Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 247 Hide and Seek

Half an hour ago, room 5042.

After Qu Yi knocked on the door with great ambition, the person who opened the door was a young man with messy hair. The young man was tall and thin, with pale skin, as if he had not seen the sun for a long time.

"Mr. Wen, I am Qu Yi. I hope I can help you solve your problem." Qu Yi introduced himself with a very sincere attitude.

"Welcome." Mr. Wen stepped aside with a smile.

After entering the room, Qu Yi observed that the room was larger than his own room. Dark curtains blocked the windows, and the only lighting in the room was a dim desk lamp.

In addition to some basic furniture and daily necessities in the room, the most conspicuous thing is the desk placed against the wall. The desk is relatively large, with an old-fashioned large-head computer placed on it.

Over time, the white computer casing has turned yellow. Under the light of the desk lamp, you can still see the mouse and keyboard on the table, as well as an open blank notebook.

After receiving the water glass from Mr. Wen, Qu Yi didn't dare to drink it at all, so she had to change the subject, "Mr. Wen, what can I do for you?"

Sitting on the sofa far away from the desk lamp, Mr. Wen's face was half hidden in the shadows. He raised his left hand and pressed his temples with his thumb and middle finger at the same time. His voice was a little painful, "Wait a minute, Miss Qu, I have another headache." "

‘Do you need me to get some medicine for you? "Qu Yi has a gentle voice and behaves very considerately.

After a while, Mr. Wen shook his head and said, "It's useless. This is an old problem. Miss Zuoqiu has already performed an operation on me. It's much better than before."

The word "surgery" touched Qu Yi, and also reminded her of the ghost of surgery. She nodded calmly and whispered in agreement: "Mr. Wen, just be fine. I'm just worried about your health. seems like this Ms. Zuoqiu's medical skills are very good."

"Of course, she is the best surgeon I know, but it's a pity..." Mr. Wen's voice paused and he shook his head regretfully.

"What's the pity?" Qu Yi asked.

"It's a pity that she can cure other people's diseases, but she can't cure her own children. Now she can only settle down as a manager in this apartment. She is really overqualified." Mr. Wen sighed, his regrets palpable.

Qu Yi was stunned inwardly. She knew how to operate, and she was also the manager of the apartment. So wasn't Miss Zuoqiu a surgical ghost?

This so-called child must have been born to the two caretakers, and judging by the meaning of this nonsense, this child seemed to have some kind of very difficult disease, so much so that the best doctor, Ms. Zuoqiu, was helpless.

This information was so crucial that Qu Yi suspected that there was something wrong with this sick child.

"This Miss Zuoqiu is so pitiful." Qu Yi pretended to be fierce and concerned, and his eyes turned red, "Mr. Wen, do you know which room Miss Zuoqiu lives in? I want to make some food to see. That poor kid."

The next second, Mr. Wen suddenly laughed, and even laughed out loud. Qu Yi couldn't help being stunned. After a while, Mr. Wen finally stopped smiling and explained: "I'm sorry, Miss Zhai, I shouldn't be so rude, but no one said Are your acting skills really bad?"

"I don't understand what you mean." Qu Yi replied simply.

"Forget it if you don't understand. Let's get down to business. I am a suspense novel author and I need inspiration. That's why I invited you here." Mr. Wen introduced, "Now I need you to play a little game with me."

"What game?" Qu Yi suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Hide and seek." Mr. Wen suddenly smiled, with no color on his pale face. "The rules are very simple. You hide and I find. You have a total of three chances. You can escape my pursuit in any one of the three times." , even if you win.”

"Where is the venue?"

"As long as you don't leave this room, that's fine. My room is relatively large, and there are two nearby rooms, one bedroom and one my utility room. You can hide in both of them." Mr. Wen stood up and moved The two doors on the left and right of the living room were pointed out to Qu Yi.

"You have 3 minutes to prepare each time, and I have 1 minute to chase you. In the game, you are a human, and I play the role of the ghost looking for you."

"For the sake of fairness, I also invited some book friends to observe. They will always monitor whether you and I have violated any rules. You can rest assured of fairness."

"Book Friends...:" Qu Yi suddenly felt a chill on his back and looked around, but saw no one, "They...where are they?"

Mr. Wen showed a mysterious smile. The deep meaning behind this smile made Qu Yi shudder. "Just because you can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist."

Looking in the direction of Mr. Wen's finger, the old-fashioned large-head computer turned on at some point, and the screen dimly lit up, emitting a miserable green light.

The screen flashed quickly, and comments popped up one after another. Most of them urged the novel to be updated, and some urged the game to start quickly.

It can be seen that these are Mr. Wen’s book friends.

Qu Yi swallowed nervously. Now she seemed to be trapped in a horror live broadcast game.

No, no, she became a character in the novel, Mr. Wen's novel.

And she will probably die in this game.

"By the way, there is another very important thing I forgot to tell you." Mr. Wen changed his relaxed expression to a very serious attitude, "My book friends will also participate in this game, and they will help you The performance will be graded, and the full score will be ten points. After three evaluations, if the average score reaches 8 points or above, you will still win even if you have been found by me three times before. "

After saying this, Mr. Wen took out a piece of black cloth from his pocket, covered his eyes with the cloth, then turned around, faced the wall, and started counting.

"Miss Qu, hurry up, the game... has begun."

Qu Yi quickly rushed to the door on the right side of the living room. After pushing it open, there was a bedroom inside. The bedroom was not large. Qu Yi quickly checked and found that there were very few places to hide people.

She turned around and ran towards another door. This was an old wooden door with cracks on the edges of the door frame. She could feel that this door had not been opened for a long time.

"Creak one by one" The door shaft made a harsh friction sound. When the door was fully opened, what came into view was a pile of debris, and it was very dark inside.

Qu Yi's father bravely walked in and found that it was full of broken furniture, various wooden boxes and cabinets, and there was actually a rusty old-fashioned bicycle inside.

These boxes and cabinets were large in size, and some of them could indeed accommodate her hiding in them, but Qu Yi believed that the target here was too obvious and would be subject to a focused search.

"One minute left!"

Hearing Mr. Wen's voice coming from outside the door, Qu Yi felt cruel and planned to attract the light. She deliberately made a noise in the utility room, as if she had got into a box and hid, and then suddenly became quiet. , hands and feet facing outward.

The utility room was covered with dust. Worried about leaving shoe prints and exposing herself, Qu Yi quietly took off his shoes when he left the utility room door and held them in his arms.

There was not much time left for her, so she leaned down on the ground and carefully got into the gap behind the sofa in the living room.

Fortunately, Qu Yi was petite and finally managed to squeeze in.

The sofa was very close to Mr. Wen who was counting down the time, and it was right behind him. Qu Yi decided to take a gamble that he would ignore this place.

"Time's up!" Mr. Wen turned around and pulled off the black cloth covering his eyes.

At this moment, Qu Yi couldn't see outside, and could only huddle in the space behind the sofa, her body trembling uncontrollably. After a few seconds, she finally breathed a sigh of relief, and her footsteps walked straight towards the utility room.

"Miss Qu?"

"Miss Qu, where are you hiding?"

Mr. Wen's strange voice mixed with the sound of leather shoes hitting the ground, giving Qu Yi a huge pressure.

There was the sound of heavy objects being pushed down from the utility room. After a search, it was obvious that Mr. Wen found nothing. The footsteps quickly left and rushed to the bedroom. At this moment, Qu Yi counted silently in his heart. At least 30 seconds had passed.

If she delayed a little longer, she would have a chance.

But a strange scene occurred. After Mr. Wen rushed into the bedroom, his footsteps disappeared, and Qu Yi could no longer judge his location by his voice.

The fear of the unknown is the scariest thing. Qu Yi doesn't know what happened. Was it Mr. Wen who stood still and didn't move, or...

Thinking of this, Qu Yi turned her head slightly, trying to look up through the gap above her head. She knew that there was light from a desk lamp in the room, and this light would leave people's shadows on the wall.

If Mr. Wen was quietly moving in the living room, she could use the shadow on the wall to determine his location.

But when Qu Yi reluctantly turned her head in the narrow gap, the scene above her almost frightened her to death on the spot. She saw a pale face sticking out from the back of the sofa, staring at her coldly above her head.

"Miss Qu, it turns out you were hiding behind the sofa." Mr. Wen stretched out his hand, like an eagle catching a chicken, and dragged Qu Yi out from behind the sofa.

In his other hand was a pair of leather shoes, and he was only wearing socks at the moment.

"Ah! Don't kill me, please don't kill me!!" Qu Yi screamed and kicked and beat Mr. Wen.

But Mr. Wen didn't mind and comforted her with a smile, "Don't worry Miss Qu, no one will hurt you until the game is over. How are you? Do you need some water to calm down your shock?"

The sudden fright almost made Qu Yi lose her judgment. After calming down, she realized that this was not a regular mission where you would die if caught by a ghost, but a total of three rounds, and she had three chances.

Sitting in front of the computer, Qu Yi took the water glass from Mr. Wen and sipped it. Mr. Wen stood behind her and massaged her shoulders and neck thoughtfully.

Countless comments floated across the computer screen, most of them urging updates. Not many people paid attention to this horror game.

Soon, the scores based on the opinions of some book friends came out. Unfortunately, Qu Yi only got 5 points in this round. The corresponding evaluation was that he had more courage than less resourcefulness.

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