Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 314 Ghost


After being stunned for a moment, Yang Xiao immediately realized that this matter was not that simple. He remembered that the stone tablet that tripped Yan Shiyi was just outside the strange village in his dream. It seemed that the village was the Cursed Village.

But there was a strange building in the woods outside the village. According to Yan Shiyi's description, it looked like a temple, but not completely like one. It was full of evil smell, and that was where Yan Shiyi disappeared in the dream.

Yang Xiao immediately asked if there were any clues in the police's inquiry materials, but unfortunately, there were none. "Director, can you borrow the Patrol Office's database to search for this Cursed Village?" Yang Xiao was originally a member of the Patrol Office, so such a request was normal. An important point in his decision to join the Patrol Office was that he saw the resources here.

Nalan Shuo agreed very straightforwardly, "I will arrange for someone to check it, and I will notify you immediately once there is a result."

After staring at Yang Xiao for a while, Nalan Shuo suddenly sighed, "It's only been a short time, and you are forced to enter the nightmare world again. This is not a good sign."

Yang Xiao did not tell Nalan Shuo about the mysterious stone statue. This was also part of the promise he made to Mo Daidai. This matter must be kept absolutely confidential. So in Nalan Shuo's view, this was just the result of Yang Xiao's high-intensity use of the resentful eye.

Yang Xiao forced a smile, "Don't worry, Director. When I come back this time, I will live a stable life in the future."

Unexpectedly, Nalan Shuo waved his hands repeatedly, and finally stepped forward and patted Yang Xiao on the shoulder, "Don't say that, don't you watch movies? In the movies, anyone who said goodbye before the war will hardly come back alive in the end. Yang Xiao, I am very optimistic about you, don't let me down."

"Thank you, Director!" Yang Xiao sensed a trace of worry in Nalan Shuo's eyes, which touched him very much.

"If you don't want to come to work recently, you don't have to come. Adjust yourself. You have been too nervous recently." Nalan Shuo said.

No more politeness, Yang Xiao turned and left. This place is not far from his office. It is still early now.

Beibei and the others should be there, but just as Yang Xiao walked in the corridor and planned to go back to see everyone, suddenly, he had a bad premonition in his heart. This familiar corridor seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

He raised his head, and the headlight cast a bright light, but the light shone on his body, which was actually cold.

Before he could continue to think, the next second, there was a severe pain in his back, as if the flesh was torn apart. Judging from the feeling, it was the part that was replaced by the robe. Yang Xiao did not dare to neglect it and immediately turned around and fled until he left the office building.

After rushing back to his apartment, he took off his shirt. His back was already bleeding, and the robe seemed to be torn by some mysterious force, and the wound was still bleeding.

Yang Xiao was in a bad mood. At this time, the costume was still causing trouble. Did he think he was not dying fast enough?

Fortunately, the wound did not get worse, and the fragments of the costume stopped moving. Yang Xiao simply treated the wound and lay on the bed to rest. At the same time, he edited a message about his situation and sent it to Mo Daidai.

The sun shone through the window on Yang Xiao, and it was warm for a while. Unconsciously, Yang Xiao fell asleep in this warm wrap.

After an unknown period of time, he was awakened by a ringing sound. The phone rang, and the name on the screen was Nalan Shuo. Yang Xiao woke up immediately. After answering the call, Nalan Shuo's voice on the other side was obviously wrong, "Where are you?"

"In the apartment, I was just sleeping." Yang Xiao told the truth.

The word "sleep" seemed to have touched Nalan Shuo's worries. This steady man even spoke faster. "Did you dream? Did you dream about the Cursed Village and the temple?"

"No, I didn't dream about anything." At this moment, Yang Xiao also realized that something must have happened. "Director, what happened?"

"The people who had a conflict with you last night are also missing. I just received a message from the police." Nalan Shuo said in a low voice.

"What?!" Yang Xiao was shocked and sat up from the bed. "How many people are missing, who are they?


"A manager named Liu and two security guards. I have confirmed with the police that they are the ones who had a conflict with you last night." Nalan Shuo said firmly.

Yang Xiao immediately remembered that after the misunderstanding, he was locked in a private room waiting for the police to come. There were a total of 5 people in the room, including him, Yan Shiyi, Manager Liu, and two security guards. Now, except for himself, the remaining four people are all missing.

"When did it happen? "Yang Xiao asked.

"Manager Liu was missing an hour ago. The two security guards disappeared over a long period of time, between 7am and 10am." Nalan Shuo said, "Manager Liu told his family he had a headache and wanted to continue sleeping. He asked his family to wake him up an hour later. But when his mother pushed the bedroom door open an hour later, she found that he was gone, but his clothes and cell phone were still by the bed. The police went to the scene and saw no signs of him going out. The doors and windows were intact, and the nearby surveillance cameras did not find any problems. "

"The situation of the two security guards is a little more complicated. They were not on duty today and lived in a rental house. They rarely interacted with people around them. It was only when the police wanted to find them to understand the situation that they found that they were also missing." Nalan Shuo continued.

Analyzing these situations, Yang Xiao was horrified to find that the nightmare about the Cursed Village seemed to be contagious. He had never thought that such a thing would happen.

"Yang Xiao, you stay in your apartment room now, don't go out, and don't contact anyone again. We are temporarily unable to determine how this curse spreads, but since receiving the cursed village ghost script, anyone who has come into contact with you Everyone who has been in contact must be found. Huang Qiang and I are now in self-isolation. The two online taxi drivers who took you to and from the apartment today have also been controlled. The remaining people who have been in contact are still being investigated."

After Nalan Shuo asked Yang Xiao a few words, he hung up the phone. Apparently there was still something to be busy with. He vaguely heard the landline ringing in the director's office.

The more Yang Xiao thought about it, the more worried he became. He didn't know the situation on Tong Han's side, and one more important thing was that he had sent an inquiry message to Mo Dadai before, but the other party had not replied until now.

Yang Xiao was suddenly a little nervous. He was worried that Mo Dadai had also been tricked. If Mo Dadai disappeared, who would fulfill the promises he made in the future?

Thinking of this, Yang Xiao couldn't wait any longer and made a call. The phone rang for a long time and was finally answered.

"Why don't you answer the phone? Something happened to me!" Yang Xiao's voice was urgent.

Mo's dull voice revealed a sense of exhaustion, "I know, there are people missing, right? I have them here too, and there are many of them."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Yang Xiao immediately became angry. He actually hid this kind of thing from himself.

How can we cooperate with this attitude?

Unexpectedly, Mo Dadai just sighed, "What happened this time is very special and contagious. According to our analysis, it is more like a curse. Without confirming how the curse was spread, I contacted you rashly." Source of infection, what happens?”

Yang Xiao stopped talking. He knew that Mo Daidai was right. After all, he was the one who spread the curse. And through Mo Daidai's analysis of people missing from his place, Tong Han must have also received the cursed village ghost script and became a Another source of curse infection.

"How is Tong Han?" Yang Xiao asked, "Did you suffer a lot of losses?"

"The situation is similar to yours. Tong Han is fine. The loss is not small, but it is still within control. I have sent additional manpower. It is estimated that about 3 more people will be missing, and more valuable information can be found. At present, we have There are too few things." Mo Daidai said without any emotion.

"Are you trying to make mistakes with your life?" Yang Xiao frowned.

"The harvest is not bad. At least we have tried out the general route of this kind of infection. It requires communication, face-to-face. And the smaller the number of people, the longer the contact time, the more intense the emotion, the easier it is to spread the curse. The most important thing is , as the source like you or Tong Han, you can only spread the curse once, and the same goes for those who are infected. "

Yang Xiao couldn't help but be impressed by Mo Dadai's methods and efficiency. When the patrol office was still thinking about isolating the infected people,

Mo Daidai has tried out all the transmission channels with human life.

'I have fed that guy to 9 people. Through the memories of these people's dreams before they disappeared, I found that their dreams are not exactly the same, and the environments and things they see are also different. What is certain at present is that everyone's dreams They will pass through a village, enter a dense and twisted forest, and come to a strange building, and this building is the end of everyone's dream. "

After a pause, Mo continued: "As long as you fall asleep again after dreaming about this building, you will disappear. I have tried many means to prevent these people from falling asleep again, including severe pain, drug injections, and even resentful eyes." The power, but the effect is not good, the guy who caused the curse is too high level, and none of the people I brought can stop it. "

After hearing Mo Dudai's words, Yang Xiao instinctively had an ominous premonition, "What on earth do you want to do? Have you come into contact with the ghost that caused the curse?"

"Not yet, but it should be soon. I have mobilized a professional team to try to catch this ghost."

Hearing this, Yang Xiao's hair stood on end, "You say it again? want to catch this ghost?"

This is what Mo Daidai said. Anyone else, Yang Xiao, would have thought that the other person must be crazy. To be honest, he didn't believe that Mo Daidai could do it.

There was silence on the other side for a moment, and Mo's dull voice sounded again, "You may have misunderstood. What I meant was to capture its figure. I hope to see the true face of this guy, not to satisfy my curiosity, but to For your own good, you still don’t know that not long ago, Tong Han was attacked by this thing. In the corridor, the thing was following her. Fortunately, my people responded quickly. After Tong Han said that she was suddenly very cold surrounded her."

The next second, Yang Xiao immediately recalled the strange thing that happened at the patrol station in the morning. At that time, he was walking alone in the corridor. Suddenly he felt very cold, and then there was severe pain in his back, and the area where the opera robe had been changed began to rupture and bleed. Thinking about it carefully, the cold feeling that enveloped him disappeared after his back was broken.

He didn't have time to think about it at the time, he was still complaining about the opera robe's lack of vision, and now it's bothering him, but now it seems that the opera robe may have blocked disaster for him.

"Are you sure I'm not contagious now?" Yang Xiao wanted to confirm this.

"Of course, you have to believe in science." Mo Daidai said confidently.

"Okay, I want to go find you now, is that convenient?'

After hesitating for a moment, Mo Dada finally agreed, and the two parties agreed that a white online hailing car would pick him up in half an hour.

They turned left and right on the online car-hailing road and drove into an alley. There was a car waiting for them in the alley.

Yang Xiao changed cars and finally met Tong Han in a villa in the suburbs an hour later, but he didn't see Mo Daidai.

The bodyguard said that Mo Daidai was busy with something, but Yang Xiao suspected that these were all excuses. This kid still cherished his life and was worried that the research would be biased, and he and Tong Han would also infect him.

Especially after asking Tong Han, Yang Xiao became more determined in his thoughts. After receiving the ghost script, Tong Han never saw Mo Daidai again. The communication between the two was not even through the phone, but Mo Daidai wrote on a piece of paper and asked someone to convey it.

However, Yang Xiao soon changed his mind. The door of the room where the two of them were was knocked, and a bodyguard strode in with a silver suitcase in his hand.

At the same time, Yang Xiao's mobile phone rang. It was Mo Daidai who called. The first sentence the other party said made Yang Xiao stunned on the spot. Mo Daidai said that they had just used a person as bait and took a photo after the operation of a professional team.

"What photo?" Yang Xiao asked excitedly, "Did you take the photo of that ghost?"

"I don't know, I don't know what I took. After the photo was developed, the person who developed the photo was infected. The disappearance speed is the fastest in our current monitoring records. We analyzed that only the two of you will not be attacked by the curse in the photo."

Hearing Mo Daidai's words, Yang Xiao was sure that they really took some photos. Even if it was not a ghost, it must be related to ghosts. Otherwise, there is no reason to be infected with the curse just because of seeing the photo, and the degree of curse is more terrible than the other infected people.

Yang Xiao and Tong Han no longer hesitated and opened the suitcase. There was an upside-down photo inside. Yang Xiao skillfully put on silver gloves and gently turned the photo over. There was a man in the photo. The man leaned against a bare pillar, his waist was fixed by a rope, and the man lowered his head, as if he was asleep.

There were also reflections of the man and the pillar in the background, but they were not very clear. Yang Xiao realized that the background was not a large mirror, but a dark tea glass.

The most important thing is that in the reflection of the tea glass, a figure is approaching the man about 3 or 4 meters behind him.

But in the reality outside the glass, there is nothing behind the man.

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