Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1348: Target

   Chapter 1348

   "What did you say? Say it again?" Liu Zhi said, staring at Iktor's face.

"Yes, your Majesty, I also inquired from the divine market, saying that there is a death divine breath entering the city today. Although it is not sure what the detailed attributes are, some people are already calculating this divine, I When I came over, I heard that the bait for the test had already been put down.

  Look at the opponent's strength now, and then decide how to shoot. "

  Ryuzhi couldn't help laughing after listening.

  It seems that some players in Kram City are very courageous.

  The Lich player who came to die before was just a bait in the eyes of the big guy behind the scenes.

  Such an inconspicuous character can lead to many different changes.

  If Liu Zhi was a weak existence and was killed by a Lich player in the street, then the death divinity of Liu Zhi would naturally fall into their hands.

  This is the best ending for them, and the most unlikely ending.

  After all, the players who dare to come to Kram City, which one is not with a little background behind them.

  So under normal circumstances, it is impossible for them to have a player being released on the spot.

  The next thing is a simple question of judgment for the earth snakes in Kram City.

  If the player has a background, then the player will find his own background, and the background will come forward to negotiate, and the local snakes know that this divinity cannot be messed up, and they will temporarily give up the opportunity.

  The conflict they had at the beginning was nothing more than a linguistic conflict, which can be resolved by having two drinks at most.

  So the snakes are not afraid of any problems.

If the player has no background, but has good combat power, then there will be several situations. One is that the provocative one is beaten, and then the parent of that player will take action. Several masters on the ground snake will join hands. , Kill that player.

  In this way, they have a reason to take action, and they can also grab the death divinity they want.

   Another situation is that the provocative person was beaten, and the parents behind him were also beaten. Then they can say that this is a verbal conflict and should not affect the safety of the entire Krum City.

  Anyway, there is such a reason, no matter how big things are, they can be reduced to small things, and eventually they will become nothing.

  This kind of thing, the ground snake here does not know how many times it has done it.

  In their opinion, this is actually a very simple matter, at least they will not mess up this matter.

  Iktor didn't know that Liu Zhi had encountered such a thing, and he also killed the guy who came to provoke him.

  So when he talked about it, he naturally said whatever he wanted.

  After listening, Liu Zhi didn't have any expression on his face, but he already had a judgment.

  This kind of black market like a snake is right to have these ideas.

  Their mistake is to pick the wrong opponent. If it is just a player with a divine nature, their various judgments are in the calculation of these people.

  Besides the circumstances mentioned by Ikdor, they must have some unknown ways of judging.

  But Liu Zhi is a myth, and Liu Zhi's literal strength exceeds that of the strongest Pluto on this continent.

  This gave Liu Zhi enough confidence.

   And when Liu Zhi was around 14th level, he killed a lot of divine players of the same level.

  So when Ryuuji faced these people, he had a natural advantage.

  These guys hit the iron plate this time.

  Yiu Zhi didn't think much about it, but went straight to Blood Fury.

   "Do you have any information in Krum City?"

  The blood anger quickly put down the food and drink in his hand, and ran to Yanagi and asked.

   "What information do you want?"

   "Do you recognize these people?"

  Ryuzhi raised his hand, and several people appeared in front of him.

  These are the people that Liu Zhi ‘sees’ through myth-level perception, and they are the masters to whom the intelligence clues finally point.

  Yiu Zhi directly used his mana to transform their appearance, and even transformed their charm.

  Although these people have always been hidden behind the scenes, what they say are the old ground snakes of Krum City. When Bloodrage came over, they naturally worshipped the dock.

  As the guild leader's blood anger, he knows the origins and circumstances of these guild leaders.

  He pointed to one of them and said: "This is the Flame Dragon King. He is the strongest in Kram City, and he holds the divinity of flame, destruction, and death."

Liu Zhi glanced at the flame iron dragon king and found that his appearance was actually half human and half skull. His body shell was a black mysterious iron shell, and a kind of magma was flowing between the iron shells. The same thing.

  At the same time, the part of him exposed from the iron shell is a kind of silver-like bone. It can be seen that his body has been completely metalized.

  But Liu Zhi has noticed that this person has always imitated a certain bone dragon.

   "What is the relationship between him and Dao?"


  Blood anger looked dazed, he didn't know who the reach was.

  But think about it, who would pay attention to the bone dragon flying in the sky.

  So Ryuzhi can only show how it is reachable.

  Blood Fury then reacted, "Oh, it turned out to be the flying point boss. It seems that there is some contradiction between the Flame Iron Dragon King and the flying point boss.

The Flame Iron Dragon King has always wanted to unify the sky, but every time he was defeated by the flying point boss. Now he can't become a bone dragon flying in Krum City, he can only walk in a human form. Many people see In such a situation, they would laugh at the Flame Dragon King. "

  Liu Zhi laughed as soon as he heard it, yeah, anyone who can fly in the sky but has to walk on the ground because of a despised character can't stand it.

  But Liu Zhi didn't believe that he would not know his reachable identity when he reached the level of the Flame Iron Dragon King.

  Liu Zhi guessed that the Flame Iron-Bone Dragon King must have something to do with reachability.

  It's just that it's not clear who is standing behind him.

   "Level 14, with the divinity of flame, destruction and death, this road is easy to follow."

  Blood anger looked at Liu Zhi with some puzzlement, and then Liu Zhi showed another figure.

  "Do you know this?"

"Oh, he is the boss of the largest gang in Krum City, a level 14 skeleton aggregate, but he has not participated in the game for 300 years. I heard that part of his body has been integrated with the sewers of Krum City. Together, we all call him Old Bones."

  "Have you not played with the game for three hundred years? Blended with the sewer?"

Liu Zhi looked disdainful. He saw that this skeleton aggregate called Old Bones was the real boss. The bones on his body were all his clones. He didn't know the occupation in the game. How many times have I passed from level 1 to level 14.

  (End of this chapter)

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