Chapter 245

Seeing that Tsung Yuu did not refuse, the expression on Kirihara’s face was a little loose.

Then he seemed to think of his identity again, and he immediately stared at him, “Just let me go, I won’t lose!”

There was still a juvenile childish tone in his tone, and Chiihara now is not the “bad guy” with paranoid thinking in the future.

The shirt lowered his head, looking at the round face of Chiya Kirara, with a smile in his eyes: “Okay, you will be ready later.”

After struggling, the two went to the innermost empty court one after another.

At the same time, behind them were several teenagers who were ready to come and watch.

Cai Qianguang is the closest to Kirara, and has been looking at the first-year election of this national championship school from behind Kirara.

His eyes are clear, with puzzles and thoughts in his eyes. According to the inference in his heart, they are inferior to these predecessors in these first grades anyway.

He also doesn’t quite understand the reason for Kirara’s doing this. According to his thoughts, this is nothing but torture, and it doesn’t make any sense.

Next to Cai Qianguang were Hijiruo and Feng Changtaro. They just subconsciously wanted to come and have a look after seeing Li Haida’s first grader stand up.

As the ice emperor’s school team, they know that the strength of Shang Xian Yu is fully enough to serve as their coach.

As for the end of this group…

Tao Cheng watched Hai Tang Xun still hold a racket on his arm, and glanced at his friend next to him in amazement, “Smelly Lion Majesty, you don’t want to challenge the shirt-senior.”

Looking away from the two people at the front of the team, Haitang returned to his senses and glanced at the Taocheng Wu next to him.

“Hiss~ How can you miss such a good opportunity, you idiot.”

With a disdainful ridicule, Haitang’s pace was three points faster.

He was thinking very well that they had very few chances of being able to compete with this level. Today this is a good opportunity to hone himself. How could he give up.

Even if you lose miserably, you can at least see where you still need to work hard.

Taocheng’s body was stunned for a moment, and Haitang’s words suddenly made him a little at a loss.

“Damn it, I’m such an idiot, even the smelly Lion Majesty has such an awareness…”

Taocheng felt that he had a blood boiling in his chest, and his nails sank hard into his palm.

“Smelly Lion Majesty, wait for me…” With a chuckle on Taocheng’s face, she shouted at the figure in front of him, and then followed up firmly.

On the field.

Top Yuu stood in a half-court with a calm expression, and the opposite of him was Kirara who was waiting.

“A tiebreaker, you will serve the ball.”


Yu Yu took out a tennis ball from his pocket and threw it straight in the direction of Kirara.

It’s not that the shirt Yu looked down on Kirara, starting from the fight between Oni and Akutsu, this kind of rule seemed to be accepted by everyone imperceptibly.

If you can be a coach, there won’t be a simple person.


Holding the tennis ball thrown by Master Yuu, Kirara gritted his teeth, “You arrogant fellow, don’t regret it later!”


After adjusting his breathing slightly, the original thought became clear.

“Squeak, squeak, squeak…”

Pressing the tennis ball on the four fingers, a sharp look flashed across Chihara’s face, “Damn it guy, don’t let me knock you down!”


He twisted the tennis ball and threw it upward, and immediately, his thin arms drove the racket to buckle the tennis ball upright in the air.



With a loud scream of excitement, the tennis ball ripped the air and pressed a fierce wind toward Yu Yuu’s feet.

“This serve is…”

Cai Qianguang’s eyes on the sideline condensed, and he glanced in surprise at Kirara who became excited. He didn’t expect that this young man who looked a little second in second grade was still a dangerous man.

“Is it a knuckle serve that I still can’t control?”

With a calm smile on Shang Shan Yu’s face, he could see through the trick of cutting the original ball at a glance.

Press the tennis ball irregularly through the knuckles of the fingers, and then use the front end of the racket to hit the tennis ball hard at the moment of throwing the ball.

This ball is a bit similar to an external spin serve, but it is greatly increased in terms of unpredictability and danger.

“Really an impolite guy, but for the sake of reminding you…”

Yuu’s eyes swept across the pale yellow ball shadow after landing.

Chi Chi Chi Chi…

There was a violent friction sound, and the tennis ball raised a cloud of dust, and the next moment it bounced abruptly toward the backhand of the shirt.

It was a racket with a black and red frame.

“Cut the original, see clearly.”


Accompanied by Shang Shan Yu’s words, a twisted golden thunder light crashed down toward Kirara’s side.

The emerald-green pupils were constantly expanding, and Kirara’s eyes seemed to have no tennis balls, only a trembling thunderbolt.

“This ball is exactly the same as it was when facing Vice Minister Sanada’s ravages.” The jaws trembled lightly, and Kirara pressed the fear in his heart.


With a sudden wave of Qiyuan’s arm, he found that his racket was empty.

After the tennis ball fell to the ground at high speed, it was almost ejected by rubbing the skin of his calf. When he came back to his senses, he only felt that the skin on his legs was prickly and painful.

“It’s 1-0, Kirara kid…”

Seeing Kirara’s red eyes, Yuu Yuu didn’t forget to stimulate with words again.

It is temporarily impossible to break Kirara straight from the demon form, but it is okay to leave this kid with a deep lesson while he is still young.

“It’s such a simple counterattack.”

Cai Qiang barely opened his mouth and looked at Top Yuu. He was a little worried just now. He didn’t expect that the very dangerous tennis ball was pulled back by the top only in an instant.

And not only that, the sight of the blazing thunder bombardment just now has been imprinted in his heart.

Looking at the back of Shang Shan Yu, Cai Qianguang’s eyes gradually brightened, “It turns out…Tennis can still be played like this!”

Unlike Shiraishi’s simple style, the tennis ball on the top seems to have opened a new door for him.

Looking at the bruises on his legs, he cut the original drooping eyelids, so that his expression was covered in the darkness.


Hold the tennis ball in your hand firmly, cut the original and throw the ball with your arms outstretched, and the racket in your hand is pulling everything down from the upper left side.

With a bang.

The tennis ball whizzed towards the shirt.

At the same time, other people on the sidelines also noticed the change in his eyes and the somewhat wanton smile on the corner of his mouth.

“This look…”

Hijiruo and Fengchangtaro were slightly surprised. Kirara’s current look a little crazy, isn’t it just like a senior in their team?

Taocheng and Haitang also fell silent on their faces, and the appearance of Chishihara’s red eyes made them think of the figure who defeated Fuji’s senior.

Seeing the changes that had taken place in Kirara, Shun Yuu nodded inwardly.

Under Akame, Kirara’s strength and speed have improved, and his serve is not as weak as before.

Although the knuckle serve is weird, but if the basics are not good, no matter how fancy and flamboyant it is, it will have no effect on Yu Yu.

“In addition, this ball requires a change of thinking.”

Sweater Yu raised his eyes and scanned Kirara’s body ready to start at any time, probably guessing what he wanted to do.


After the tennis ball fell to the ground with a side spin, it bounced violently in the direction of Jack Yu’s cheek.

This is an external spin serve that Kirara concealed under the knuckles of the serve. The tricky angle brought by the strong side rotation can easily surprise unprepared people.

This is also a small method used by Echizen Ryoma after returning home.

Still looking calm and unhurried, shirt-yo has no intention of oppressing with mental will.

“Say it is to accompany you, so naturally you have to have fun.”

His body flicked sideways very dexterously, his shirt stretched out his arms, and his backhand pressed hard against the strong wind hitting his face.


The tennis ball flew upside down and smashed diagonally toward Kirara’s backhand boundary.

“It’s done!”

Although Jung Yuu played back tennis, a hint of joy flashed across Kirara’s face.

No matter whether the opponent receives the external spin serve or not, it has an offensive advantage when the serve is released.

Because of the limited reaction time for an external spin serve, the return stroke is often well judged.

Step on!

Moving fast, Kirara swiftly chased in the direction of Yuu Yu’s counterattack.

“I have to say that you are very good, and you can hit such a precise counterattack without preparation, but this shot, I won it!”

Short of breath, Kirara seemed to have seen the shock of the group of guys off the court, and he couldn’t help feeling full of pride.


As soon as the tennis ball hits the ground and bounces, Chihiro raises his arms and prepares to slam the bottom corner vigorously.



The tennis ball was only hit by the side of his racket, and after pulling out a parabola, it flew high off the court.


Looking at the racket in his hand with an inexplicable expression, Kirara was confused…

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