Night Hacker

Chapter 124: Power outages and executions

   Chapter 124 Power Outage and Execution

   The night was raining and the cold wind was blowing, and the factory was already in sight.

   "Ground vehicles, ground vehicles, you are breaking into the municipal welfare factory area, stop immediately!"

  The gunship roared and circled in the night sky, but the warning sound of the tweeter failed to stop the torrent of the convoy on the ground.

   This welfare factory has no walls, and the weak security force has been defeated by the rescue team before.

   On the back of a pickup truck belonging to the low-class ethnic group, Gu He couldn't help being nervous, facing so many muzzles.

  Besides, Lorna's off-road vehicle continued to follow closely, warning the low-class people not to sing the songs of the **** man.

   But all kinds of rough singing did not stop, the team not only did not stop, but also became bigger and bigger.

   There are beastly motorcycles of various colors, shapes and flags coming at high speed, not only the beasts who are driving, but also the extraordinary people who can be fought by various organizations in Kabukicho.

   By now, the rescue operation was no longer a secret, and Yakuza informed the intermediaries of the latest situation.

   At this time, Gu He got an order from the walkie-talkie he wore in his ear: "The rescue team is trapped by the UHV power grid, let the low-class people help to cut off the power, and be careful not to cause an electric explosion!"

   He hurriedly told the situation to Jane and Captain Swing next to him, and some other low-class people also heard it immediately.

   "Electricity, the magic of modern technology!" Jane shouted again holding the microphone, "I can say so loudly because of electricity. Electricity is the life-saving elixir of human beings, and it is also the noose of human life..."

   "Stop talking." Gu He said anxiously, "Many people are waiting for help."

   "It hasn't reached the range yet." Jane said, paused and then said, "Okay, it's here now."

   The pickup trucks, motorcycles and off-road vehicles at the front of the convoy all rushed into the concrete road between the rows of factories.

  Suddenly, Jane, Captain Swing, Big Dog, Fishbone, etc. hundreds of extraordinary power cutters, although few of them are highly talented, most of them are in the third gear, and even barely reach the third gear.

   But these shabby people, on the dashing pickup truck, started the extraordinary program at the same time.

  Department of Occupational Power Outages, Class J Program: Power Off Pulse, Class Q Program: Power Shielding

   The power-off person's neural electrical signals are converted into extraordinary shock waves similar to electromagnetic pulses, which have no effect on the human body of ordinary people, but have certain damage to the extraordinary people of the ace route electronic transformation type.

   And the greatest power is not in the effect on the human body, but in the damage to electronic equipment.

  Break down insulation, burn out the circuit, destroy the stored data of the computer, and also make the communication equipment such as radio all fail.

   This is a powerful side-door occupation system, and it is also the cornerstone of the rise and survival of the low-class people.

   Power outages are very harmful to industrial production, but the low-class ethnic groups in various cities in Anzhou have been uniting so that banks will not easily provoke them, and they are not a group that makes trouble easily.

   But now, Jane shouted and raised both palms forward.

  The same is true of the low-class people who cut off the electricity in the traffic. The rain splashed on their tattooed palms. As the program started, the power-off pulse burst out from the nerves of their palms.

   As the low-kochi people say, take out your anger and detonate the high-tech machine!

   Power-off procedures can be linked into pieces, whether it is J-level or Q-level, the more power-off pulses are gathered, the greater the power.

  Gu He was at the starting point of the storm and suddenly became dizzy. All the electronic devices in the surrounding vehicles were buzzing, the songs played by the speakers stopped abruptly, and everything related to electricity was malfunctioning.

   "Enough!" Lorna over there slammed the steering wheel to control the shaking off-road vehicle.

   The power-off pulse had only a small effect on the back, and instantly rushed to the factory and warehouse in front.

  The lights and street lamps from the building went out one after another, showing the original night color, and the sound of the circuit bursting open constantly.

   Even in the middle of the night, the assembly lines in the workshops that were still working overtime to produce TV sets, refrigerators, and other Santo products were all bursting, and the blue-clothed workers in front of the assembly lines were in a panic.

   Another loud bang, the UHV power grid that surrounded the small area failed and exploded, and the high power column was crumbling.

  Although there is no sound, Jane's cry is still deafening, making the low-class people cheer:

   "Death to high-tech machines, it is they who trample our dreams and trample our future!"

   At the same time, the electrical circuits exploded like fireworks everywhere in this factory, and there was no more electric light everywhere.

  The armed helicopter squad in the night sky was also affected by the power outage, and it almost crashed after a shake.

   The cheers on the ground rose from wave to wave, and the flood of the convoy saw the rescue team and the children in front.

Some members of the    rescue team were also laughing, some bowed in respect, and some raised their arms and shouted. Even if the electronic modification of some of the players' bodies was damaged, they applauded the low-class people.

  Gu He exhaled, it's done, it's done! In addition to the low-class concept, the low-class family really has two brushes.

  Lorna stared at her green eyes. She already knew that there was a blood eater's slave realm over there. Gu He told her just now.

   "Second goods, do you want to do something good?" She asked Gu He while driving the car.


   As soon as Yato Taro connected to the psychic network, he felt that he was bound even more severely.

The data ocean of   0 and 1 is endless, and all kinds of phantoms are born and die endlessly. He perceives at least four different data streams besieging his personality cube.

   The other party was crowded, and he was infected with voodoo again, so he had to break free and jump to another outlet.

   As long as it drags on for a while, the security guards enter the Zen room and connect his helmet to the net together, and they can surround each other.

   "Where do you want to go?" Someone seemed to say so.

  Hoto Taro couldn't jump out, and the address was redirected... With his six-speed gear, it was completely unmatched.

   Overdrive operator, what's going on... Where did Yosuke Harato find such a person...

   Around him, a huge wall of data was built again, and the other side also had a tower builder!

   Tower Builder Occupational Department Q-Level Program: High Walls Rise

   "I haven't cut the meat of the blood eater. If I don't cut it well, please forgive me."

   A girl's voice said that, she said the most sinister words in the most tender tone.

  Taro Boto suddenly saw that the surrounding high walls had transformed into the shape of a large room, full of various torture instruments: guillotine, noose, skinning stool, nail chair, head crusher...

   For a moment, he felt cold all over.

   Executioner Occupational Department, the eighth house main job, housing.

   "Big House" refers to one of the voodoo doctrines. Voodoo believers call themselves and each other "PititKay".

  House, big house, secret room, execution place.

  The executioner is not a butcher, and does not have the sole purpose of killing the other party, but executes the punishment and brings sufficient physical and mental pain to the victim.

   In the mind network, the concept of time will be different due to the speed of the network. For a highly gifted executioner, even a millisecond can give the victim a good taste of pain before dying.

   "I really like to see the pained look of the bank dog, it's really great." The girl's voice said stupefiedly.

   "Good sister, he's yours now, use all your tricks." Another young woman said with a smile.

  Hoto Taro couldn't break free in the high-walled execution room, so he had to do his best in his anger and resorted to his own blood-eater Q-level program: The Realm Comes

  The realm of slaves temporarily descends on the location of the blood eaters, placing all creatures within a range in the violent storm of the blood slave field, and all data is sucked up, including their programs and their personalities.

  The arrival of the realm is a more crazy and domineering group attack program than the combination of "brain slave gathering energy-calling brain slave".

  The personality of the blood eater will not collapse, but the more he absorbs, the more complete he becomes.

   "Ah!" Yato Taro screamed, trying to kill me? I still don't know who killed who!

  The space of the heart network suddenly became turbulent, the data torrents rushed to and fro, and a realm was formed in the storm.

   "It's fine, let's change positions." The male operator said slowly.

   Manipulator Occupational Department, Q-level program: NG, redirect

   With a sudden jerk, it may not have taken a second, whether it was Taro Boto or these Internet cowboys, they all jumped to another network location. The slave realm just now was thrown to an unknown place.

   "Ah..." Yato Taro screamed again, this time full of grief and unwillingness.

   In front of the overdrive operator, he has no advantage in the psychic network.

  The six-speed gear just slows down a bit, and even Voodoo is cutting his speed, he was betrayed by relatives and friends...

  Boom, the high-walled torture chamber was built again to trap him.

  Hoto Taro was like his hands and feet were tied to death. He sat on a nailed chair, his head was hooped with a head crusher, and his personality data was continuously destroyed, as if his whole body was cut open.

   Executioner Occupational Department, Class J Program: Fear of Death

  The biological instinct of human beings produces the greatest fear of death, and this fear causes pain.

   The more afraid of death, the more painful it is.

  Heroes are not afraid of death; but blood eaters are terribly afraid.

   The occupation system of the eighth house has always had many checks and balances for blood eaters.

  Taro Boto couldn't resist. After so many years of meditation and meditation, he still couldn't let himself endure it.

   Fear and pain are penetrating his personality, and the light and shadow of the surrounding heart network are blurred and distorted.

   He is not reconciled, really reconciled, is it Harato Yosuke, or who, but he knows that he has lost, it's over...

"What about the children who were killed by you?" The girl laughed like a silver bell, "How many children did you kill? Using the slave realm to upgrade to the second-level programmer, at least one person was killed. Thousands?"

   Executioner Occupational Department, Q-level program: A thousand cuts

  Hoto Taro felt that his head was cut off, but he didn't die, and he could sense his body. He just watched himself sitting on the nail chair, being cut down by a sharp **** knife.

  The blood is draining little by little, the shadow of death is approaching step by step, the pain, the ever-expanding pain.

   Under the double bombardment of this fear and pain, Taro Boto has collapsed, and the blood eater has become the blood food of others.

   "Get him, the bank dog is almost here." The male operator said again, "The host is about to respond."

   "Who are you... Who are you..." Boto Taro still shouted unwillingly when his personality dispersed.

   "It's just some houseboys who avenge themselves for others." The woman's voice was indifferent, "Now, go die."

   "What a pity, I haven't had enough..." The girl sighed.

  Suddenly, the executioner girl used the head crusher, and with a click, Taro Boto's head was crushed into pieces of flesh and blood, and the completely collapsed personality Rubik's Cube burst open, becoming another pile of junk data on the mind network.

   The four smiling face masked cyber cowboys took a look at this scene of death, then jumped away and disappeared without a trace.

   Thanks for the single-chapter push from the three majors before, I am very grateful! Retweeted his "This Curse is Great", a very interesting book: Chen Yu traveled to the world of Gaowu, but was judged as an intruder by the "will of the world" and cursed him. [Curse Effect: Status Reversal] [Cultivation: Strength -1, -2, -1, -1...] This curse... is really awesome!



   (end of this chapter)

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