Nightmare Apostle

Chapter 103 Getting ready

"Don't move! If you move I'll shoot you!" Beibei shouted.

The woman stopped and raised the knife in her hand, keeping the posture of cutting it off at any time. She slowly raised her head, her eyes filled with an inhuman indifference and gloom.

Yang Xiao recognized this feeling, just like the ghosts he encountered in the nightmare world.

The woman's face was stained red by the splattered blood, and her hair was wet and sticky. If you look carefully, you can see that it is the woman in red who blocked the security door and made a lot of noise.


A knife flew at extremely fast speed. The three of them barely dodged. The blunt knife was stuck in the wall behind them.

The handle of the knife was still shaking.

The woman pulled out the scissors stuck in the man's back and rushed towards them.


"Bang! Bang!"

At the moment of the gunshot, the woman's right shoulder and left leg and knee exploded with blood at the same time. The woman was staggering and wanted to pounce. Beibei kicked the scissors out of the woman's hand. Yang Xiao rushed forward and hit a bench. On a woman’s face,

Knock someone to the ground.

After a successful blow, Yang Xiao didn't give the woman a chance to fight back. He grabbed the chair and smashed it until the woman let out a painful wail.

"Okay, stop!" Finally, Beibu stopped him.

Yang Xiao was leaning on a folding chair, panting from exhaustion. The woman was rolling on the ground in pain, making vague begging sounds from her mouth, "Don't hit me, don't hit me...

"Okay, that thing is gone, Xiao Shu, stop her bleeding first, and then tie her up."

At this time, Ximen Xiu and three others who were hiding outside also came in. Ximen Xiu and Da Xiong helped hold the woman down. Yu Shu withdrew his gun and took out a small medical bag. He squatted down to treat the gunshot wounds on the woman's shoulder and knee. With a slight movement, Seemingly rude.

Yang Xiao and Beibei walked to the desk. The foreign man was lying face down on the desk. A big hole was cut out of the back of his head with a blunt knife. Half of his face was rotten. The left eye exposed when he turned his face slightly was staring. Da, it seems that he did not expect such a result.

There were more stab wounds on the back, caused by the scissors.

The man's hand was an overturned computer monitor, the screen was still on, and the densely packed tables and figures on it seemed to be something like a single account.

"It seems that the two of them sneaked in just to change or destroy these accounts, and they were guilty of committing crimes." Beibei concluded after a brief inspection, "I just didn't expect that after entering, the keyword for ghost awakening was triggered. "

"You are referring to their relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend." Yang Xiao still remembered what the woman shouted before the fire escape.

"Yes, you should have noticed that this ghost controls and attacks people who show signs of being in a relationship. Every time the resentful eye breaks out, there will be a dormant period. There is no reason for the ghost to wake up so quickly. It must have been disturbed by the policewoman. This caused this ghost to wake up early."'

The situation became complicated at this moment, and Yang Xiao couldn't help but urge: "Then let's go back to the No. 5 collection room now and use the ghost camera...

"It's useless. This ghost has woken up. It won't come back in a short time. We are looking for the Resentful Eye because the ghost in the unawakened state is near the Resentful Eye. Generally, the ghost can be photographed by taking pictures of the Resentful Eye. But it's not possible now. We have to take the initiative to find that guy." Beibei's face turned sour. What was originally an easy task became dangerous because of the intrusion of these two people. "Who are you?" The woman gradually woke up and screamed the moment she saw the corpse, "Ah! Ah...ah!! It's dead!"

"Shut up!" Ximen, who was originally in charge of the task, was so delicate that he grabbed the woman's chin, pulled a banner from the wall, and stuffed it into the woman's mouth.

After briefly treating the wound, Ximen Xiu and Da Xiong carried the woman and tied her tightly to a chair. Yu Shu came to the computer alone. After briefly browsing, he made a copy of the bill inside and kept it as evidence, and then I took a few photos of each other, using the woman tied to the chair as the background.

"Now it's trouble. The ghost has woken up. Where can we find it?" Ximen Xiu stared at the woman in red fiercely, wanting to beat her again.

Daxiong sighed, "The range of influence of this resentful eye is not very large. It should be on this floor. Let's go out and find an open location and then use the detector to find it." He thought that he had no better way.

Leaving the woman in red behind, the group left the office and came to an open area outside. Daxiong quickly connected the equipment, put on headphones, and used the detector to find the approximate location of the ghost.

But this time, I encountered a problem. Big Bear moved the instrument east and west, almost in a full circle.

There was a strange expression on his face.

"What's going on?" Beibei realized something was wrong.

Daxiong took off his headphones and said, "This... the signal here is very messy. There seems to be other interference. Let's try another place."

The group of people continued to walk towards the corridor. Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment and landed at the back of the team. Looking at the backs of his teammates, Yang Xiao suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

One, two, three, four, five, six...,

Six people! ! ? ? How... Why is there one more?

What's even more frightening is that Yang Xiao checks his teammates one by one. He clearly knows that there is something wrong with one of them, but he just can't find it.

Everyone's back gave him a sense of familiarity, and he could call out each one's name. Yang Xiao gasped for air, his consciousness and senses were severely distorted, and he was dizzy and felt a power in his mind. It's affecting him.


Yang Xiao stopped the team. He wanted to immediately point out that something had sneaked into the team, but then he was not sure whether he would be attacked by ghosts, which made the situation more complicated. After thinking about it, he chose a self- Thinking it was a safer approach, he almost gritted his teeth and said, "Brothers, look at...look at us. When we get out, I'll treat all 6 of our team to hot pot!"

He said the number 6 through gritted teeth. Sure enough, Beibei and the others who turned around quickly realized something was wrong, and the seven people immediately dispersed and were on guard against each other.

"What's going on?" Ximen Xiu almost cried, "Brothers, I...I can't see your faces clearly.

No, it’s not that I can’t see clearly, it’s that... I can’t recognize you! ""

Everyone felt the same way about Ximen Xiu. It was an indescribable feeling of horror. Yang Xiao could see each of their faces clearly, and even the subtle expression changes on their faces, but he couldn't tell who was who.

It was impossible to tell which person made the sound.

"Don't mess around!" Beibei shouted, "That thing has sneaked in, and we must find it. Now listen to me, Ximen Xiu, raise your hands."

The next second, Yang Xiao took a deep breath and saw the other six people all raised their hands.

"I'm asking Ximen Xiu to raise his hand!" Beibei was anxious.

"I...I didn't raise my hands, but I see you all did." Big Bear's voice was broken.

"Big Bear, take a step back."

The six people in front of Yang Xiao all took a step back. It was obvious that this method was useless.

"You said before that this thing is only the first contact state. It can only affect perception and cannot make actual contact. So let's form a circle and hold hands. Whoever can't hold hands will have a problem!" Yang Xiao analyzed while enduring a headache. .

"No!" Zhuge Zhijie immediately objected. "The so-called untouchable means that the ghost will not take the initiative to contact us. It does not mean that we can take the initiative to touch it. Contact with that force without authorization will cause unknown consequences."

Staring at one person, Yang Xiao's mind became more and more confused. He only knew that these people were his teammates and the closest people to him.


The closest person?

No, he and these people had only known each other for less than a day, and they couldn't be described as intimate. Gradually, Yang Xiao discovered something even more terrifying. His feelings for several teammates were rapidly heating up, as if... . . It's like being lovers.

Some strange pictures began to appear in his mind. In the office, Beibei gave him chocolates, and there was Yu Shu. The girl was lying in his arms. The two of them were watching the sunset together by the lake. The sunset shone on Yu Shujuan's beautiful side face. The picture is so beautiful that one cannot look straight at it.


"Damn it, I... I seem to have fallen in love with Beibei, it's so scary!" Ximen Xiu began to wail, "What the hell, didn't you agree that it can only affect women?"

Beibei's voice also became strange, as if she was trying to restrain herself, "Shut up...: Shut up, Ximen Xiu, if you dare to think nonsense, I will kill you with a knife!"

"That thing is getting stronger and stronger. Hurry... think of a way! It's affecting us more and more!" Big Bear breathed rapidly.

Ximen Xiu almost cried, "I...I dare not think about Sister Bei and Yu Shu. Sister Bei has a knife in her hand, and sister Yu Shu has a gun. Zhuge Zhijie, don't blame me!"

Zhuge Zhijie: "???!!'

After the intense joy, there is melancholy worrying about gains and losses, and then it turns into a strong and twisted possessiveness.

As soon as Yang Xiao closed his eyes, he saw that his girlfriend was going out with others behind her back, and a strong resentment quickly grew. He wanted to rush over and kill this bitch who betrayed him!

With everything he could get his hands on, he hit this woman on the head hard, smashing her head into a pulp! !

The girlfriend's face is also constantly changing, sometimes it's Yu Shu, sometimes it's Beibei.

Seeing that the situation was about to get out of control, Yang Xiao bit the tip of his tongue. The strong sting made him wake up a little, "Brothers, listen to me! I have a way. One thing is certain, the person we want to attack must be It’s one of our own, so as long as we lose control one by one and control the order, the last one left will definitely be a ghost!”

"For example, if I attack Yu Shu, then the identity of Yu Shu and I will be clear, because we will fight together as a team, and the rest will follow this method. You must remember to start a fight, I am worried that I will really kill him she!"

Choosing Yu Shu was also a decision made after hard thinking. She couldn't lose control of anyone here. She had to be the first to control it because she had a gun in her hand.

"I'm going to give up suppressing myself, brothers, get ready to take action!" Yang Xiao yelled.

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