Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 164 Death Anniversary

Yang Xiao once caught a glimpse of Teacher Wang from a distance, and that long neck left him with an indelible memory of terror.

"I think you were the only one in the class who didn't stab him in the back. This was probably his only consolation." Song Yan sighed, with a rare hint of sincerity.

"My grandma taught me since I was a child that although our family is poor, we must have backbone and not take ill-gotten gains. As a human being, we must know how to repay kindness."

"Teacher Wang is a good person. He learned about grandma's illness during his home visit. Since then, he has taken good care of me and grandma. He would boil eggs for me to supplement nutrition, and would also ask someone to buy medicine from the city and bring it to grandma. No one ever asked me So good to us.”

Mentioning the past, Xu Yu's eyes gradually became brighter, but perhaps thinking of Teacher Wang's tragic ending, the light in his eyes slowly dimmed again, which made people feel heartbroken.

"If your classmates had half the conscience as you do, they wouldn't be able to do such an animal thing." Yang Xiao thought of Xia Xiuyan and Nie Hexiang's face, and felt really sorry for Teacher Wang.

Xu Yu shook his head gently and took out a yellowed photo from his purse. On it was a piece of signature paper with bright red fingerprints printed on it. There was a signature under each fingerprint. Yang Xiao remembered this. The joint certificate found in Xu Yu's dormitory was created by the parents of those students.

"Things are not what you think. In fact, many students are unwilling to accuse Teacher Wang, but they are all children after all. How can they influence the choices of their parents? Look carefully at these signatures. Although they are signed by the students' names, most of the handwriting is Adults.”

"What happened to your classmates after this incident?" Song Yan asked curiously.

"Most of them have dropped out of school and gone to work in other places. Small places in the countryside take this kind of thing very seriously. Regardless of whether it is true or not, their reputation is ruined. If they stay any longer, they will only be criticized behind their backs. Gossip."

"Where are their parents? They took such a large amount of money, which is enough to cover their daughters' living expenses." Song Yan suspected that things were not that simple.

Hearing this, Xu Yu sneered, "Them? Are they worthy of being parents? After getting the money, they ran to the city to buy a house, put their son's name on the house book, and then sent their son to a good school. Their daughter was just a cash cow for them. , when their daughter gets married, they can make another fortune.”

"Don't look at what you say when you ask for compensation. It's all about equality between men and women. Your daughter is your heart and innocence is the most important thing. It's all a pretense.

Just to extort more money, these people don't even want to show their face for money! "

Recalling the faces of these people, Xu Yu tightened her fingers in anger and her body was trembling.

"Grandma... Grandma also died because she was hated by them!"

As soon as these words came out, Yang Xiao immediately thought of Teacher Zhao who was hesitant to speak. He also mentioned Xu Yu's grandma, "Grandma, what happened to her?"

"Originally, those people planned to extort a lot of money, but because of grandma's insistence, they didn't get my signature.

They could only settle for the next best thing, and because of this incident, they had a grudge against their grandma. They stole the coal that grandma had saved in the old house for the winter. "

"Without coal, the house would be too cold to live in in winter. Grandma had no money to buy new coal, so she had to pick up dead branches from the mountains and burn them to keep warm. She was afraid of delaying my schooling, so she refused to tell me."

"One night when I came back from school, I found that my grandma was not at home, but it was already dark by then. I begged my neighbor to go out and look for grandma.

Finally... I finally found her at the foot of the mountain, but it was too late. ‘

"After the police investigated the scene, they said that my grandma lost her footing and rolled down the hillside. She was old and in poor health, so she tried for a long time and couldn't get up again."

Thinking of the scene at that time, Yang Xiao and Song Yan became rarely silent. There are really too many people in this world who have paid the price for insisting on the truth.

Mentioning these old things, Xu Yu's eyes couldn't help but turn red. After careful consideration, Yang Xiao finally asked the question that had been buried in his heart for a long time.

"Teacher Xu Yu, I believe you, but can I ask, do you have any concrete evidence to prove that those people are lying?"

Everything requires evidence, and no matter how touching a story is, it needs evidence to support it. Otherwise, who can prove that this is not the beginning of another tragedy.

Xu Yu wiped her tears with her backhand and nodded firmly, "Yes, please wait a moment."

Standing up, Xu Yu quickly walked to the old wooden cabinet on one side, squatted down, and took out a brown paper bag from the inside.

There was a thick pile of information in the paper bag. Xu Yu pulled out a few sheets and handed them to Yang Xiao, "This is a record of some students' parents being interviewed by the police. Take a look."

Song Yan also came up, and the two of them looked through the records carefully. There were places marked with red pens in the records. Several parents of the students all mentioned Teacher Wang's red tape recorder and pointed out that when the violation occurred, Teacher Wang used it to cover up others' eyes. Turn up the volume on your recorder intentionally.

After the violation occurred, in order to appease the victimized students, he would boil a few eggs for them as compensation, and ordered them not to tell these things, otherwise they would look good.

"These people are talking nonsense! They don't know that in order to treat my grandma, Teacher Wang sold his tape recorder very early, but Teacher Wang is a decent person, so he bought it for a small amount of money. An empty shell similar to that tape recorder is placed in the dormitory.

That so-called tape recorder is just a model. How can it play music? ! "

"Also, at that time, Teacher Wang's eggs were given to him by the town as a reward for replenishing his health. The number was limited, one a day, only 30 eggs a month. But look at what these people said, they boiled a few eggs after each violation. 27 people in the class were raped multiple times, how many eggs are needed to compensate?”

Xu Yu took out a few more pieces of paper and handed them over, "I didn't say these words in vain. I have evidence. These are the information given by the police after investigation. They also found the electrical appliance store where Teacher Wang sold the recorder. Boss, the boss’s testimony is here too.”

Most of these testimonies are photocopies, and some of them are printed photos. Some of them have seals and signatures underneath. Yang Xiao has always been a law-abiding citizen and has not had many interactions with people from the police station, so it is impossible to identify the authenticity of these materials. Fake.

Song Yan, on the other hand, picked up the information and read it again and again, and finally gave Yang Xiao a confirming look, "It should be true."

Now it was Yang Xiao's turn to wonder. Since there were such big loopholes in the case, why didn't he clear Teacher Wang's name in time? At least it wouldn't let the case go into an irreversible abyss.

Xu Yu’s explanation for this is that these evidences were only collected after Teacher Wang’s death. Sun Shengnan has been using his influence to interfere with the case investigation during the investigation stage. Under the pressure of strong public opinion, many normal police investigation behaviors They are all magnified infinitely by misinterpretation.

"There is another thing that you probably don't know. This is directly related to the cause of Teacher Wang's death." Xu Yu said suddenly.

"Wasn't he forced to death by Sun Shengnan and those people?" Song Yan was a little surprised.

"Yes, but Teacher Wang has adjusted his mentality after being comforted by Principal Wu and the people in the town. He will definitely not commit suicide. I know Teacher Wang. Although he has a gentle personality, he is very strong in his heart and will never be framed. Just die, you know Sun Zhen? "

"I know, she is also a student of Teacher Wang. She and Xia Xiuyan and Nie Hexiang were the ones who framed Teacher Wang in the first place. I heard that not long ago, she came back to the town and then died inexplicably." Yang Xiao He deliberately kept his words vague, he wanted to hear what Xu Yu had to say.

"You're right, she died very strangely, and before she died, I went to find her, and we had a big fight, maybe out of anger.

Sun Zhen suddenly said something without any beginning or end. She said that if you want to know the truth, don't come to her, go to Xia Xiuyan. If she hadn't met Teacher Wang in the end, Teacher Wang would not have died. "

"On the night when Teacher Wang committed suicide, did Xia Xiuyan come to see him?" This news is so important. If it is true,

Then Xia Xiuyan must have said something, and it was these words that drove Teacher Wang to a dead end.

After thinking for a moment, Yang Xiao thought further, "After such a thing happened, there is no reason why Xia Xiuyan would take the initiative to find Teacher Wang. It must be Sun Shengnan's instigation. She asked Xia Xiuyan to bring a message to Teacher Wang."

"It makes sense, but what words could force Teacher Wang to a dead end and commit suicide?" Song Yan couldn't figure it out either.

"I don't know, but someone must know. Let's go find Xia Xiuyan." Yang Xiao decided to open a breakthrough through the mouth of the client, Xia Xiuyan.

As for the means...there is no need to be moral when dealing with such a scumbag.

Seeing the strange look in Xu Yu's eyes, which seemed a little entangled, Yang Xiao spoke first, "Teacher Xu Yu, do you have anything else to say?"

"There is one thing I don't know whether I should say. It may be a bit superstitious and weird, but...but I believe it." Xu Yu recalled, "Teacher Wang's body was hanging in the classroom because of this incident. The matter was very involved, so no one dared to collect the body for a while. But two days later, when the classroom door opened again, everyone was shocked, and a timid female teacher fainted on the spot. "

"Teacher Wang's neck was stretched very long, the bones were broken, and the outer skin...the skin was stretched until it was translucent, and you can even see the flesh and blood inside."

"Later, my grandma found out about this, and her face became very solemn. I asked her many times before she told me that when she was very young, she heard the old blind man tell fortunes in the village, The hanged person has the strongest evil spirit, and the resentment will fall on the toes, and the body will be pulled into disarray by this resentment. "

"In other words, the greater the resentment in the heart of the hanged person, the heavier the corpse will be. I'm afraid the old blind man may not have seen something like Teacher Wang's before his death."

‘And such a corpse must be cremated, and the cremated ashes must be buried in a specific place, otherwise evil will happen sooner or later. "

"It turns out that just two days after grandma said that, Teacher Wang's body was cremated. You may not know that our town is remote and people's ideas are old-fashioned. At that time, no one did cremation in private, and all were buried secretly. Even if an unknown stranger dies in our town, the people in the town will find a place to bury him, so Teacher Wang's cremation is very strange. "

"Also, the place where Teacher Wang's ashes are buried is also very particular. It is a shady place at the foot of the mountain. It does not see the sun all year round. The old people say that the feng shui there is not good. It is a town. What's even more strange is that it is still surrounded by people. A man planted a banana tree."

"Trapped Ghost Wood?" Yang Xiao reacted suddenly.

Xu Yu nodded repeatedly, "You are just like what my grandma said. Grandma also said that the banana tree has the ability to trap ghosts and absorb the grievances of ghosts. The greater the grievances of ghosts, the better the banana tree will grow. If you pass by at night, You can still hear people crying.”

"Later I found out that Teacher Wang's funeral was handled by Sun Shengnan and the others. They were under the guise of morality because they were worried that Teacher Wang would turn into a ghost and seek revenge on them. It seems that Sun Shengnan must have consulted a knowledgeable gentleman. I know something is wrong with Teacher Wang’s death.”

Song Yan thought to himself, isn't this nonsense? How could a normal body have such a long neck? Sun Shengnan, as long as he wasn't a fool, would be able to tell that something was wrong.

"What happened next?" Yang Xiao asked, since Teacher Wang came out, something must have happened to the so-called Zhendi banana tree.

"One night last year, there was a sudden heavy rain. The rain was very heavy, and there were no warning signs before. It caused a flash flood. When someone passed by a few days later, they discovered that the land had been completely washed away, and the banana trees were also destroyed. It’s gone and it’s turned into a depression.”

"By the way, the night of the heavy rain was also the night when Teacher Wang hanged himself. At that time, people in the town spread rumors privately that Teacher Wang's ghost was still there."

Heavy rain, flash floods, the inexplicable death of Sun Zhen, and the muddy ambulance, scenes flashed through Yang Xiao's mind, all of which seemed to be connected in some mysterious way.

Suddenly, a thunder sounded in his ears, which frightened Yang Xiao and Song Yan who were caught up in the story. Yang Xiao immediately walked out and saw that it started raining heavily outside at some point, and the rain became more and more intense.

An ominous premonition arose in Yang Xiao's heart. He suddenly turned his head to look at Xu Yu. Before he could speak, Xu Yu slowly spoke, " the anniversary of Teacher Wang's death. He died on this night." Hanged himself."

Before he finished speaking, a sharp bolt of lightning pierced the night sky, and a heavy rain poured down outside.

Song Yan didn't even dare to look outside, fearing that in some corner, a guy with a twisted neck was standing looking at them.

After a moment, Yang Xiao suddenly remembered something, "Quick, call Principal Wu!"

Song Yan reacted quickly and quickly took out his mobile phone, but when he was dialing the number, he stopped and looked up at Xu Yu with some embarrassment, "Teacher Xu Yu, why don't you...


Without any nonsense, Xu Yu directly dialed Principal Wu's number. At first, Yang Xiao was still lucky. After all, judging from the recent contact, Teacher Wang had no ill intentions towards Principal Wu. But until the phone hung up automatically, Wu The principal's phone was not answered either.

The same goes for calling Teacher Zhao.

The rain outside became heavier, and the surrounding buildings were blurred.

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