Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1376: Escape

  Chapter 1376 Escape

  Before the witch came out, the white **** of death had actually understood that this was a trap for himself, but he thought he could kill a mythical clone of the enemy, and if he was lucky, maybe he could kill two.

  As for escaping, he didn't worry at all, he had prepared everything before he came in.

  After all, the level of the previous enemies here, their fighting methods, and the white **** of death have all studied.

  Even the space anchor of the Necromancer, he has a way to deal with it.

  But he did not expect that there would be an alien variable like Ryuuji in this southern swamp plane.

  He did nothing, just changed the attributes of the white **** of death and destroyed everything about him.

  Now the most powerful ability of the white **** of death, the ability of free clone is gone.

   And his greatest attack potential was destroyed by the necromancer's poisonous fog. Now he is just a leather armor warrior with a pair of weapons. Although he has a mythical level, what's the use?

  Don’t say that there are four myth-level existences here, even if there are only two of the witch and the death ghost, they are enough to kill the white death.

  The white **** of death can become a myth-level as an assassin, so he is naturally the kind of decisive person.

  As soon as he saw such a situation, he judged that he could not stay here any longer.

  So he didn't even have the idea of ​​provoking or trying. He just pressed his hand to activate the equipment he used to escape.

  The equipment flashed a white light, and then an anchor-like phantom appeared behind him.

  That is the time and space anchor arranged by the Necromancer.

  However, it seems that the white Reaper's equipment has a higher priority, and the time-space anchor has only a little effect. The white Reaper still escaped with a flash of white light.

  Fortunately, when the white Grim Reaper was running away, the attacks of the Grim Reaper ghost and the witch both hit the white Grim Reaper at the same time.

  The attack of the death ghost was the same as before, breaking a passage of the underworld, and a large number of ghosts and undead were injected into the white death god, biting his body.

  And the arrow of the shrine maiden happened to be stuck on the chest of the white **** of death. Just like that, Liu Zhi felt that more than half of the soul of the white **** of death had been taken away by this arrow.

  When the white light dissipated, the white **** of death was no longer here.

  Liu Zhi put away the balance and looked at the situation in front of him with some doubts. He didn't know whether the white **** of death was dead or escaped.

  At this time, the Necromancer also jumped out.

He came to the place where the White Reaper was before, first collected some things, and then he thought about it for a moment before saying: "He is not dead, but he is seriously injured, and he borrowed a powerful item to escape. Not space props, but time props.

  My time-space anchor is not a special time anchor nor a special space anchor. Both teleportation are useful, but neither effect is very good, so he has the opportunity to escape.

  Now he doesn't know when he fled. "

  Ryuzhi thought for a while and asked, "Then do we need to hunt down?"

  The Necromancer glanced at the death ghost and the witch, and found that they had no intention of chasing after them, so he could only shook his head in the end.

  "Let’s not say whether we can locate him, even if we do, we will not have enough manpower."

As for them to give up chasing and killing the white **** of death, Ryuzhi didn’t say anything. He just came to help the southern swamp plane. Next, he needs to consider his Ide position and turn his plane into the underworld. .

  The people on the southern swamp plane didn't do anything by themselves. Wanting Liu Zhi to do this was just a vain idea.

  So Ryuzhi just asked such a sentence, and didn't say anything more.

At this moment, the witch walked out. With the arrow she shot before, Liu Zhi could clearly feel the danger in the arrow, so when she walked out, Liu Zhi couldn't help but give way to the side. .

   Seeing Ryuji's behavior, the witch frowned involuntarily.

  But she understands that her abilities are there. Any monster or undead, after seeing her own abilities, will behave like this.

  So she is used to it.

  Walking to the place where the white **** of death had escaped before, the witch swept the ground with her hand, and then raised her head to ask the necromancer.

  "Can you open a time channel for me?"

The Necromancer is a bit embarrassed. He really doesn’t plan to do things like time channels. Time is the hardest way to go. Among so many players, less than one ten thousandth of the players have access to time. It's even less if you can really master time instead of being played with by time.

  Necromancer is just a clone of a myth-level player, how could he know this?

  If he really can control time, then he would not take the path of Necromancer.

  Some helpless necromancer shook his head at the witch.

  At this time, the death knight also rushed in from outside.

  He saw everyone around here, he knew that the situation here was a bit wrong, he jumped off his bones.

   "What happened, did you kill that guy?"

   "Defeat, but not killed, it can only be regarded as serious injury at best. Now he has escaped into time, I don't know where he was sent."


  The death knight was also confused. He was hitting five enemies at the same time, so he didn't pay attention to it. He didn't know what happened in such a short moment.

  In the battle he had just now, all the five assassin clones who had besieged him were gone.

  This made him realize that there must be something wrong with the white **** of death, so he took this opportunity to dispose of the cloak left by the white **** of death.

  It can be said that the death knight has made the most correct choice. That cloak is the basis for the white death **** to differentiate so many clones.

   ruining this cloak, it is tantamount to breaking the white death.

  Even if the White Grim Reaper came back in the future, he couldn't do the same as before, and he could easily separate out dozens of clones and send him to death.

  After doing this, the death knight rushed in.

  It is precisely for this reason that he only heard the request of the witch, and did not know other circumstances.

  After listening to the Necromancer’s explanation, the death knight suddenly said, “If it’s just to open the time channel, I think I have one thing in my hand that can be used.”

  Hearing this, the witch was also excited: "Take it out and use it. As long as it's useful, you can mention the price."

  Yagiji looked at the Miko curiously when he heard it. He didn't quite understand why the Miko was so excited.

  (End of this chapter)

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