Necromantic Myth

Chapter 595: Inaugural Druid

  Chapter 595 Inaugural Druid

  When the flying eagle helmet was taken out and held in Liu Zhi's hand, it looked like a white bone, with black lines painted with oil on it, and gold edges were inlaid on the sides of the bones.

  On the side of the flying eagle helmet, that is, the ear position and the sides of the back of the head, there are some golden armor pieces for decoration.

  Wearing the flying eagle helmet on his head, Liu Zhi found that the flying eagle helmet had wrapped his head so that his eyes could see the position of the eagle's eye.

  At the position of the eagle eye, there are two pieces of glass-like objects. Some objects can be directly projected on them, which is very convenient.

  The remaining two things also changed. The feathers quickly formed a pair of boots with small wings on the heel. The style of the boots was very similar to riding boots, but they looked more gorgeous and fashionable.

  As for the pair of bird claws, they turned into bones. Like the original crystal skull, Liu Zhi put the bones, which were almost composed of electric current, into his hands.

  In the next moment, Liu Zhi felt that all his bones had been overcharged, and some electricity was beating on him, as if Thor was zooming in on it.

   Putting all three things on him, Liu Zhi had a message in front of him, and he knew that he had succeeded.

  【Name: Liu Zhi】

  [Occupation: Druid (faction undetermined, temporarily enter Thunder Wing)]

  【Level: Level 1 (Level limit)】

  【Magic: 572/572】

  【Title: Ide I, Blinking Light】

  The main change is here. Liu Zhi glanced at it and said nothing more, but he still had some doubts in his heart.

He understands the level restrictions. He has just completed the inauguration of the Druid. He has not chosen skills or anything, and has not yet become the king of the wilderness. He has not been able to liberate his natural powers. He can have a level 1. It's pretty good.

  But what is the faction undetermined, isn't he a member of Thunderwing Druid?

  Yagiji thought while thinking, while thinking, forgetting that he was still standing in the sky.

  It wasn't until a cold wind blew that Liu Zhi reacted. He looked down, and a gust of wind came out from under his feet, bringing ease to the ground.

   At this time, Liu Zhi glanced at the attributes of the three-piece suit.

  [Blue sky (Eagle Helmet): One of Druid’s basic equipment, double the magic power, and increase the effect of rain spells by 5%]

  [Blue Earth (wing feet): one of the druid's basic equipment, free flight, the effect of spells on the wind is increased by 5%]

  [Blue Snow Peak (Bone): One of the Druid’s basic equipment, the body (bone) is elemental, and the effect of the lightning spell is increased by 5%]

  Liu Zhi stretched out his hand, looked down, and found that he could clearly feel that the thunderbolt of his hands was now elementalized.

  But I believe that as he uses the power of thunder and lightning again and again, it will not take long for the bones of his whole body to be elementalized, and finally the whole person will become the same human form composed of thunder and lightning as in the previous battle.

  I don’t know if this is good or bad for Liu Zhi.

  But this time I finally gained something.

  Let’s talk about other things first, just being able to fly in the sky brought great help to Liu Zhi.

  At least he doesn’t need to worry about the way he moves in the future.

  After checking his own situation, Liu Zhi tried again his ability to fly.

  Because the flying ability acts on his feet, his movement speed will not be too high, at most it is equivalent to the speed at which he runs at full capacity.

  Flying height is not bad, as long as there is wind, he can almost fly.

  Of course, the position is too high, Liu Zhi did not experiment with his own level, but he flew at least a few hundred meters in the sky, and found that he can go straight up and down, it seems that there is no need to worry about falling off the cliff in the future.

   After feeling the current situation for a while, Ryuzhi put everything away. Fortunately, there is a fashion function in the game, which can temporarily change the appearance of the armor to the normal one.

  If it's not in some places, Ryuzhi's dress is really hard to walk.

  After turning his whole body into clothes that match the times, Liu Zhi blinked around and couldn't help laughing freely.

  Because he realized that he had forgotten to return to the city first and then come down. Now he is in the wilderness, it will take a while to walk all the way back.

  However, Liu Zhi didn't bother to change back to his original appearance. He shook his head, sorted out his equipment, hung the monitor lizard's blood-stained fangs around his waist, glanced at the direction, and walked out like this.

  Before he took a few steps, he felt something was wrong, and something different seemed to appear beside him.

  If it is in other worlds, Ryuji doesn't care too much, but this world always feels a little weird, as if any character can be thrown into this world.

  He wasn’t sure what happened to him suddenly.

  So Liu Zhi put his hand on the blood-stained fangs of the monitor lizard and looked around carefully.

  Just as he was preparing to release his sword, he suddenly discovered something weird, his indigo wind chasing swordsmanship did not know when it was upgraded.

  And the experience has begun to approach level 4. It seems that he has improved in the previous battle.

  Looking more closely, he found that he had successfully mastered the basic skill of lightning, the lightning system, and no longer needed to use the lightning coral to release lightning as before.

  [Lightning Technique Level 2: The lightning technique formed by controlling the electric current in the hand can be turned into lightning bolts, thunder falling, electric current, lightning ball and other lightning magic through mental power control. 】

Liu Zhi grabbed his hand, and the monitor lizard’s blood-stained fangs were pulled out, and a purple lightning followed his right hand into the thin thorn sword. At the tip of the sword, three almost invisible winds appeared. blade.

  As soon as Ryuuji was ready, he noticed that several human figures appeared nearby.

  They crawled and looked like wolves.

  Looking at their movements, Liu Zhi was also a little worried. These people felt a bit like the werewolves of Fililu’s family, but they were obviously not.

  How can these people appear here, and why do they appear here?

  Yuzhi thought while taking a step back. As long as they get closer here, Ryuzhi will take action.

  But it was just such a retreat, Liu Zhi noticed that the situation of those people seemed to be wrong. They did not come to ambush Liu Zhi, but four or five human figures surrounded a human figure, as if they wanted to attack.


  Yiu Zhi hadn’t figured out what was going on, he saw that the few people stepped on each other, bumped into each other, and bitten on the ground.

  (End of this chapter)

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