Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 207 Hearsay

"Collection room?" Yang Xiaoyi raised his head. The sign on the iron door was clearly the Special Equipment Training Center.

The iron door in front of him has very good sound insulation effect. The training center is very quiet at night, but even so, Yang Xiao can't hear the sound behind the iron door.

Having just witnessed the horror of the ghost child, Yang Xiao felt that there was danger hidden everywhere in the dim surroundings, so he quickly left,

He returned to the office as quickly as possible, and the moment he got his backpack, Yang Xiao's chaotic heartbeat slowly stabilized.

Pouring himself a glass of water, Yang Xiao gradually recalled everything that happened not long ago.

"No, we have to send the balloon out as soon as possible to put him to sleep, otherwise it will be bad if something else is awakened."

These were the exact words said by Lu Youdao. Based on this, Yang Xiao suspected that there was a piece of resentment behind every door in the corridor.


Is it necessary to store so many Resentful Eyes in a place like the training center?

And judging from the ghost child incident, the stability of these resentful eyes is generally not very good. Once an accident occurs, it may cause a catastrophe.

Also, the rusty iron sign hidden by the wooden frame.

Collection room...

That night, Yang Xiao fell asleep in a state of worry. The backpack containing the opera robe was placed on the sofa not far away.

Yang Xiao had a terrible dream at night. He dreamed that the ghost child's resentment completely broke out. The terrifying amusement park swallowed up the entire patrol office. Dozens or hundreds of employees in the office were killed, and his investigation team also The losses were heavy, and the bloody corpses were stacked one after another like a hill.

What's even more terrifying is that the merry-go-round near the corpse mountain is still spinning. Accompanied by the cheerful and weird music, Director Nalan and Lu Youdao appear on the merry-go-round, with Lu Youdao still holding them in his arms. Ghost child in yellow raincoat.

The two of them looked livid and looked at Yang Xiao with sinister smiles.

In the next few days, Yang Xiao spent the next few days in a complicated mood. Everything in the office was normal, and the ghost child incident did not cause any disturbance at all.

Originally, Yang Xiao thought that Director Nalan would come to him, or at least Lu Youdao would come to him and warn him not to talk nonsense, but he was worried for several days and nothing happened. He didn't even see these two people. arrive.

Originally, according to the internal regulations of the Patrol Office, such supernatural incidents must be reported. Otherwise, if found out, they would at least take off their clothes and leave. However, Yang Xiao was not prepared to report Lu Youdao. First, he was not used to reporting behind his back. And, more importantly, he was very afraid of this person.

This person's background is very complicated, and his relationship with Director Nalan is subtle. What's puzzling is that even Nalan Shuo wants to give him face.

It was not convenient to inquire about the information from the people around Director Nalan, so Yang Xiao had to take the opportunity of small talk to find the dull Zhuge Zhijie.

In order to bring up the topic more reasonably, Yang Xiao did not mention Lu Youdao, but made a feint and asked Zhuge Zhijie about his past training.

Unfortunately, Zhuge Zhijie, a rookie, had never received special equipment training at all. Apart from himself, in the entire team, only his professional counterpart Da Xiong and former acting captain Beibei had received this training.

Helpless, Yang Xiao could only go to Daxiong and Beibei, but the answers from the two surprised Yang Xiao. They had been trained, but the coach who trained them was not Lu Youdao, but a coach named Chen. The location is not at the training center underground of the Office, but at a special training base in the outer suburbs of Rongcheng.

As the authority in this field within the team, Da Xiong also explained very rigorously, saying that their Lin'an District Office did not have the environment and qualifications for complete training of special equipment. From Da Xiong's introduction and analysis, he thought that the training for Yang Xiao was all Some theoretical training.

Yang Xiao vaguely muddled through Daxiong's few questions. Fortunately, Daxiong didn't think much about it and kindly reminded him that if he didn't understand anything in the course, he could ask him.

Yang Xiao thought for a moment, "Big Xiong, I saw a very strange person in the underground training center before. His face seemed to be disfigured and his body was stooped. It was quite scary. Do you know this person?"

"I know a little bit. It seems that my surname is Lu." Da Xiong replied.

Yang Xiao became more energetic, "What does he do?"

This time Big Bear thought for a moment and shook his head, "I don't know, maybe... he must be the handyman. I've only seen him a few times."

Yang Xiao went to ask Beibei, the oldest person in the team, but Beibei's answer was very vague. He only knew that there was such a person, but he didn't know anything about his background, identity, background, etc.

"Captain, you can ask Ximen Xiu." Beibei reminded.

"He knows?" Yang Xiao was a little surprised.

Beibei lowered her voice and said mysteriously: "Ximen Xiu is not good at anything else. He is a good intelligence expert. There is no gossip in our office from top to bottom that he doesn't know. Last year, our director secretly communicated with Suizhou next door. A woman from the city's brother department had a meal, and she booked the most private private room. The meal was at eight o'clock in the evening, and Ximen Xiu knew about it at 8:30."

"So powerful?" Yang Xiao couldn't help but glance at Ximen Xiugao, "Then what?"

"Then everyone in the department knew about it. It is said that because of this incident, the organization originally planned for Ximen Xiu to become a full-time official by the end of the year.

As a result, the director overcame all objections and suppressed the appointment at the discussion meeting. As a result, Ximen Xiu is still only a temporary employee until now. "Beibei spread his hands, looking helpless.

After waiting all morning, Yang Xiao finally waited for Ximen Xiu, who was belatedly arriving, and this time he finally got something.

"Oh, you mean this person, I know, his name seems to be Lu Youdao." Ximen Xiu recalled, "This person has been here for quite a while,

longer than any of us."

"What does he do?" Yang Xiao checked the personnel position list in the office, and there was no Lu Youdao's name in it at all.

"He is a repairman, and occasionally does odd jobs. He usually lives in the maintenance room in the northwest corner of the underground garage. He is also a loner, doesn't talk to anyone, and rarely appears in public."

"I heard that he was transferred to our office because he was injured during a previous mission. To put it bluntly, it's just to give him a salary, so as not to disappoint the brothers, but there is one thing that is quite strange. He doesn't seem to occupy the staff establishment of our office, and he can't be found on various lists."

After saying this, Ximen Xiu suddenly lowered his voice, "Captain, don't mess with this person. He seems to have some background, not with us, but above us. Our director is polite to him."

"Where do you know all this?" Yang Xiao couldn't figure it out. In terms of rank and seniority, Ximen Xiu is far inferior to the former captain Beibei, and even Beibei doesn't know these.

Ximen Xiu waved his hand and smiled, "It's all hearsay. I can't sit still, so I like to ask around."

Yang Xiao didn't believe that he could get such news, but Ximen Xiu didn't say it, so Yang Xiao didn't ask again. He had another thing to deal with.

In the evening, Yang Xiao, who was alone in the office, clicked on Fu Qingzhu's circle of friends. This kid updated his status again. The background was a high-end restaurant. Fu Qingzhu was wearing a navy blue suit, gold-rimmed glasses, and his hair was meticulously groomed. There were two girls sitting on each side.

The text: It's hard to refuse such a kind invitation, just have a simple meal.

Yang Xiao first liked Fu Qingzhu's circle of friends, and then sent a message to invite him to have a midnight snack in the evening. The words implied that there was something important to discuss.

The case of Gulin Villa has been closed, and the murderer was shot to death. Yang Xiao has noticed that the surroundings are calm during this period. I think the dangerous period has passed, and he should also find this brother Fu to have a good chat.

About half an hour later, Fu Qingzhu replied, and the two agreed to meet at a bar at 9 o'clock in the evening.

After getting a definite answer, Yang Xiao began to call people. He called Beibei and briefly told her the situation. After waiting for Beibei's car on the street, Yang Xiao was stunned. The car was full of people, including Daxiong, Beibei, Ximen Xiu, and even Yu Shu who was injured.

"What are you doing...::" Yang Xiao was worried about a conflict with Fu Qingzhu, so for safety, he was ready to call Beibei, but he didn't expect that almost the entire team would come.

"Captain, your business is our business." Ximen Xiu patted his chest, very righteous.

"Yes, there are six of us together, so we can take care of each other if something happens." Daxiong is still very reliable.

Yang Xiao looked inside the car. There were only five people including him. "Six? Is Zhuge Zhijie coming too?"

"Oh, he's already here. The car is too small to fit him, so he lies in the trunk." Ximen Xiu explained, "Captain, hurry up, he can suffer less."

Yang Xiao:

Yang Xiao and his men arrived at 7:30, an hour and a half ahead of schedule, leaving Yu Shu and Zhuge Zhijie outside.

As an observation post, Yu Shu will pay attention to whether Fu Qingzhu has brought helpers. Zhuge Zhijie brought a computer and will cooperate to hack the nearby surveillance.

Yang Xiao booked two rooms in the most remote locations. Yang Xiao and Beibei were in one room, and Daxiong and Ximen Xiu hid in the other room next door.

At 9 o'clock, Yu Shu outside sent a message saying that Fu Qingzhu had come, and he was alone, and the surrounding surveillance did not find any abnormalities.

As soon as he opened the door, before he could say hello, Fu Qingzhu was held to the neck by Beibei who was hiding behind the door with a knife.

But Fu Qingzhu was not panicked at all. He closed the door gently and greeted the two with a smile, "Brother Yang, you really make me feel disappointed."

Yang Xiao also laughed, "Brother Fu, that's not true. You stabbed me in the back and dragged me down. I am disappointed."

"God knows, I blocked an arrow for you, and my shoulder still hurts now." Fu Qingzhu smiled and reached into his windbreaker and touched his shoulder.

"Don't move!"

Beibei patted Fu Qingzhu on the back of his head, and then pulled off Fu Qingzhu's coat with one hand.

You don't know until you search, and you will be shocked when you search. Daggers, stun guns, anti-wolf spray, tactical flashlights, thin hemp ropes... Yang Xiao endured all these until Beibei found a bundle of tape and two candles from the inner pocket of his windbreaker.

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