Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 296 Either do it or do it to the extreme

"You're not dead?" Yang Xiao instantly became alert.

"Miss Tong, good people have their own destiny." Mo smiled dumbly and raised his hand, making a gesture of invitation. Tong Han also found a chair and sat down, but his eyes were still on Yang Xiao.

The protagonist tonight is Mo Dadai. Yang Xiao turned his head and looked directly at him, asking: "Does your Chamber of Commerce and the Yuyuan Sect wear the same pair of pants?"

"The Yuyuan Sect's people wanted to kill me, but Mr. Mo saved me." Tong Han said.

"Are you still acting like me?" Yang Xiao sneered, "In the nightmare, you sang with that Li Qingxuan.

The acting looks quite similar. "

Hearing this, Tong Han was stunned, "What do you mean by this?"

After listening to Yang Xiao's story, Tong Han also frowned, "I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know that Li Qingxuan at all. If he is also a member of the Yuyuan Sect, then I can only say that his level is lower than mine." above, but the possibility is low.”

"Miss Tong is not an ordinary captain-level person. If the last mission was successful, she is now the new venerable of the Yuyuan Sect." Mo Daidai picked up the tea cup and took a sip, and wrote lightly.

Now Yang Xiao was not sure. Li Qingxuan was right for a moment, but to say that he was on an equal footing with people like Grandma Hong, Yang Xiao felt that it was too much to praise him.

Yang Xiao didn't think about this matter for the time being. He was more curious about Mo Dudai's purpose of inviting him here today, "Stop hiding it, just say what you have to say."

"I know what you two are capable of. I invited you here today because I want you to do something for me." As soon as Mo Daidai finished speaking, the door was pushed open, and two men in suits with serious faces each carried a A silver box came in and was placed in front of Yang Xiao and Tong Han. After opening it, there were ten golden gold bars inside. In addition, there was a flat iron box to store ghost photos.

"You two, this is the deposit, and we will give you a big thank you after everything is done." When Mo Dudai was talking, the two men in suits turned and left.

Ten gold bars, a box of ghost photos, and this special silver box. The total market price of the three items will never be less than 10 million. As expected, the high-level officials of the Chamber of Commerce gave Yang Xiaosha more than what Yang Xiaosha received for the deposit. All more.

Although the things are good, Yang Xiao won't touch them. "No merit, no reward. You'd better speak more clearly. What do you need us to do?"

When people are in the world, there are some things they can do and some things they cannot do. This money might just be life money. Mo Dudu is not a fool, and this reward will never be that easy to get.

Mo Dadai smiled slightly, leaned back, leaned on the back of the chair in a comfortable posture, and waved to Tong Han, "Miss Tong, it's your turn."

"There is a gang called Yanshan Pavilion in Yecheng. Their gang leader is named Yan Hetian. This person stole Mr. Mo's things a few years ago. I need your cooperation to get this thing back." Tong Han got straight to the point.

"Is this Yanshan Pavilion very strong?" Yang Xiao asked.

"It's not that strong. This Yan Hetian has an Eye of Resentment rated at the upper third level of the Resentment Level. If he were to put his life on the line, he would be about the same as me now." Tong Han was very honest.

Yang Xiao immediately became happy after hearing this. He turned to look at Mo Dadai and teased without hesitation, "With your status, you can allow this kind of thing to steal treasures. Do you think I should believe it or not?" "

Mo Daidai put down the tea bowl in his hand, chuckled and narrowed his eyes, "It's up to you to believe it or not, but this thing must be named Mo."

"Aren't you afraid that this guy and the Yuyuan Sect teamed up to set up a trap?" Yang Xiao raised his finger and pointed at Tong Han without any hesitation.

"Yang Xiao, if I didn't have the ability to identify people like this, I would have been chewed to the bone long ago. I can tell you with certainty that Miss Tong is very trustworthy, and she is working for me now. "

Yang Xiao looked at Tong Han again. Tong Han took a deep breath and continued: "This Yan Hetian is secretly connected with the Yuyuan Sect. He wants to use this thing to do business with the Yuyuan Sect. They have almost reached an agreement. Come here. The person receiving the goods will arrive tomorrow afternoon, so we will start tonight."

"Just the two of us?"

Tong Han nodded, "Yes, it's just the two of us. Mr. Mo doesn't want a third person to know about this. This is very important."

"Mr. Mo has many masters under his command. There are a few very good guys hidden in the crowd outside. Why are you looking for us?" Yang Xiao asked.

Tong Han answered on his behalf, "This Yan Hetian is from the Yecheng Apostolic Federation, and he is still a cadre in it.

If someone from the Chamber of Commerce is used, if something goes wrong, it will affect the relationship between the Chamber of Commerce and the Apostolic Federation. "

"I am a traitor general of the Yuyuan Sect, and you are the sworn enemy of the Yuyuan Sect. It is perfect for the two of us to do such a thing. Even if we are recognized, the Apostolic Federation will only attribute this matter to us and After all, it is true that Yan Hetian secretly colluded with the evil cult." Tong Han explained.

Yang Xiao glanced at the gold bars and silver boxes on the table, and asked after a moment: "After everything is done, how much will you have left?"

"I will definitely satisfy you." Mo Daidai said.

"How much exactly?"

Mo Dadai still had the same smiling face, but his expression was very relaxed, and he repeated the same sentence as before,

You will be satisfied. "

Yang Xiao frowned slightly, "Do you know how much I want?"

"As much or as little as you like."

If it were someone else who could talk to Yang Xiao so eloquently, Yang Xiao would have already taken out his magic weapon and taught him how to behave. But Mo Daidai was different. He was indeed qualified to say such things. Of course, Yang Xiao would not ask too much. Outrageous.

"What is that treasure you want?" After hesitating for a moment, Yang Xiao still asked the question, "It's a high-level resentful eye, right?"

"Yes and no."

Seeing Mo Dudai playing riddles with him, Yang Xiao felt more and more that something was fishy, ​​"I can't promise you right now, let me go back and think about it."

"Of course, I'll wait for you here. Come to me before 12 o'clock when you've made up your mind." Mo Dada didn't waste any words.

Just raise your hand to see the guest off.

Yang Xiao stood up and left, but as soon as he reached the door, he was stopped by someone, "Wait a minute!"

Yang Xiao turned around warily, stretched his hand behind his back, and almost took out the whisk from his backpack, but Mo smiled blankly and pointed to the silver box on the table that contained gold bars and ghost photos, "You forgot to take your things." ”

"No reward for no merit, I haven't agreed to help you do this yet."

"It doesn't matter, you can come or not. We are friends. It is normal for friends to give each other small gifts. Are you right?"

"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm not as wealthy as your Excellency, and I can't give you a decent gift in return, so I'll take my leave."

Yang Xiao understands the reason why people are short-handed. He wants to take on this task, not just for the reward. He also wants to inquire about the situation of the Yuyuan Sect through Yan Hetian, and maybe he can catch something about Li Qingxuan. clues.

Instead of going home, Yang Xiao went directly back to the Patrol Office. He must report such a big matter to Director Nalan Shuo in person.

"Sister Wen, is the director here?" Yang Xiao bumped into Sister Wen as soon as he arrived on the floor of the director's office.

"He is waiting for you to come back in the office." Sister Wen always has that gentle smile, which makes people relax just looking at her.

After entering the office, Yang Xiao didn't waste any time and directly told what happened today, which made Nalan Shuo frown and said, "No wonder there are many masters coming to Rongcheng recently who can't figure out the details. It turns out that's the case. "

"I know Chi Hengzhong. He looks gentle and elegant, but he actually thinks very highly of himself. He can count the number of people he really respects in the entire Banyan City on two hands. The one you mentioned, Mo Dadai, can put him in a very young age. Pressed like this,

I'm afraid this person's relationship is not limited to the provincial chamber of commerce level, but even higher. "Nalan Shuo looked at Yang Xiao, "I suggest you agree to this matter. "

"Are you going to help him kill the people from the Apostolic Federation?" Yang Xiao wondered, "After all, I am from the Patrol Department. Am I worried that I will cause any trouble?"

"Keep your hands and feet clean, and be decisive when encountering problems. Men can be ruthless when necessary. Either don't do it or do it absolutely." Nalan Shuo lowered his voice.

Yang Xiaoyi looked at Nalan Shuo. This was not what the director of the Patrol Office should say. However, Nalan Shuo did not explain. He walked straight to the table, picked up the phone and dialed a number, asking the other party to send a copy of Ye Chengyan. Shange's investigation report is here, now.

In less than 10 minutes, Huang Qiang rushed over, handed over a document bag with a security seal from the Patrol Department, and left immediately.

After opening the document bag and seeing what Yanshan Pavilion had done in the past, Yang Xiao finally understood what the director meant.

"This Yanshan Pavilion has killed our people before?" Yang Xiao was shocked.

"Well, this Yan Hetian, with the support of the Apostles Federation, secretly participated in an operation against our patrol department. At that time, our people were dealing with a supernatural incident and it was the critical moment to seal the Resentful Eye. He led Someone secretly caused the operation to fail," Nalan Shuo said with resentment on his face, "A deputy captain of the investigation team and three team members who were responsible for handling the scene died on the spot, and several others were seriously injured. This incident was a big deal at the time. , but after all, we had no evidence to crucify him, so in the end, with the mediation of the Apostolic Federation, we had no choice but to let it go."

After Yang Xiao read it, Nalan Shuo took back the file. It was obvious that the confidentiality level of this file was very high. It was not only a secret, but also an untouchable scar engraved on the body of the people in the patrol department.

"In this case, I won't be polite to him anymore. If he dares to attack our brothers in the patrol department behind his back, he must be eliminated!" Yang Xiao decided to take on this mission.

"Well, you don't need to worry about the legitimacy of this mission. If one day someone uncovers this matter, I will cover it up for you. You can treat this matter as a secret mission assigned to you by the Patrol Department."

"Of course, this task will not be recorded, and there will be no bonus. As for the benefit that Mo Daidai promised you,

Just accept it all, and the same goes for what you got during the mission. You don't need to hand it over. You earned it by your own ability and have nothing to do with our Patrol Department. "Nalan Shuo said.

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