Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 37: Seeding Happiness

"That's it, you have chosen the Bai family's gatekeeper. That leader Bai is also a man with a cruel heart. He really gave up his daughter for a thousand taels of silver."

Kuang Hongyi smiled and said with a hint of something in his words: "So what can I do if I can't bear to part with you? After all, Mr. Feng's family has a great business. Not everyone dares to call him Nan Batian."

Butler Liu was a little anxious, "I don't dare to talk nonsense. This kind of thing must be approved by the woman's direct blood relatives, otherwise it will not work. I dare to guarantee with my life that the Feng family never forced Team Leader Bai. Out of the desire to make up for it, my family In the end, the master gave me an extra 200 taels of silver as a token of thanks, and Team Leader Bai accepted it all, which can be found in the account."

"The Feng family's accounting room still contains the receipts written by Boss Bai, as well as two receipts for a total of 1,200 taels of silver. Boss Bai also specifically emphasized that he will not accept cash checks, but only cash. Mr. Mr. Bai, the old accountant I can also testify.”

After saying this in one breath, Butler Liu seemed to be discouraged. He shook his head and his voice became lower, "But no matter what, it's my Feng family's fault in this matter. I saw that girl, she looks pretty." , I have no choice in skills, it’s a pity to lose a good girl.”

Yang Xiao sneered in his heart. That was not what Butler Liu said before. Calling Xi Mo was either evil spirit or a ghost of an injustice. His face was full of resentment and resentment, and he wanted to crush him to ashes. Now that the third young master is dead, he has seen how powerful he is and knows how to call him good. Girl.

While they were talking, they had already arrived outside Master Feng's room. Before they even got closer, they heard bursts of coughing and a man's low cry.

Opening the door, I saw Mr. Feng slumped in the Grand Master's chair, his expression was painful and dull, his eyes were red and swollen, and his eyes were dull. He was obviously overly sad.

"Master!" Butler Liu walked up quickly and shouted in a crying voice: "Master, nothing can happen to you!"

This voice seemed to bring Master Feng back to his senses. He looked at Yang Xiao and others, and tears suddenly burst out of his eyes. The next second, a scene that no one expected happened. Master Feng actually struggled to stand up. Then he knelt on the ground with a thud.

"Please help the Feng family, please save me. I know my father has sinned a lot, but...but my descendants of the Feng family are innocent!" Master Feng howled and cried, "I have lost three sons. Now there is only one seedling left in our Feng family. If Zhitong makes another mistake, our family will be cut off. How will I explain to the ancestors of the Feng family after my death?"

This scene made Su Tingting dumbfounded. Mr. Feng was full of emotions, sincere in admitting his mistakes, and acted decisively when he knelt down. The timing and atmosphere were just right. She thought her previous acting skills were already very good, but she didn't expect that she would be the same as Mr. Feng. Than, it’s almost impossible to watch.

But in the next second, someone took action. Yang Xiao quickly walked up to Master Feng who was crying bitterly, knelt down with a bang, and supported Master Feng with all his strength, "Master Feng, please get up quickly, you are going to hurt us." Junior!”

"Although Mr. Feng made a mistake first, it is still Mr. Feng. What does it have to do with you?"

"Steward Liu told us the truth when we came here. You were strongly opposed to it at first, but the old lady insisted on going his own way. This is not your fault. Please don't blame yourself anymore."

"The plan for now is to save the soul of Miss Xi Mo as soon as possible, let her rest in peace as soon as possible, and also bring peace to the family."

At this moment, Yang Xiao deeply sympathized with the Feng family, and his emotions were so delicate that it was impossible to fault him. He cooperated with Butler Liu to help Master Feng back to the Grand Master's chair, "Master Feng, please tell us about the situation at that time. The more detailed the better, the better we can prescribe the right medicine.”

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you everything I know." Master Feng wiped his tears. At this moment, he looked more than ten years older.

"When my father was critically ill, I didn't know where I got an ancient scroll. It recorded an evil recipe. It said that if you follow the method of this recipe, you can protect your family from rejuvenation in 10 years. The descendants will enjoy endless glory and wealth.”

"To put it simply, I need to find an unmarried woman whose birthday coincides with my father's, and get married to him on his first seven days."

"You probably know the process. Build a big ship. The whole ship is covered in red. A red lantern is hung on it. My father's body is placed in the cabin."

"Boss Bai coaxed Xi Mo into the house on the pretext of singing an opera, and asked her to dress up and sing on the boat. Team Leader Bai was worried about an accident during the trip, so he tied Xi Mo to the boat with a rope."

"When sailing, make a hole in the bottom of the boat. When the boat reaches the center of the lake, it slowly sinks. When the red lantern hanging on the top of the mast disappears, the first step of the ceremony will be completed."

Hearing this, Shi Guanming was surprised and said: " this just the first step?"

"Yes, according to the fragment of the scroll, the ceremony is divided into four steps. This first step is is it called?" Mr. Feng frowned.

"Greetings." Yang Xiao suddenly said.

Master Feng's eyes lit up, and he looked at Yang Xiao with a serious expression, "Yes, yes, that's just a joy. It seems that this lucky guest is well-informed and has heard about this evil art."

Yang Xiao was silent for a moment and then explained to the others: "This evil technique is divided into four steps. The first step is to plant happiness, then to marry, to get happiness, and finally and most importantly, to send happiness."

"Yes, the wedding can be seen as planting my father and the girl Xime in the lake. The wedding requires our family to come to the lake to worship every year for 10 years. On every wedding day, It’s even more important to hold a big ceremony and hang up red lanterns in the house.”

"Dexi will be this year 10 years later. According to what is mentioned in the fragment, this year is the year when my family will be happy. Everything should go smoothly and the family and business will be prosperous, but...but who knows... .." Master Feng choked up after saying this and couldn't speak any more.

Indeed, this year has been a disaster year for the Feng family. Not only did everything go wrong, but people died one after another. Now that the third young master is also dead, the Feng family is left with only a very sick Master Feng and a healthy one. The second young mistress with a big belly is dead.

"What about this final gift?" Su Tingting was curious.

Mr. Feng took a deep breath and said, "There are many things to consider when sending a gift. Our Feng family needs to give birth to an heir within this year, and it must be a boy who can inherit the family business. As long as this boy is born smoothly and survives, it means This evil spell is finally over."

Having said this, Master Feng's silent eyes regained brilliance, he leaned forward, grasped the wooden handrail tightly with both hands, and said excitedly: "So, I implore you all to help my Feng family overcome this disaster, as long as... .As long as we keep Zhitong and wait for her to give birth smoothly, then I, the Feng family, will have passed the test, and I will definitely provide you with every benefit I promise you."

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