Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 220 If you can do it, go ahead

Time passed by, and Yang Xiao took a nap unknowingly. When he opened his eyes again, it was already 11 o'clock.

He sat up from the sofa and went to the bathroom to rinse his face with cold water. Now he felt much more awake. Looking at the pendulum clock hanging on the wall, Yang Xiao couldn't help but wonder when he fell asleep and why he had no memory at all.

But now is not the time to think about this, he has to take action to meet his first commissioned task, to go to apartment 6037 to see a doctor for Ms. Wu who has limited mobility.

But after searching the room where he was, Yang Xiao couldn't find medicines or medical equipment, not even the most basic white coat.

Without these things, how can you pretend to be a doctor and treat people? Is it possible that Ms. Wu is a fool and can get away with just a little fooling?

With a worried mood, Yang Xiao lay down behind the door and listened carefully to the movement in the corridor outside. It was relatively quiet and there were no strange sounds.

Yang Xiao gently opened the door a crack, and after confirming it was correct again, he took the key and walked out with both hands and feet.

The corridor was relatively quiet, but you could vaguely hear the sounds of moving and slight snoring coming from the rooms on both sides. These ordinary sounds made Yang Xiao feel at ease.

You must not ride in the elevator. Once something happens and he is trapped in it, he will miss the appointment time with Ms. Wu. According to the rules given by the apartment manager, he needs to take full responsibility for the consequences.

In the nightmare world, almost all mistakes need to be paid for with life.

Passing by the elevator I had taken before, the elevator panel showed that it was on the top floor. There were nine floors in the entire apartment, and the number 9 was on it.

It seemed that everyone reached their floors safely.

Soon, Yang Xiao found the fire escape on the other side of the corridor. The fire escape was obviously much newer than the facilities inside the apartment. The iron railings of the handrails were painted with brand new green anti-rust paint, and the corresponding floors were hung on the wall at the corner. Number, the lighting above the head is different from the yellowish lights in the apartment, but bright incandescent lights. Yang Xiao observed while walking up. According to his judgment, this place was either built later.

Or it was recently renovated.

Pushing open the thick wooden door of the safe passage, Yang Xiao walked through the corridor and finally came to the door marked with room number 6037. It was almost time at this moment.

After gently knocking on the door twice, the door creaked suddenly and opened a crack. A bloodshot eye stared at Yang Xiao outside the door along the crack.

"Hello, is this Ms. Wu? I'm a doctor." Yang Xiao had a smile on his face, but actually he was panicking. He didn't hear any footsteps in the room just now, which meant that this person had been standing behind the door. He opened the door the moment he heard the knock on the door.

Slowly, the door was opened, and standing in front of him was an old lady in shabby clothes. Her gray hair was messy, and it seemed that she hadn't washed it for a long time. Her wrinkled face was covered with age spots.

The old lady's left eye was cloudy, and the eyeball was covered with a milky white film. She seemed to be blind. At this moment, she was staring at Yang Xiao with her only remaining right eye.

After a while, the old lady stepped aside and let Yang Xiao in. The layout of the living room was similar to Yang Xiao's room, except that there was no TV, the decoration was older, and there were a lot more messy things.

As soon as Yang Xiao entered the door, he smelled a strong smell of medicinal residue. There was also a small casserole used for decoction of medicine on the dining table. It was dark and dirty inside, and he didn't know what it was.

While Yang Xiao was still observing, the door behind him closed with a bang. The old lady locked the door and added a chain lock on it.

After finishing all this, the old lady turned around and looked Yang Xiao up and down. Her voice was deep and hoarse, "Are you a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine?"

"Yes." Yang Xiao gave the old lady a very reliable smile. She probably noticed that he was not wearing a white coat and came empty-handed.

"Your surname."

"My surname is Chu." Yang Xiao didn't want to waste any more time with her, so he took the initiative and said, "Old man, I see you sent a commission, what makes you uncomfortable?"

To Yang Xiao's surprise, the old lady actually shook her head, "It's not me, it's my son. He is in poor health and needs someone to help him."

"Your son?"

The old lady walked towards a closed wooden door, which was the bedroom. The layout of this room was similar to that of Yang Xiao.

After pushing open the bedroom door, Yang Xiao saw a bed against the wall inside. However, the bed had a very old-fashioned bed curtain, which looked like an antique mahogany curtain. It was impossible to see what was going on inside.

Moreover, the bedroom was very dark, with only a dim oil lamp emitting faint light. The oil lamp was placed on a small table, next to the bed. There was also a wooden chair with a backrest beside the bed, facing the opposite direction. Implantation.

It can be seen that this chair was prepared for him, and the person lying on the bed is the person he is serving today, that is, the patient Yang Xiao did not act rashly. This situation is not right at first sight, "Old man, what is your son suffering from?" sick?"

The old lady suddenly raised her head and looked at him with strange eyes, "I don't know what kind of disease I have, so I asked the doctor. Could you please check it out."

Having said this, Yang Xiao could only bite the bullet. Just when he was approaching the bed, a violent coughing sound suddenly came from behind the curtain, as if he was coughing out his lungs.

The voice sounded like that of an older man.

Steadying his mind, Yang Xiao sat on the chair and kept thinking about his current situation. He did not dare to open the curtain directly for fear of seeing a terrifying scene, such as a rotten person, so he thought of his identity as a traditional Chinese medicine doctor and calmly He said: "Please extend your hand,

I want to take my pulse. "

About 5 or 6 seconds later, the person on the bed moved. A trembling hand stretched out from the gap in the curtain. The arm was covered with thick cotton sleeves. With the faint light of the oil lamp, Yang Xiao noticed this hand. The hands were dirty and there was mud between the nails.

"How do you feel?" Yang Xiao asked towards the bed, "Where do you feel uncomfortable?"


Hearing this, the person on the bed coughed even more violently. At this time, the old lady behind him suddenly spoke, her voice becoming extremely cold, "Doctor, he is very ill now and can't speak. Don't embarrass him."

After a pause, Yang Xiao stretched out his hand and pretended to put his fingers on the man's outstretched wrist. But the next second, Yang Xiao's expression changed. This man's hands were very cold, very cold, and... .and this guy has no pulse at all!


Is he a dead man? !

The next second, Yang Xiao seemed to have thought of something. He used the dim light to look at the gap between the man's wrist and the gray sleeve. Sure enough, he saw some tattoos. It was a bright red letter spit out by a snake. .

Now Yang Xiao understood that this man was not the old lady's son at all, but his companion on this mission who had rushed into the fog and died.

The task this time was to treat a dead person. How to treat it? Can the dead person be brought back to life? Yang Xiao felt panicked, but his face remained as calm as water.

"How's it going?" the old lady behind her urged, "What's wrong with my son?"

"Don't worry, your master's condition is quite complicated and cannot be summed up in one word. Let me think about it carefully before making a plan." Yang Xiao pretended to be a master of traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, to put it bluntly, he was just stalling for time. Find a way.



The dead hand was retracted, and a moment later the corpse behind the curtain coughed even more violently. This time, Yang Xiao was a little panicked because the sound was wrong.

To be precise, the height is wrong. The position of the previous sound was lower than the position of Yang Xiao's head. The body was lying on the bed, but the height of the two sounds just now was almost the same as the position of Yang Xiao's head. In other words, the body on the bed was The corpse sat up.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. A corpse sat up and was sitting right in front of him. There was only a curtain between them. Yang Xiao just imagined this picture in his mind and felt a cool breeze blowing from his back. The temperature in the bedroom Then it decreases.

A moment later, the old lady's faint voice came from behind, "Doctor, you have to look carefully. I only have one son. If he has any shortcomings, then my old bones will not survive."

Yang Xiao straightened his body and spoke in a stern and authoritative voice, "No! You are a doctor and I am a doctor?! You can do what you want?"

The old lady didn't seem to expect that Yang Xiao would do something like this. She immediately stopped talking and her momentum became a little lower. "I just hope you can be more careful. If you need anything, I can help you. Otherwise... you Lift the curtain and take a closer look?"

"No need, go and get me a thin thread. It seems I'm going to use the secret technique my monk father passed on to me before he died." Yang Xiao's face was red and his heart was not beating, and he was talking nonsense seriously.

"What secret skill?"

Yang Xiao took a deep breath and said, "It's the long-lost technique of Xuansi pulse diagnosis in the world."

Not long after, the old lady brought out a roll of wool. Yang Xiao left the end of the yarn beside the bed, and then asked the guy inside to pick up the end of the yarn.

Wrapping it around his wrist, Yang Xiao moved the chair farther away, about two meters away from the bed, keeping a safe distance.

Then he narrowed his eyes and pretended to feel his pulse.



The man coughed even harder, and this time, the height actually changed again. Until the next second, a flash of lightning passed by outside the bedroom window. With the brief light, Yang Xiao saw a terrifying scene, and a shadow was reflected on the curtain. , it was a corpse standing up with its head tilted, looking down at him.

"Doctor, what are you waiting for? Can you take good care of my son's illness?"

The voice of Mrs. Wu behind her became more and more impatient, but that was not important. What was really important was what Yang Xiao discovered with his peripheral vision. There was also a shadow on the ground beside him.

The bedroom was very dark. The light from the living room came through the bedroom door, leaving the shadow of Mrs. Wu behind her on the ground.

The shadow's right hand was raised high, holding a kitchen knife.

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