Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 256 Room 3028

Fu Chang nodded understandingly, "This Zuoqiu Shude is the name of one of the administrators. Their child was haunted by a ghost. "It's a female surgical ghost. "Yang Xiao knew that tonight was crucial. Some things could not be delayed any longer. Now someone needs to stand up and put this chess game alive. "Everyone, the situation is clear now. We need to find this child who was hidden by the ghost. "

The final letter left by Zuoqiu Shude made it very clear that they would first find the child, take him back to the bedroom of his real home, and finally burn him there.

As for where the child was hidden, Yang Xiao and the others also thought that this ghost would use the mirror as a medium to kill people, so the child was naturally hidden in the mirror world.

The real residence of this family is not room 85. This is just the number that appears in the mirror. The real room number is reversed and should be 28.

Room number is correct.

Room 3028 on the 3rd floor.

Without further ado, a few people set off quickly and found room 3028. This time, no one dared to violently break the door. Fu Changxue took out a thin wire from his pocket, bent it several times and inserted it into the keyhole to test. After some attempts, Open the door smoothly.

The room was filled with a stale atmosphere, and it seemed like no one had been here for a long time. The space inside was very large, and it seemed to be a layout of two rooms connected together.

The bedroom door was closed tightly, and there was a seal stuck on the door. After seeing the writing on the seal clearly, Yang Xiao's suspicion was confirmed.

Bureau of Emergency Hazard Control.

This is the official name of their patrol office.

It seems that this incident indeed caused the intervention of their patrol office, but judging from the results, it was not successfully handled.

"Emergency Hazard Control Bureau?" Li Qingxuan was stunned and looked blank, "What kind of joke is this?"

Mo Dadai stepped forward, tore off the seal, and tried to push the door, but it didn't budge. "It's an official agency, also called the Patrol Office. You can understand it as an official department that specializes in dealing with supernatural incidents. There are many experts in it."

Mo stared at Fu Xuechang and waved his hand politely. Fu Xuechang squatted in front of the door and repeated his old tricks, finally opening the locked door.

There were no lights inside and it was very dark. Fortunately, Fu Xuechang brought a flashlight with him.

It was a bedroom, but oddly enough, there was only a bed and no other furniture.

Fu Xuechang wanted to go over and open the curtains to let in the sunshine from outside, but when he got closer, he realized that the so-called curtains were just a cover. There were no windows in this bedroom at all. To be precise, the previous windows had been blocked by someone. Sealed up with bricks and cement, it was an absolutely dark room.

The bed in the bedroom is also wrong. It is placed in the middle of the bedroom. There are four iron chains connected to the four corners of the bed. One end of the iron chain is firmly tied to the foot of the bed. There is a ring lock on the other end of the bed. It is obvious that someone has been there. Being locked to the bed.

Yang Xiao judged from the length of the chain and the size of the ring lock that the person locked here was the child.

All four ring locks were opened, and a silver key was still inserted in one of the rusty keyholes.

A metal bucket the size of a kettle was also found under the bed. After unscrewing the rusty bucket lid, a pungent smell of gasoline hit the nose.

"It seems that in the late stage of the exorcism, the child's parents had already noticed something was wrong, so they remodeled the bedroom to restrain the child. Unfortunately, it was too late." Mo Daidai analyzed,

Yang Xiao asked everyone to step back, and then vigorously lifted up the thick carpet under his feet. Sure enough, a huge and ferocious totem was hidden under the carpet, with dragons and snakes entangled together. The scene was weird and weird.

Fu Chang looked at Yang Xiao with suspicion, "How do you know there are clues under the carpet? Have you been here?"

Yang Xiao put down the carpet, exhaled slowly, and his expression became serious, "Everyone, the source ghost has started killing people, and there are only 6 of us left now. Miss Cheng Ya is injured again. We can only count 5 and a half at most. Once the task has less than 4 people, it will fail directly.

I suggest that you all stop hiding your secrets, share all the information you know, and work together to overcome the difficulties, otherwise... .

We can only die here together. "

This was said so clearly that no one had any objections. Yang Xiao was the first to share what he knew about the situation, followed by Tong Han, Fu Changxue, and finally Mo Dadai.

Li Qingxuan said nothing because he had nothing to share. What little he knew was shared by Yang Xiao.

After integrating all the information, the context of the matter is very clear. Everyone now has two ways to get to Room 85 in the Mirror World.

That was also the room where the child was.

The first is the clue left by Qu Yi. They can go to the mirror world through Mr. Wen in Room 5042, and this method is also extremely dangerous.

The second one is provided by Tong Han. Take the elevator before midnight and through a series of weird operations, you can find Miss Zuoqiu, one of the two administrators.

Hearing such a strange method, Li Qingxuan couldn't help but wonder, "This...couldn't this be a trap? Is Mr. Hou lying to you?"

Tong Han turned around and looked at Li Qingxuan calmly. There was a big height difference between the two of them. Li Qingxuan was tall and strong, but under Tong Han's gaze, he actually looked a little weak.

The next second, Tong Han suddenly laughed, then took off his shoes, revealing his right foot with a missing big toe. Blood-stained gauze was randomly wrapped with transparent tape on it. The way he dressed the wound was brutal, "It shouldn't be." , I replaced it with this toe."

Li Qingxuan swallowed his saliva and did not dare to say any more.

There was a sudden burst of applause in the room, and Yang Xiao clapped his hands alone, "Miss Tong is so beautiful and cruel, I admire you."

"Both each other." Tong Han put on his shoes and acted like a normal person.

After carefully inspecting the room, everyone made a surprising discovery. On the wall directly facing the bed, there was actually a huge mirror.

The mirror had previously been covered with a thick layer of wallpaper, which could easily have been missed if one had not inspected it carefully.

And the bed wrapped with iron chains happened to appear in the center of the mirror. The mirror was facing the bed, but it was a taboo in Feng Shui.

Facing such a large mirror, everyone felt uncomfortable all over. After confirming that nothing was missing, the group returned to the security room and found a new round of commissioned tasks on the wall opposite the door of the security room. The commission from Mr. Fang Wen of 5042 was impressive. In the column.

"That's great." Mo Daidai suddenly said, "With this mission, we can divide our troops into two groups tonight and go to Room 5042 alone.

The other one goes and tries to ride the elevator. As long as we succeed all the way, we have a chance to take the child out and end the nightmare. "

"The remaining people can't be idle. They must be ready to respond at any time. If there is an accident and they can't come out through the mirror in the bedroom of Room 28, I'm afraid they will have to escape through the mirror in other people's rooms." Mo paused. Dun, "Just like Qu Yi tried."

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