Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1266: A special plane

  Chapter 1266 A special plane

  Yagiji was planning to use the Ottomans to suppress the Star Territory, there was another person on the Star Territory who took action on the Ide plane of the Star Territory.

  This time the shot was on a plane that had been hidden behind the scenes. That plane was at the extreme edge of the star field. Even if Ryuuji had used to deal with the Elf Plane before, he had never dealt with the Desert Plane.

  Yagiji can only see that there is such a plane there when he scans that direction unintentionally.

  The plane looks dead, and it feels like the graveyard of the children of nature.

  Although there is a natural breath in it, there is no vitality.

  Liu Zhi himself had seen this situation, but in fact, there was a cemetery for natural creatures in his palace.

  The cemetery will attract some dying natural creatures, such as green dragons, unicorns and the like, to spend the last period of life here and sleep here.

  There are no players and no creatures on that plane, and because of the natural graveyard, there are not too many dead souls.

  The whole plane looks deserted, it seems that everyone can pass, and it seems to prevent everyone from passing.

  So everyone knows that there is such a plane, but they don't take this plane to heart.

   But this time, I don’t know why, this plane suddenly shot the Id plane.

  Moreover, the way he shot was fast and ruthless, and it was almost impossible for Liu Zhi to react, that plane had already docked a channel to the plane of Ide.

After   , Liu Zhi felt that the plane of Ide was affected by this plane, and the plane consciousness began to slowly shrink.

  This kind of contraction is not that the plane consciousness control range begins to shrink, but the feeling that the plane consciousness is slowly walking into death.

  Ryuzhi sensed this situation, and quickly put aside everything he had in his hands, and blocked the side of the passage facing him.

  At the same time, he began to communicate with the other person who can call the shots.

  But Liu Zhi found that the other side did not seem to want to communicate with him. Not only was there no player there, there was no plane awareness, and all planes acted on instinct.

  But the question is, isn’t this plane always mingling on the edge of the star field? Why does it suddenly jump out to make trouble for yourself?

  Although he didn't quite understand it in his heart, Liu Zhi still had to deal with it.

  After all, the plane of Id is his foundation. If the plane of Id is gone, it will be a little trouble for him to advance to the ranks.

   was stuck in the plane channel, Liu Zhi took out his own balance, and he needed to check the situation of the other plane.

  Under this investigation, Liu Zhi felt that this plane was going against the sky. It was obviously empty and dead. The plane used to bury the bones of natural creatures was actually full of natural power.

  If you say that the power of Liuzhi's plane and the power of death have reached a balance, there is no trace of the power of death on this plane.

  It can be said that all the natural creatures buried in this plane cannot be called to death, they just fall asleep permanently.

  In normal times, Liu Zhi would definitely use undead natural disasters directly to call out all the natural creatures that have fallen asleep.

  But just when Liu Zhi was about to do this, a thought suddenly occurred in his mind, and the other side's plane was waiting for him to do it.

  So Ryuzhi closed his hand at the last moment, and at the same time retreated out of the passage.

  Yagiji carefully examined the situation in front of him through divine perception.

  He discovered that after the passage was connected to his own plane, it even absorbed the undead breath of his own plane.

  This feeling is clearly adding something.

  Liu Zhi thought for a while, and finally tried it over there, he guided a part of the underworld yin energy into that plane.

  Sure enough, under the stimulation of the Yin Qi of the underworld, that plane channel shrank a lot.

  At the same time, Liu Zhi noticed that the opponent plane had a strong desire effect.


  Ryuzhi only said a word, and the Juggernaut clone Beka appeared behind him.

"You go down the passage and take a look, look at the situation of that plane, and see if you can find the existence of the other party who can take the initiative. If it doesn't work, check what is wrong over there, you pay attention, I feel that All the creatures on the side are sleeping, as if entering into eternal tranquility.

  You judge for yourself what is going on, and if there is any danger, quit immediately. "

  Beca glanced at the tunnel and knew what she was going to do.

  He put his hand on Thor's Destroying Teeth around his waist, and only took a step forward, and his body turned into a black lightning and rushed out.

  After Beka entered the passage from the opposite side, Yanagi's mind followed Beka into the plane of the natural cemetery.

  He can see everything on the opposite plane through Beka’s eyes.

After entering this plane, Liu Zhi saw that the entire plane was full of tall trees and green grass.

  Under every big tree, there is a unicorn or other natural creature sleeping there.

  They have breath, but Ryuzhi can see through Beka's eyes that they have no soul, and they have no life, and some of them are even connected to the earth.

  This weird situation fell into Liu Zhi's eyes, and it made him understand what was going on.

  This plane has reached its limit.

  It can be seen that this plane exists for the final sleep of natural creatures. After every natural creature comes here, it will fall into deep sleep here.

  These creatures were meant to die.

  But because of the influence of this plane, their souls have dispersed, but their bodies are still ‘alive’.

  In order for these bodies to live, this plane can be said to have taken away all the other real creature powers, just to let these natural creatures ‘live’.

  It’s okay if there are only a few such natural creatures.

  However, there are so many natural creatures here, and their levels are high, so they are not attracted to the existence of mythical level.

  As a result, the entire plane became lifeless, and most importantly, the rules of this plane were fixed, and the plane consciousness itself fell into it.

  Now the number of natural creatures on the plane has reached the upper limit.

  As long as one or two more natural creatures come in, this plane will be completely destroyed.

   So this face instinctively found the plane of Id, just to find a chance to come back.

  However, there are only two ways that he can come back. One is to absorb the breath of death from Liu Zhi's side, and use the breath of death to neutralize the natural breath in their plane, so that the plane can reach a balance.

  But there is only one consequence of doing this. The underworld of the Id plane is emptied, and the Id plane is destroyed.

  The other is that Liu Zhi uses his ability to release undead natural disasters on this plane.

  Under the Undead Scourge, all natural creatures on this plane will become undead, and this plane will naturally be restored.

  But Liu Zhi will be severely backlashed.

  That’s why Liu Zhi felt dangerous when he was about to take a shot.

  (End of this chapter)

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