Necromantic Myth

Chapter 174: Find someone to help (subscribe)

  Chapter 174 Looking for help (seeking subscription)

  Liu Zhi said to ask for help, of course he was looking for his boss, Wilde.

  Wilder was speechless when he arrived at the Hedland Mercenary Guild, where Wilder was usually stationed.

   "Why it's you again? In just a few days, how many things I have handled for you."

  Liu Zhi couldn’t say anything about Wilde’s attitude. He said directly: “That’s it. I found some clues about the mass of ordinary deaths in the past few days.”

   Hearing this, Wilde was also surprised, "What did you find?"

"When I was patrolling near the ghost town, I found the souls that were extradited to my ghost town, but I found that one of these souls was fake. After he was discovered by me, he sent a signal directly. I suspect that a large number of ordinary people died during the day. The thing is to send a signal in our ghost town and lead people to attack."

  Hearing what Liu Zhi said was this, Wilde's eyes seemed to relax a little, "It looks like this is true. What else did you find?"

   "I didn't check it more, because I don't have many soldiers in my hands, and I don't have enough to defend the city, so I came to rescue."

Wilde thought for a while, nodded first, then shook his head, "I know what you mean, but it's not that I don't help you, but if my soldiers enter your city, either I will occupy your city. , Either I will sell the soldiers to you, there is no third possibility."

"I know." Liu Zhi also knows the relationship between Necromancers, especially Necromancers with cities like them, "So I hope the leader can help contact those who guard the bones. They don't want to fight the enemy. Do you? Then I will give them a chance."

  Wild patted Ryuzhi on the shoulder and said, “You can come to me without going directly to Victor. That’s great. I’ll contact Victor now. You can rest assured that he will bring someone there today.”

  When he left the Hedland Mercenary Guild, Liu Zhi frowned. He always had an indescribable feeling. It seemed that Wilde wanted to pack Victor and the entire Bone Guard into the underworld.

   With such doubts, Liu Zhi returned to the Golden Scissors Street. He came to see Victor and dozens of bone guards appearing nearby.

   Seeing Liu Zhi coming over, Victor stood up directly, "You made a right choice."

   "I don't know how many enemies will come, just your troops?"

   "Don't worry, besides them, they also have their own powers, and now they are afraid that your Hades will not be able to live."

  "Their own power? You mean something similar to a knight order, but it's not right. You want to bring the undead soldiers to my city?"

   "Death knights are not the same as necromancers. Even in your city, the knights that belong to us still belong to us. How do we get in now?"

  Liu Zhi shook his head helplessly, and took these bone guards into the house arranged for him.

  Walking to the door of the basement, the bone guards saw Vednina standing in front of the basement, and they understood where Ryuuji planned to take them.

   Victor glanced at Ryuuji, "You are very interesting. At first, you guarded us like thieves, but now you dare to take us directly to the main city? What are you thinking about?"

Liu Zhi didn't want to bring them here, but if Hades can't hold them, it's useless to say nothing, don't say that Victor and the others are put in Hades now, even if they are put in by other necromancers, Liu Zhi will also open.

After entering the Hades, Victor and the others were also taken aback by the size of Liuzhi Hades.

  "Which house are you from? It's not easy to get such a big ghost town."

  Liu Zhi raised his head and glanced at the sky. The eyes in the sky were not discovered by these bone guards, which means that no one in them holds the divine nature, which is okay.

  Ryuzhi did not answer either, but pointed to the white bone flower in the distance and said, "It's there, look."

   "It's this." Victor just glanced at the bone flowers in the sky and confirmed.

After   Hu, he took another look at Liu Zhi’s Hades, "I said you have nothing in a big city like you. It's really a good place like this."

   "I just took a job, and I didn't prepare anything. I was thrown here. Now the family can't contact, and the black market can't be found. I'm lucky to be at this level."

  Liu Zhi replied, neither salty nor indifferent.

Later, Ryuzhi discovered that, including Victor, some strange-looking subordinates appeared around the bone guards. Some of their subordinates were shooters and some were spearmen. The number ranged from 60 to 30. Wait.

  Only Victor himself carries four existences that look like knights, which can be seen. This is where Victor's confidence lies.

  "Take up your city wall and use it."

   Victor said he was about to take his men up the city wall.

At this time, Liu Zhi stopped them, "Wait a minute, I put you in because I asked you for help. I didn't mean to let you claim the master. I have my own city guard. Please obey him. s arrangement."

   "What do you mean, do you look down on our strength?"

"Don't worry. My city defender is a professional city defender. He is professional in defending the city. Of course, if you are not willing to accept the command, you can. I have an observation point outside the city. If you don’t have enough, just go out. I won’t keep you.”

   stared at Liu Zhi for a moment, Victor snorted coldly, "The shooter teams are up to the city, and the others follow me out of the city."

  Looking at Victor's appearance, Ryuuji suddenly appeared beside Mander.

   "Wait for those people on the upper city, you can take care of them and use them. If they can have such an identity, combat power shouldn't be a problem."

  Mander did not speak. He looked at Victor who had left the city and some of the bone guards, "They are all good players. If they go up to the city to listen to my command, I am sure to win this battle."

   "But they won't listen to you. If you are right, the battle will be over to you. If you need to speak directly."

"I will. This battle is fairly simple. You can see that there is no change in the white bone flowers in the sky. You can see that they should have stopped recruiting manpower. I can already estimate how many there will be. enemy."

   Listening to Mander’s words, Liu Zhi was also relieved, he flashed back to the center of the city, waiting for the enemy to arrive.

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  (End of this chapter)

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