Qi Le looked at the scene that was about to turn into an auction, and his heart was filled with joy.

This extra income should be used as additional income, and there is no need to share it with the system.

System: "Host, please put aside your petty thoughts. Your level does not allow you to set your own price at the moment. Excellent-level elixirs can only be sold for eighty spiritual crystals."


The basin of cold water poured down almost made Qi Le spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Boss, tell me, who are you selling this body-building pill to?"

All four people took out their money bags and then looked at Qi Le.

They argued for a long time without any result, so they simply let Qi Le decide.

Or the highest bidder gets it.

"It's useless for you to look at me. I'm not a black shop here. If I say eighty spiritual crystals, I mean eighty spiritual crystals. I won't charge more." When Qi Le said this, his heart was bleeding.

"When did this stingy boss become so principled?" Ke Minglang's eyes widened and he looked at the other three in horror.

The three people also looked at each other.

If the effectiveness of the body-building pill is not exaggerated.

Eighty spirit crystals are definitely a bargain.

Not to mention eighty spirit crystals, even if it was two hundred and eighty spirit crystals, Ke Minglang and the others would grit their teeth and take them out.

This kind of elixir that can permanently increase attributes is definitely the only one.

If you miss it, there will be no place to cry.

"Besides, there is no need for you to fight. There is more than just one body-building pill." In Qi Le's slow words, he revealed a piece of news that made Ke Minglang and the others' hearts beat wildly.

This kind of elixir that permanently increases attributes actually exists!

"Brothers, how about giving this pill to me first?" Ke Minglang swallowed and then asked the other three.

"Okay, there is still time for the freshman trial anyway."

"We can continue to hunt monsters in the Cloud Forest."

The three of them looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and nodded.

"Thank you." Ke Minglang immediately took down the small porcelain bottle containing the body-building pill, then went to the counter and put down eighty spiritual crystals.

At that speed, it was as if he was afraid that Qi Le would regret it.

"Listening to what you said, do you still want to continue hunting monsters in the Cloud Forest?" Qi Le put the spirit crystals into the cash box and then asked aloud.

"Of course, otherwise how will we get our outstanding freshmen." Ke Minglang returned.

"Then I suggest you take a look at the weapons on the other shelf, which may be helpful to you." Qi Le recommended.

Because Qi Le discovered that they seemed quite confident in their weapons.

Everyone who comes to the store first looks at the elixir.

"Weapon?" Ke Minglang lowered his head and glanced at the long knife at his waist. It was indeed somewhat damaged.

Originally, they planned to go to the weapon shop to update their weapons after buying the elixirs, and then continue to hunt World of Warcraft.

The strength of the skin, flesh and bones of a brave-level monster is very high.

Even the weapons they asked the master to forge could no longer hold up under the high intensity of wear and tear these days.

"Then let's see."

Out of his trust in Qile's elixir, Ke Minglang felt that it didn't matter if he took a look at the weapon.

"A handful of ten spiritual crystals doesn't seem too expensive." Ke Minglang carefully observed the weapons on the shelf.

There are sabers, knight swords, and staffs.

They asked blacksmith masters to forge weapons, and the price also ranged from a few spiritual crystals to a dozen spiritual crystals.

Ten spiritual crystals are probably an average price.

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