Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 272 Model

After answering some questions from the four people one after another, Nalan Shuo stood up and planned to leave. As the commander-in-chief, he still had many things to arrange, "Yang Xiao, Beibei, come out for a moment."

Following Nalan Shuo out of the conference room, the three of them went to the corridor outside. Nalan Shuo took out the cigarette case, took out a cigarette, held it in his mouth, and at the same time handed the cigarette case forward, "Do you want to smoke?" Nalan Shuo Ask Yang Xiao.

"No." Yang Xiao shook his head.

Beibei naturally reached out to take one, but before he could touch it, Nalan Shuo took back the cigarette case, took out the lighter and lit it for himself, took a deep breath, and slowly exhaled the smoke, "Are you there?" Beibei has already reported to me what happened to Qingfeng, is there anything else you want to add?”

"Not yet. I will write a detailed report and give it to you after completing the task." Yang Xiao's attitude was very correct.

"Well." Nalan Shuo glanced at Yang Xiao, then looked away, with a rare gentle attitude, "There were outsiders in the conference room just now, so it's inconvenient to say something clearly. This mission is very difficult, dangerous and uncertain. Very high, although there are hostages in the hands of evil cultivators, I don’t want you two to be worried and get hurt.”

"What I want to tell you is that no matter what happens, you must protect yourselves. Even if something happens that none of us want to see, I will not blame you. If the sky falls, I will be there for you, Nalan Shuo." Hold on."

"Thank you, Director." Yang Xiaobeibei was fully aware of the pressure Nalan Shuo was under.

"Okay, let's set off on time at 3 o'clock in the morning. During this period, you will stay in the conference room and you are not allowed to go anywhere.

This is an order. "


Several folding beds were thoughtfully prepared in the conference room, but except for Yang Xiao, no one else was in the mood to sleep. They encountered various things during this period. Yang Xiao was indeed very tired. He fell asleep not long after lying down. Fortunately, he didn't sleep this time. What a messy nightmare.

Time passed quickly. At three o'clock in the morning, several black off-road vehicles quietly drove out of the underground garage of the patrol office and drove towards the target location.

Faced with evil cultivators, especially the evil cultivators who master the Resentful Eyes of Zhengba Jing, ordinary people are not enough to watch, and going there will only increase casualties. Therefore, there are only four people in the commando team this time, Yang Xiao, Beibei, and the middle-aged man Wu Zhengwu. and Sun Qiya.

All four of them are captain-level figures. In addition, there are two captains and deputy captains from the Luming Office and the commissioner sent by the technical department as a reserve team.

Four people, including Yang Xiao, all have the ability of resentful eyes that can be used in battle. Yang Xiao is very curious because he has known Beibei for so long and still doesn't know what her resentful eyes are.

Among the four, Sun Qiya is a master of spear skills, similar to Yu Shu's presence in the team, while Beibei is a good hand in close combat. As for Wu Zhengwu, no need to guess, the black wide-backed gun hidden in the leather sheath The hunting knife looked bloody.

"Captain Yang, where are your weapons?" Wu Zhengwu looked at Yang Xiao. He also heard that a very young captain had come to the Lin'an Patrol Bureau. Not long after he arrived, he had won awards for meritorious service many times. He was a subordinate of Director Nalan. capable general.

Yang Xiao took out the pistol from his waist. When he saw it, Wu Zhengwu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, "Just one gun doesn't have enough firepower."

Yang Xiao suddenly smiled, raised his finger and pointed at his head, and said shamelessly: "Captain Wu's words are wrong.

Guns are only for emergencies. Brains should be our most powerful weapons. People like us eat brains more than guns and swords. "

Wu Zhengwu couldn't figure out the details of Yang Xiao. He just thought that this man looked strange and could only hope that he would have some real skills.

Yang Xiao knew that Wu Zhengwu had no ill intentions, and that this was just a small way to fight for the right to speak within the team. He and Wu Zhengwu were both captains, so after entering, who would he listen to?

Before Sun Qiya set out, she suggested that the two groups of people should separate after entering the scene, but Yang Xiao and Wu Zhengwu jointly rejected it. The situation inside was unknown. If they really met the great evil cultivator, the four of them might not be his opponents.

Separate dead ends.

Yang Xiao can more intuitively feel the terror of the venerable-level evil cultivator than these people. That Qi Long yesterday was troublesome enough. If it weren’t for the many magic weapons on his body, he really wouldn’t be able to fight him. And from the information revealed by Qi Long, , this Venerable is much stronger than him.

The good news is that the venerable was seriously injured. Taking advantage of her illness to kill her, if there is a chance, Yang Xiao plans to pull her into the mirror world, and then imprison her like he did with Qi Long, bit by bit. Dig out all the secrets she knows.

The gray figure in the soul-capturing mirror has always been a knot in Yang Xiao's mind, and must be dealt with as soon as possible. This venerable figure from the Yuyuan Sect might be able to help him.

There is another point that is a little troublesome. The secrets of these resentful eyes in my body cannot be known to the people in the patrol office around me. Once a fight breaks out, it is best to let Wu Zhengwu and the others consume the great evil cultivator first, and then wait for the opportunity to sneak attack. She pulled herself into the mirror world so she could free herself.

I think so, but it depends on the situation at the scene. After all, if my life or Beibei's life is threatened, I will have to use these resentful eyes to expose myself.

Soon, a group of people arrived. In order not to alert others, they parked their car a few hundred meters away from the target building and came on foot.

There were already many people at the scene, hiding in nearby buildings. According to the introduction of one person at the scene, this group of evil cultivators were hiding in the shopping mall not far away. The business in the shopping mall has been poor in recent years, and the merchants inside have left. There were seven, seven, eight, and eight, and almost half of them were empty.

According to intelligence, the evil cultivator is hiding in a children's amusement park on the third floor of the shopping mall. During the day, he disguises himself as amusement park staff. There are many people there, and there are more than 20 children on hand who can be used as hostages at any time.

After finishing speaking, he took out several structural diagrams of the shopping mall, as well as photos and floor plans of the amusement park to familiarize Yang Xiao and the others.

Judging from the photos, brothers from the Public Office had already entered in disguise during the day to investigate. The photos showed several staff members wearing uniform overalls playing with the children. The words "XX Children's Entertainment Company" were printed on the back of the overalls.

At first glance, the photos look very harmonious, but after looking at them for a long time, I actually have a weird rash feeling. The smiling faces of these children are too uniform, the size of the cracks at the corners of their mouths, and the arc of their eyes are narrowed. It seems that they have been strictly trained. It’s not that I’m really laughing because I’m happy, but I’m forced to laugh, like a bunch of brainwashed puppets.

"Captain Yang, take action now." A person in charge at the scene urged, seeming a little anxious.

Yang Xiao frowned, "It's not the agreed time yet, and Director Nalan has not issued an attack order."

The person in charge at the scene looked bitter. Yang Xiao saw something was wrong and immediately asked: "What happened? Did something happen?"

"I'm asking you a question!" Wu Zhengwu didn't have as good a temper as Yang Xiao. He grabbed the person in charge's collar and said, "Yes...that's it. Just now, a team of our team members who were following us found a child running out of the back door of the mall. The child seemed to be injured. He was limping and covered in blood. We were worried about the child and...we were also worried about the brothers lurking outside being exposed, so we thought about taking the child over, but no one thought. , after seeing our people, the child actually ran back and ran into a nearby alley. Our people were worried that the child's running around and screaming would expose the ambush outside, so they had no choice but to chase him, but they kept chasing him. ..The person disappeared for some reason, and the child also disappeared.

Still can't get in touch. "

Yang Xiao stared inwardly, "How long has this happened?"

"Just now, 15 minutes at most before you come." The person in charge also knew that he had caused big trouble.

Still trying to make up for it, "We have contacted Director Nalan, but he has not responded yet."

Yang Xiao instantly realized that they had been exposed. The original sneak attack could only be changed to a force attack, and there was a great evil cultivator of the Venerable level sitting inside. I am afraid that a dragnet has been set up now.

"Hurry up and contact Nalan Shuo!" Wu Zhengwu pushed the person in charge away. He also knew that things today might not be easy.

"We can't wait any longer, take action now!" Yang Xiao weighed the pros and cons and decided to take action first. Waiting any longer will only give the evil cultivator more time to prepare.

"No! We must wait for orders!" Wu Zhengwu did not give in at all. "Now that we have lost the opportunity, I will advise our superiors to give up the attack."

Yang Xiao ignored him at all and checked all the preparatory work before the attack with the person in charge at the scene. After Yang Xiao confirmed this, Nalan Shuo's order arrived. He kept the original plan unchanged and changed the sneak attack to a strong attack. The reserve team was in front as a decoy. Make some noise, cover Yang Xiao and the four of them from behind, and force the four of them not to separate unless necessary.

"Where did the people who disappeared before disappear?" Yang Xiao asked.

"It's... right at the back door of the mall. It's very remote." The person in charge quickly regained his composure. Although he would not be able to get away with a serious punishment afterwards, he must continue with the task and make up for his mistakes as much as possible. "I'll take you there."

Someone led the way, and Yang Xiao and the four of them quickly arrived at the back of the shopping mall. The place was dirty and actually consisted of several connected alleys. The alleys were surrounded by low-rise bungalows. From the outside, it was clear that not many people lived here. , it is estimated that there are only some elderly people left who are inconvenient to move.

According to the person in charge, the two team members disappeared after running into the alley. Yang Xiao shook his head and said, "Ignore them for now. Send people to guard the entrance to the alley, but don't go in. We will bypass the alley and enter the mall directly from the back."

In fact, there was one thing that Yang Xiao couldn't say at the moment. He knew that the two missing team members were already in danger, so there was no need to waste time on the dead.

After getting the key to the back door of the mall, the four people took action immediately. There was a safety passage next to the freight elevator behind the mall.

Behind it is a large glass door with an old aluminum alloy door frame. When you get behind the door, you look in through the dirty glass. It's darker inside, but it's not the kind where you can't see your fingers. It's faintly shrouded in a miserable green light. , that is the emergency light in the mall is on.

After inserting the key, Beibei was stunned. He twisted the keyhole and realized that the door was not locked at all. Yang Xiao pushed it gently.

The door opened.

The next second, the four of them smelled a strong smell of blood. Sun Qiya instantly drew his gun and pointed it at the corner behind the door. They saw a man covered in blood standing in the dim safe passage.

This man was motionless, with the brim of his hat lowered, and he was still wearing the uniform of the Patrol Office. But when they got closer, they discovered that this was actually a mannequin dummy for window display, but it was just covered with their clothes, from clothes to shoes. Everything is available, and at first glance, it looks like a real person.

Beibei quickly searched the whole body of the dummy until he found a pass for internal use of the Office from the inner pocket of the uniform, with a photo and name printed on it.

Fuck..." Beibei held the ID, "He's one of ours! "

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