"But what are they selling? Are they those crystal balls?" Xue Lang said while observing.

"No." Qi Le lazily walked into the counter, looked around, and then found a small bulletin board under the counter.

It's probably prepared by the system.

"System, this thing is priced like this." Qi Le picked up the bulletin board and asked in his mind.

System: "Two spiritual crystals an hour, limited to four hours a day."

Qi Le listened to the system's words, then wrote the price on the bulletin board, and then placed it at the door.

"Boss, what are you selling here? Why are there only two spiritual crystals an hour?" Xue Lang stared at the bulletin board and asked in shock.

"Or are you really just like Hu Shou said, a black-hearted boss?"

"What?" Qi Le raised his eyes, as if he heard some strange title.

Then he coughed and said expressionlessly: "The weapons and armor are in the store next door. There is also a way to get there."

Qi Le said, raising his hand and pointing to the door at the end of the corridor.

No one is looking at the grocery store for now, but that's okay.

It is impossible to steal something in the store. This iron cock system will never allow this to happen.

"As for this, pay the money, sit down anywhere, and put your hands on the base of the crystal ball, and you will know what's going on." Qi Le explained as simply as possible.

"Captain, how about you spend two spiritual crystals to play once, we are not in a hurry now." One of the team members suggested.

"Yeah, anyway, the weapons and armor are right next door. Just let the brothers transport them back." Another team member also echoed.

"Okay," Xue Lang nodded, then took out two spiritual crystals, put them on the counter, and said, "Boss, I'll play for an hour first."

"Well, just find a location." Qi Le silently put away the spiritual crystal.

There is also a cash box under the counter here, and the store manager's share remains unchanged, still 10%.

Xue Lang followed the instructions and found a booth close to the counter.

The other team members followed Xuelang step by step, wanting to see what this new store was doing.

"It's so comfortable, so soft." As soon as Xue Lang sat on the leather sofa, he sank in and squinted his eyes with a look of enjoyment.

"team leader……"

The team members following behind were ashamed.

"Ah, yes, I'm not here to enjoy it." Xue Lang suddenly woke up, carefully looked at the environment in the booth, and then placed his hands on the base of the crystal ball.

"Welcome to the combat power enhancement arena."

The transparent crystal ball lit up instantly, and a arena appeared inside the crystal ball.

Electronic synthesized sounds also appeared in Xue Lang's mind at the same time, explaining to him in detail the rules of using combat power to enhance the arena.

Xue Lang listened carefully to the voice's explanation, and then observed the picture in the crystal ball.

"Captain, what's going on with this scene?" The members of the Blood Wolf Team crowded outside the booth, looked at the scene in the crystal ball, and couldn't help but ask.

That electronic synthesized sound will not appear in their minds.

"To put it simply, you can improve your martial arts skills by fighting with those people." Xue Lang focused on the four people under the ring.

"You are actually competing with the captain in martial arts. Then the captain will definitely win."

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