"Detecting...User: Store Manager, the combat power improvement training room is open."

Suddenly a sentence flashed on the crystal ball.

Then Qi Le saw a huge arena appear in the transparent crystal ball. Under the arena, there were several ordinary-looking people standing there with indifferent expressions.

"The first-level arena is open, and you can choose to fight against characters: swordsman, spearman, great magician, and guardian knight."

The words continue to appear on the crystal ball.

Qi Le looked carefully at the four people under the ring.

They all have the same ordinary faces, the kind that would never be found if thrown into a crowd.

"Choose a swordsman." Qi Le touched his chin and chose an experienced opponent.

After all, Qi Le had died so many times in the hands of a peerless swordsman in the trial space before, so he had some experience.

As Qi Le finished his selection, he was surprised to find that a figure suddenly appeared on the stage in the crystal ball. His appearance was exactly the same as his own.

And his consciousness can actually be transferred to the crystal ball arena.

It's a very strange feeling.

It's like I'm observing myself from God's perspective.

But I can directly control that character and experience all the feelings in the crystal ball arena.

It's similar to the first-person and third-person perspectives in the game.

But it's more real than the game.

"It turns out that this is the role of the combat power improvement training room. This is really interesting." Qi Le suddenly became excited.

The whole person's mind also sank into the crystal ball.

In an instant, Qi Le's perspective shifted to the figures on the crystal ball arena.

Opening his eyes, standing in front of him was a swordsman holding a rapier.

"You can imagine what weapons you need. The arena will provide you with weapons that suit your needs."

"After the battle begins, the function is temporarily disabled until the winner is determined."

An emotionless electronic synthesized sound appeared in Qi Le's mind, and the swordsman in front of him did not move for the time being.

A pair of sharp eyes looked at Qi Le silently.

Qi Le also roughly knows what this combat power improvement training room is. It is a shop building that appears to improve actual combat capabilities.

Now that it has been transformed into an Internet cafe, the system is probably trying to make money again.

"Then let me try to see how powerful the opponents here are." Qi Le thought in his mind, and a long sword appeared in his hand.

"The battle begins!"

Electronic synthesized sounds filled the arena.

The swordsman's eyes flashed, his figure disappeared instantly, and then he appeared in front of Qi Le.

"So fast!" Qi Le quickly blocked the swordsman's attack.

The moment the two swords collided, the swordsman's sword turned and slid towards Qi Le's throat.

"Dang Dang——!"

After two blows in succession, Qi Le took the opportunity and jumped out, looking at the swordsman on the ring in horror.

This guy's movements actually made Qi Le scream.

That kind of speed is already terrifying.

Anyone below the professional level would definitely be killed instantly in the hands of this swordsman.

"The system is trying to kill me."

Before Qi Le could finish his thoughts, the swordsman attacked again, and the thin sword in his hand swept across like fallen leaves in the strong wind.

This time Qi Le gained experience and quickly raised his sword to slash diagonally, fighting with the swordsman.

The sound of the sword blades clashing was like a beautiful piece of music that resounded on the ring and never stopped.

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