Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1288: God abandoned the sea

  Chapter 1288 God abandoned the sea

  When the sunken ship rises from the bottom of the sea, the quality will definitely decrease.

  Of the original six myth-class ships, only one still maintains the myth-class level, and all the rest have become legendary-class ships.

  Only half of the original legendary level still retains the legendary level, and all the others are reduced to the extraordinary level.

  Fortunately, the Transcendent level did not descend further, and there were no ordinary ships here.

  It’s just that Liu Zhi understands that it is not because their quality has not declined, but that ordinary ships have not been transformed into ghost ships at all.

  Looking at the ghost ship here, Ryuzhi said to the sailors standing on the sea: "All are on the ship, ready to go to sea. Our goal is to abandon the sea."

  All the sailors climbed onto the ships closest to them one after another. When they got on the ship, these ghost ships started to operate automatically and headed towards the sea area where God abandoned them.

  After all the boats here have driven away, the nagas floated out of the water.

  Vednina automatically stood beside Ryuuji, and the rest of the naga followed her.

   However, Ryuzhi can see that those naga hope that Vidnina can stay here, and do not follow Ryuzhi into the sea of ​​God's Abandonment.

  After all, if Vednina is here, the Naga City can always be opened, and the Naga here can get some benefits.

But if Vednina leaves, although the imperial city here will not be closed before Vednina’s death, it does not have that strong defense power, and the output inside is not as good as when Vednina was there, so Na Kamen had some thoughts in his mind.

  Vidnina usually doesn't care about this, she is only responsible for protecting Ryuji.

  But Liu Zhi saw everything here at a glance. He knew that these naga were a help.

  But he can’t leave Vidnina here.

  Yagiji walked in front of a naga.

  This Naga was not the one who talked with Yuji at the beginning. Ryuuji could see that the Naga was also divided into small groups. This one was obviously the leader of another small group.

  "How to call?"


  This naga named Danasi obviously took the route of the law system. Except for the forearm holding a pair of long swords, the other two arms were holding the equipment of the law system.

  The main arm is holding a long wand, and the upper arm is holding a magic wand and an off-hand item.

  When seeing Liu Zhi coming over, her face was also calmer, not as excited as the previous one.

   "Danas, what do you want to keep Vednina for? You just want an eight-armed naga to control the imperial city?"

Regarding Ryuzhi’s question, Danas shook her head, “The Naga clan needs a backbone and a leader. If there are no royal family members, the Naga clan is just a kind of cannon fodder, although it is a higher level of cannon fodder. But cannon fodder is cannon fodder."

   Hearing this answer, Liu Zhi frowned, which was a little different from what he thought.

After   , Liu Zhi went to another group and asked the same question.

  But the answer is the same. Naga does not have a royal family, which is equivalent to not having a backbone. They will be drawn to other forces, and other forces will never consider it for the sake of Naga. All they want is Naga's combat power at sea.

  After listening, Liu Zhi thought about it seriously.

   "In fact, what you want is an existence that can serve as the backbone of the backbone. Then it doesn't have to be Vidnina, other eight-armed naga will do."

   "That's the right thing to say, but the problem is that Your Majesty Vednina is the only eight-armed Naga we have seen in these years. Where can we find another one?"

   "This is really there."

  Yagiji thought for a moment, besides Vednina, he also has a corpse soul Naga.

  The luck of that person is not very good, not as strong as Vidnina, but over the years she has also used the previous accumulation, bumping into the eight-arm level.

  Because this woman is always used to whirlwind, he is not like Vidnina, who can cooperate with Yuji to fight with each other, so Ryuzhi usually does not bring her by her side.

   But now when an eight-armed naga is needed, Ryuji can naturally take it out.

"Well, I still have an eight-armed Naga here, so let her stay here, but if you take advantage of my side, you naturally have to give me an explanation. I don't care when you are alive, but After you die, all corpses and souls belong to me."

  Nagas did not answer to Ryuzhi's request. Naga did not have a main god, but they had their own beliefs.

  So Ryuzhi wants to take away the soul, which is relatively difficult. As for the corpse, it is not too important to Naga.

  They do not have their own way of resurrection. The method of making the soul naga is not researched by them, but something researched by the necromancer.

   And they were born on the bottom of the sea, and there is no good way to bury them. The best life is to be eaten by fish.

  But all this went smoothly when the Soul Naga arrived.

  All the naga bowed their heads at the corpse soul naga holding the axe. Although it is obvious that she is not as strong as Vednina, she is also eight-armed.

  For this, all the naga agreed with this idea, and at the same time, their gazes at Ryuji changed.

  If Vidnina was under Yanagi's subordinates, these naga still had some thoughts in their hearts, then when the other eight-armed corpse soul naga came out, they had no other thoughts.

  A person has two eight-armed naga under his hand. It is true that the royal family of the naga clan is Chinese cabbage.

  But Ryuzhi didn't pay attention to such thoughts. With two eight-armed naga, these naga would be useless even if they had a little voice in private.

  Those two-armed and four-armed naga will not give the six-armed naga any choice, they will directly obey the command of the eight-armed naga.

  Yiu Zhi didn't embarrass them either, after all, they helped Liu Zhi a lot this time.

  Ryuzhi left the eight-armed Naga, and let her manage the imperial city, while she took Vidnina towards the sea of ​​God’s Abandonment.

  In order to enter the divine abandoned sea area, Liu Zhi naturally wanted to mobilize a fleet of his own.

  He did not bring all his myth-class ships over. After considering the danger of God's abandonment of the sea, Liu Zhi transferred his first myth-class ship, the Ark-Adariyat.

  This ship is designed to sail in various dangerous situations. Although the Adariyat is not the strongest warship under Ryuzhi, it is the most stable one.

  Using this boat to enter the sea area of ​​God Abandonment, Liu Zhi felt calm in his heart.

  (End of this chapter)

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