Chapter 254 Uncontrollable Hands

“This game…I think there is a high probability that there is no suspense.”

Fingers against the glasses on the bridge of the nose, Irrie said in a deep voice: “I felt it once before. Although it is short, if the spirit and will have not crossed that step, I can’t get rid of it.”

For Yukimura’s five senses, it is basically a chasm that is difficult to bridge for people of the same level and worse.

“Senior Mijiang, you can’t say that. Often some people have the power to surpass the limit.” Shang Xian Yu looked far away, if he pointed out.

“Oh?” Irue glanced at Tezuka who was standing blankly on the court, nodded and asked: “You are talking about him.”

“Hehe, it doesn’t make much difference, and I will see it soon.”

The riddler slapped the riddler and Yuu on top, and talked about it for a while.

I can’t let him get Echizen Ryoma from the United States right now, and then perform a unique skill of opening the heavens on the spot.

Irrie didn’t hear the off-string meaning in the words of Shang Xian Yu, but smiled with interest, “Then I will keep looking forward to it.”

The two were chatting on the sidelines, but Tezuka seemed to be sliding towards a more desperate abyss.

Having lost all contact with the outside world, if it weren’t for the will in his heart to remind him, I am afraid Tezuka would have forgotten that he was still on the court.

“Tezuka-san, please serve as soon as possible.”

After the second reminder, the referee’s sight fell on the timer in his hand.

The game stipulates that the serving time is one and a half minutes. If the ball is overtime, it will automatically be judged as abandonment, and the receiving party will score directly.

From the beginning of the last round of serving, Tezuka was already stupid and sluggish.

“Yukimura scored 30-0!”

“Minister Tezuka!”


Seeing Tezuka’s bewildered appearance on the court, everyone in Qingxue was very worried.

Kill the five senses!

Just hearing the name, Taocheng could feel an atmosphere of despair from it. If he were to play in this incomprehensible situation, he might have collapsed to give up.

“Serve overtime, 40-0!”

The referee’s voice was like the last *alarm bell, pushing the hand grave into the abyss of failure little by little.

Just when everyone thought the game was about to come to an end.

For the first time, Tezuka had an action!


The gushing colorful brilliance spilled from the body, and the tennis ball was beaten out by him miraculously.

“Hey, how did this happen? It stands to reason that Tezuka shouldn’t know how the game is going now, and why he succeeded in serving so decisively.” Irie looked a little surprised at Tong Yuu, “Is it you right? !!!”

“No, it’s not the same as I thought.”

Shang Xian Yu carefully looked at the hand mound and found that the other party hadn’t turned on the heavenly clothes and completely broke away from the five senses.

After a while, a Tsundere’s voice was inserted into their conversation, “I think this uncle should have discovered the mystery.”

A few fingers in the trace part were placed near the eye sockets, and a pair of deep eyes were shining brightly.

“The eyes of Tezuka have changed unknowingly.”

“Golden… is this?”

“The limit of talent!!”

A somewhat surprised look at each other, and at the same time, Top Yuu and Irue also had a bold guess in their hearts. The ball in this game is just a long-awaited preview by Tezuka.

“It is very likely that the colorful brilliance on his arm is the limit of tempering, and the audiovisual area of ​​his brain is activated by the brilliance of the limit of talent. With the blessing of selflessness, he strengthens his sense of touch, hearing and vision.”

There is a surprise on Shang Shan Yu’s face. It is obvious that Tezuka has actually previewed in his mind what kind of measures should be taken when he falls into the extinction of the five senses.

“But… the two doors are opened together, the appearance of the limit of talent is the reason I really care!” Yu Shan Yu’s eyes flickered.

According to the current trend, it is not impossible that Tezuka will turn on one of the three brilliances of the world in the near future.

As for the seamlessness, why are there three kinds?

In my memory, the King of Germany has a more systematic summary of the world, with the exception of Ryoma and Xiao Jin who sincerely realized the glory of Aichi that opened up after the joy of tennis.

The other two are the lonely brilliance of experiencing the strong origin and understanding its limits; and the sturdy brilliance of becoming stronger because of someone.

From the view of Shangshan Yu, Tezuka is more likely to turn on the lonely light of one of the three radiances as he remembered.

The changes on the court naturally refreshed many people. No one wanted to see the game end in a strange way. Now that Tezuka has exploded again, it undoubtedly fulfilled their wish.





“Next ball, the 32nd ball!”

With a certainty in his heart, Tezuka’s grim voice sounded on the court.

It was obvious that the five senses had not fully recovered, but he seemed to have clearly observed the situation of Yukimura, and firmly made a brilliant and absolute prediction.


The tennis ball flew out, and the eyes of everyone outside the court could not help but follow the leaping tennis ball back and forth, recording the number of shots made by both sides.

“Twenty-seven, twenty-eight…”

Approaching the end, everyone turned their eyes to Tezuka’s body, because this was the last ball Tezuka had just announced.

The golden eyes were cold and merciless, and a Uzumaki-like cyclone always converged towards Tezuka in the center.

Under the blessings of tempered and talented blessings, although he only recovered a certain feeling, it made his heart completely throw away the predicament in front of him.

Since it was already dark in the depths, he firmly believed that this Tezuka domain had already penetrated into his bones.

As for why he was able to make a prediction with certainty, it was because… this ball, it will not fall into the bounds!


Yukimura’s bottom corner slam really seemed to be repelled by some invisible aura, and the tennis ball clearly landed on the outside of the boundary line.

“Tezuka is leading, 40-40!”

Like a shadow, the Phantom of Tezuka has already been secretly interspersed in the light of Tezuka Domain.

“It turned out to be correct!”

“This is simply…”

Tezuka’s figure standing tall on the court made many people fascinated. This mentality of being able to face the darkness calmly is simply not something a middle school student can possess.

“This game is really getting more and more exciting.”

U17 base, in front of the big screen in the monitoring room.

Saito Zhi wiped the coffee spilled on his desk, still a trace of undissipated excitement still remained in his eyes.

So far, the confrontation between Tezuka and Yukimura has made him very satisfied.



Hearing the thunder outside the window, his expression constricted, “I hope this heavy rain in the mountains will not get in the way.”


The heavy rain was like a note, and the rain clouds gathered on the top of the mountain quickly moved towards the foot of the mountain under the blowing of the strong wind.

The side of the club’s court.

At this time, only the last game is left in the entire stadium.


A golden light exploded, and Yukimura closed the shot and walked towards the opposite half.

“Game, Seiichi Komura, 5-4!”

Although Tezuka resisted the attack of the five senses, it was only a short-lived one after all.

Yukimura’s face was pale, and there was fine sweat under the green headband. After the whole game, his consumption was not easy at all.

As for Tezuka, the situation is much worse. The left arm is already obviously red, and he needs a certain amount of ice training after the game.

But by this time, no one can stop the two people on the field anymore, and the surging aura can no longer tolerate others to step in.

Da Da, Da Da…

Half-bending and hitting the tennis ball, there was a trace of seriousness and caution on Yukimura’s face, “Kunimitsu Tezuka, let you feel the pain I have experienced.”


The level of serve is still superb, but Yukimura didn’t specifically choose any angle this time. After the tennis ball bounced, it flew directly to the side of the hand mound.

There is no doubt about him.

Tezuka’s left hand was shining with the brilliance of selflessness, and he swung his racket to greet him.

However, the next moment.

“This feeling……”

Frowning his brows, Tezuka’s entire body suddenly trembled like a sieve.


The light went out, and the darkness of despair wrapped him again, leaving no gap.


“Game, Seiichi Komura, 6-4!”

“The game is over, Yukimura Seiichi wins and advances to Group A!”

The last round ended very suddenly, and Yukimura had already scored four goals in a row, completely locking up his victory.

And Tezuka seemed to be very painful, and he couldn’t even make a counterattack.

Soon, the downpour came, violently washing everything that just happened on the court.

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