hair on Yang Xiao's back stood up uncontrollably, until soon after, the aura quickly disappeared.

Several people opened their eyes, said nothing, looked at each other and quickly dispersed and ran away.

Not long after Yang Xiao ran out, another person came back. He stayed in the front yard. He knew the meaning of darkness under the lamp.

The IQ of that ginseng spirit is obviously not comparable to that of the resentful babies outside. Thinking about it from another perspective, if he were the ginseng spirit, then he would stay in the front yard, and it would be the most conspicuous place.

He first carefully observed the incense burner and several stone pillars and statues near the incense burner. Cheng Cha said that ginseng essence can only disguise itself as other things, and cannot make things disappear and replace them out of thin air. In other words, ginseng essence can disguise itself as something else. There were none in the yard before, but there were more.

There is more than one incense burner in the yard, seven in total, with more or less mottled red stains on them, like dried blood stains. Only the middle one among the seven incense burners is burning incense.

Very good, 7 incense burners, no more, no less.

Next came the nearby stone statues. There were also blood stains on the stone statues. There were stone doll statues, an old man with a bun on his head, and a woman wearing a sarong. Yang Xiao counted them one by one, and they were all fine. It seemed that This ginseng doll is not here.

Yang Xiao turned around and walked towards the wall. There were several water tanks of different sizes and several large, upright logs. Yang Xiao had paid special attention to these before and remembered the numbers clearly. He counted them one by one. past,

No problem either.

After thinking about it, Yang Xiao decided to go into a nearby house to take a look. For safety reasons, he left the door ajar after entering the house. After all, the ginseng essence would not kill people yet, and he wanted to beware of the resentful babies on the street outside.

The room was quite bright, with a few red candles burning faintly. Now Yang Xiao was extremely sensitive to the color red. Fortunately, there were not many red furniture in the room, most of them were black. This also saved Yang Xiao a lot of trouble. He focused on Concentrated on the wooden bed and the large wardrobe on the wall, only these two items have a certain amount of red.

The size also met the requirements, and there was a beautiful red flower carved on the wardrobe, but Yang Xiao tried several times and couldn't find any problems.

He pretended that he didn't find anything and opened the door to leave. In fact, he planned to hide in the dark. After all, the ginseng doll was not stupid. If he found out that he was suspected, he would probably run away, so he would be blocked. But as soon as he walked out of the door, Yang Xiao Suddenly he frowned and saw that the courtyard door not far away had been opened at some point. It was about one-third the size. From his position, he could directly see the desolate street outside.

This was not a good sign. After Yang Xiao confirmed that there was nothing nearby, he slowly approached. But before he got closer, he couldn't help but frown. He saw small marks appearing on the ground behind the door. The marks were wet. ,

It's not shoe or footprints, but palm prints. The five fingers are distinct and the fingers are short and thin. They are clearly the prints of a child!

There were a lot of palm prints, one on top of another, looking very messy. Yang Xiao came to the door and saw that there were also palm prints densely covered under the door. A picture suddenly appeared in his mind, a group of resentful babies standing upside down on the street. He crawled over, then quietly opened the courtyard door, and now he had entered the house.

The reason why it was confirmed that he climbed over while standing on his head, rather than using both hands and feet, was because Yang Xiao only found palm prints on the ground, but no footprints.

Just going through this scene in his mind made him feel chills on his back and cold sweat broke out on his forehead. What was even more disturbing was that he also found several resentful babies crawling outside the house where he was just now. Judging from the palm prints, , stayed for a moment, and then crawled away in the other direction.

Yang Xiao took a deep breath and couldn't help but feel lucky that he was cautious. Not only did he act cautiously after entering the room to search,

He tried not to make any noise and even closed the door ajar, otherwise he would have been blocked in the room by several resentful babies just now.

I was concentrating on looking for ginseng essence. When I turned around, several resentful babies standing on their hands and feet suddenly appeared behind me and stared at me. This scene was so exciting!

It was not advisable to stay here for a long time. Yang Xiao turned around and walked in the opposite direction where the palm prints disappeared. If he met his teammates, he must remind everyone to be careful.

In the side yard two yards away from Yang Xiao, Mi Shu was hiding in a bush. She didn't dare to move.

Through the gap between the branches and leaves, a pair of frightened eyes stared outside.

Not far from her was a small pond with a rockery setting and a simple wooden bridge connecting both sides of the pond. But now the beautiful scenery had been completely broken. At this moment, a group of people with weird postures lined up in a row.

Walking quietly on the bridge, but judging from the reflection in the water, they are clearly ghost children standing upside down and covered in pitch black.

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