Necromantic Myth

Chapter 1160: Doppelganger of Hela Doppelganger

  Chapter 1160 The clone of Hela clone

  The space in front of me looks quite large, but there is not much space in it. The sky and the ground here are all twisting tree roots. It can be seen that these tree roots are quite crazy.

  In the root of the tree, there is a female palm just stuck in the root of the tree.

  And the existence like light and shadow in front of me just happened to be transformed from the palm of the female hand.

  At this time, it was this palm that was pressing the root of the tree. When Liu Zhi came in, he was not killed immediately.

  But it is obvious that Hela does not seem to want to suppress these tree roots anymore.

  This is a very headache for Liu Zhi, he can naturally leave here anytime now, but if he keeps on like that, it is tantamount to giving up the line of Hela.

  So Liu Zhi stretched his hand forward, and when a tree root popped out in front of him, Liu Zhi directly shot the tree root out.

After   , a kind of harvest power is injected into the roots of the tree.

After doing all this, Liu Zhi stared at Hela's position: "I don't want to fight with you, you can see that, I can leave at any time, and I can even give you a little trouble when I leave."

  Yagiji pointed to the root of the tree, and under the influence of the harvest power of Liuzhi, the withered tree root seemed to regain a part of its vitality.

  Seeing this situation, Hela laughed instead.

   "How do you know you are not helping me?"

  Yuzhi frowned, without thinking about it, his body turned into a flash of lightning, and he retreated from the magic circle.

   After retreating to a safe place outside, Liu Zhi was relieved, his strength was still a little weaker, and now compared with these gods, he may only be able to fight hard with the fingers of the opponent.

   "No matter what, let's find Hades for this mission. Anyway, I just want to upgrade and don't want to participate in their mission. I will sacrifice before I leave."

  Yagiji said as he planned to leave like this.

  At this moment, Hela's voice rang behind him.

   "Are you going to leave like this?"

  Liu Zhi glanced back and found that Hela had left the magic circle that trapped him. Although his strength had not recovered, it was no longer in a sealed state.

   "Why, can you come out now?"

  Yagiji said, pressing his hand on his waist and staring at Hela's soul at the same time.

  The Hela who came out in front of him was only a part of his soul, and Liu Zhi was sure to seal this part of the soul.

  At this time, Hela said: "I know you have the ability to take away my soul, but before taking it away, can you let me say a few words."

  Liu Zhi stopped and stood opposite Hela. After leaving the sealed space of Hela, Liu Zhi finally felt that he and Hela were slightly more equal.

  He looked straight at Hela, as if waiting for Hela to say something.

  "You are looking for a way to improve your strength. The aura on your body is quite obvious. Although the undead aura and the natural aura on you are in a balanced state, you should be taking the route of the necromancer.

  At the same time, you have a lot of research on the soul, right, do you want to enter the Hall of Valor, as long as you do one thing for me, these things can be given to you. "

  The more Hela said this, the less Liu Zhi believed in Hela.

  The kind of people who can do this kind of **** are the kind of determined people, not to mention that Hela is a death god.

  It is impossible for her to give all her hole cards to someone else because of a small matter.

  This is even more true in front of her, even if she asks Liu Zhi, it is impossible to do such a thing.

  So Liu Zhi directly judged the situation in front of him. Without even thinking about it, he pulled out Thor's Destroying Tooth, just stab forward.

  Yagiji's actions represent his attitude. If it was said that Ryuji just wanted to sacrifice Hades before, now he has made it clear that Hela is the bottom line.

  Hela laughed instead. What she wanted was Liu Zhi's attitude.

   Facing a sword stabbed by Liu Zhi, Hela didn't have any thoughts of resisting it, and just watched Thor's Destruction Tooth pierce her chest with ease.

  After that, Hela squirted a mouthful of blood and fell down like this. It seemed to her that she was seriously injured and was about to die.

  This situation made Liu Zhi a little speechless, and he couldn't understand Hela's thoughts.

   At this time, Hela, who was dying, said: "You kill me, and you will get enough power to increase your level. You should be able to send you to level 8, so you should be considered to have benefited from me."


  Although he was unhappy, Liu Zhi felt that Hela was right, that she was really leading him away.

"You have slaughtered the gods in this world, you will definitely fall into the eyes of those in the Hall of Valor. Right now is the dusk of the gods. If they need manpower, they will definitely find you the first time, as long as you live before they find you. , Then you can enter the Hall of Valor as a living person.

  This is my request, enter the Hall of Valor alive. "

  Hela said that, Liu Zhi must know what Hela's plan is behind, and he is just a **** in the plan.

  But can Liu Zhi object, let's not say what benefits he can get here, even his plan to go to the Hall of Valor in the future also prevents him from opposing this plan.

  In the end, Liu Zhi said: "Okay, I promise you, but you have to tell me what you want to do, even if I be a pawn, I must be a **** that understands."

   "Hahaha, you are really interesting. You can't do it with the idea of ​​a chess player. You obviously don't have that strength, but you know too much, which is not good for your growth."

   "A person who is a **** from birth, don't you feel ridiculous to talk to someone like me about growing up?"

  "Yes, the real Hela is what you said. He was born a god, but I am only a palm of Hela's hand, or even a part of the garment. My power is also a little bit refined by myself.

  What is funny when I say this. "

  Hela, who was stabbed by Liu Zhi, said to herself.

  Liu Zhi could not answer her words, and finally Liu Zhi said, "Then you at least know what you are going to do."

   "Will you tell your clone, your own plan? The best you can ask them to do right."

  When Hela said that, Liu Zhi was really speechless. It can be seen that Hela has his own consciousness.

  At this time, Liu Zhi thought for a while, "Then what do you plan to do in the future, your power is now dead, and the rest are sealed in other places, do you need to..."

  (End of this chapter)

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