Necromancers are frantically stationing troops in the apocalypse

Chapter 494: , opened a factory on Treasure Island (repay everyone a thousand words.)

 Chapter 494, Treasure Island opens factory (repay everyone a thousand words.)

 A large number of skeletons were hit by bullets, while more skeletons swarmed around the convoy from different directions.

The pickup truck was overturned and the people in the truck were dragged out and hacked to death.

Those who tried to escape by car were also hit by the iron frame grabbed by the skeleton flying dragon and smashed on the front of the car.

 The car swayed and hit a tree trunk on the side of the road.

 The people in the car were directly killed by the skeleton.


 The battle did not last long.

The only surprise that occurs is that the armored vehicle will actually open fire.

 Carried out bombing on the factory area.

 Even though the skeletons had been evacuated before, there was still a lot of damage.

  It feels quite cool to blow up pirates.

 I didn’t expect that this would happen to me today.

Glenda flew back from a distance, "It's over, their leader died, and the deputy leader directly took over the command, a little slower."

"It's okay. Compared with the gains, these losses are bearable." Wu Heng said, walking out from the hiding position.

 Four armored vehicles, as well as machine gun pickups and trucks.

 It’s quite a gain.

 It can be regarded as a batch of supplies sent to myself.

 When I walked down again, the entrance of the factory was already full of craters.

Several corpses were dragged directly to the door.

Wu Heng looked at the corpse and said directly: "Take off all the clothes on the corpse."

Several skeletons bent down and began to remove the bulletproof clothing and helmets from the corpses, and put them aside.

 “Who is the head of these people?”

Glenda pointed to one of them and said, "He is the leader."

Wu Heng directly released [Conversation with the Dead], and the corpse suddenly sat up from the ground.

Turn your head behind you and look at this side at a weird angle.

Wu Heng asked: "What order did the provincial rescue team give you?"

 The corpse replied, "Close to the No. 35 Factory, accompanying and monitoring your movements."

Wu Heng raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you let you attack us?"

 The corpse replied, "I didn't say it directly, but I think the time is ripe to attack and control your leader."

Wu Heng nodded.

 Provincial and district rescue teams did not issue direct orders.

 Two points can be understood here.

One is that the rescue team does not want to be too overbearing. After all, the main station is issuing orders to the rescue teams in various places.

 Another possibility is that they know the strength of Wu Heng.

 After all, he went to Xinfu City many times to exchange supplies.

Wu Heng then asked: "Tell me about the internal situation of your rescue team?"

The corpse was silent for two or three seconds, and then replied, "The provincial rescue team is controlled by three forces, the military rescue team, Tiancheng Group, and Boss Huang of the Huang family."

Wu Heng frowned.

 “How come there are so many people in the rescue team?”

The corpse said: "The base was short of supplies at the beginning, and a large number of people could not survive, so they would give rewards based on the supplies and intelligence brought back, including weapons. It was through this rapid accumulation that the Tiancheng Group and the Huang Family Manpower and weapons occupy a certain say."

Wu Heng frowned and analyzed the meaning of the words.

In other words, the military distributed weapons as a kind of reward.

However, it was later discovered that these weapons provided military support to the two forces, the ‘Tiancheng Group’ and the ‘Huang Family’.

 When it reaches a certain intensity, it has the right to speak.

  It should be understood this way.

 But think about it, there is no way around it.

 If weapons are not issued, it will be difficult to open up wasteland or collect supplies.

 If it continues, it will become difficult to control the situation again.

 At the beginning, I did not choose to distribute firearms to other survivors on a large scale, which was probably the right thing to do.

 It is too easy to cause hidden dangers.

last question.

Wu Heng thought for a moment and asked: "If you die, will the rescue team come to trouble us?"

 The corpse answered directly, "Yes, I am Huang Guangping's son."

 After five questions, the body fell back with a thud.

 Huang Guangping?

This captain is from the Huang family of the rescue team. No wonder he doesn't follow orders.

I have had contact with the military market and Deputy Commander Liu before.

 They are both trying to get the benefits they want.

 But it did not reach the point of using whatever means necessary.

 It turned out that he was not from the orthodox rescue team.

Wu Heng continued to ask two more corpses and got to know something about the entire rescue team.

 The population of the base is around 5,000, and weapons are relatively sufficient.

 There are at least twenty more armored vehicles.

 There are also a lot of firearms and ammunition, but the number is not clear and has not been counted.

 After having a general understanding, Wu Heng did not continue to ask.

 The remaining corpses were all transformed into skeleton warriors.

  Joined the queue.

“Arrange skeletons who can drive, drive all the cars in, and then find some things to repair the wall.” Wu Heng said to the side.

 Several skeletons walked out quickly.

Hunting the pickup truck that had overturned and hit the tree, he righted the truck back onto the road and drove into the yard together with the armored vehicle.

And more skeletons began to collect rubble to collapse the wall and temporarily surround it.


 Qi Hancai also walked over from behind.

He looked around and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, take me to see the factory assembly line you mentioned, and then ask someone to search nearby to see if there are any drawings left. The rescue team will come to the factory to find drawings to sell to us. There should be a place to store the drawings." Wu Heng Said directly.

 Qi Hancai nodded, took out the walkie-talkie and explained to the others.

At the same time, he took Wu Heng to the factory at the back.

 The whole factory occupies a large area.

 The dormitory buildings, canteens, and basketball courts are all well-constructed.

 It even feels better than in prison, without the sense of oppression.

 Come to the back position.

 Most of the factory buildings have been destroyed by fire.

There may be something to support the combustion. It can be seen that the fire was very strong, and some iron objects were burned and condensed into discus.

 The remaining factory buildings are separated by a large open space.

 It was not affected.

 The two of them turned on their flashlights and walked directly in with the help of the faint light.

 The ground and walls were covered with scratches and bloodstains.

 Then, Wu Heng saw the equipment Qi Hancai said.

 The entire workshop is relatively intact, with a slender industrial chain and unassembled artillery shells on display.

 From the specification point of view, the 23mm artillery shells produced are.

 It was indeed a machine gun shell.

Wu Heng was delighted.

 If production can be resumed, then there will be no need to worry about the number of shells.

“In the other factory, there are also small firearms and bullets, and the types are quite complete.” Qi Hancai said with a smile.

 The harvest this time is still very good.

 At least the goal set before departure was achieved.

 “It would be great if we could resume production.” Wu Heng said.

Qi Hancai nodded, "I asked the brother in the team who knows about equipment to take a look at it and said that it is well preserved. As long as it can provide the power to drive it, production can almost be resumed."

 “Well, I’ll find a way.”

The two of them stopped looking, and the sky did get dark.

Wu Heng arranged defense work for the skeleton.

Qi Hancai first asked people to sort out the dormitory building.

 For the rest, wait until daybreak to continue checking other locations in the factory and looking for drawings.

Qi Hancai took Wu Heng to the prepared dormitory and said softly: "What should the rescue team do if they ask those people?"

Wu Heng thought for a moment and said, "I just said I was leaving. We don't know where exactly we went." "Can they believe it?"

“They won’t believe anything we say, they’re just looking for an excuse.” Wu Heng said.

 “Okay!” Qi Hancai nodded.

Wu Heng opened the door and entered his room.

 Opened the gate and walked in with his skeleton.


 At Treasure Island, it’s still almost dusk.

Wu Heng walked out of the study and went directly to the Skeleton Alchemy Room.

 He took down the organ jar from the shelf beside him and placed it in front of him. At the same time, he also took out the fourth-level corpse core.

 It is like a small brain, densely covered with dark purple blood vessels.

 Open the mouth of the organ jar and put the corpse core directly in.

The third-level corpse core potion has not yet been produced, and the fourth level will definitely be more difficult.

 But the Corpse King’s abilities are still somewhat exciting.

 The recovery speed visible to the naked eye is simply terrifying.

 Even if the bones in the body are broken and twisted into twists, they can quickly return to normal.

 It is not an exaggeration to say that it is immortal and has the ability to heal itself.

 Then, Wu Heng took out a plastic bag with other distorted corpse cores inside.

There are four second-level corpse cores and more than 300 first-level corpse cores.

 All are given to ordinary alchemy skeletons, which can be used to make potions.

 Finished dealing with the corpse core matter.

Wu Heng walked downstairs.

 Minnie and Andwyer have already had dinner and are training with the skeleton in the training room.

I asked the skeleton chef to make some, and sat at the dining table to eat while listening to Minnie and Andwyer talk about today's events.

“Weier, who did the regional planning on the island?” Wu Heng asked.

Anderweil recalled, "It seems to be a dwarf designer, I don't remember the specific name."

 “Can I contact him?”

“He works in the city hall, do you need to ask him to come over?” Andwyer looked over.

Wu Heng thought for a moment, "It's not good to come to our house for everything. Let him go to the association meeting room tomorrow morning, and I will discuss the construction of the island with him."

 “A good master.”

 Have a simple dinner.

Wu Heng returned upstairs, and the two women went to the training room again to train for a while.


 In the study, Wu Heng poured himself a glass of water and sat on a chair.

 Leaning back, I couldn't help but start thinking about what happened in the factory today.

 Killing the people in the rescue team will obviously make the relationship between them more serious.

 There are three forces within the opponent, so it is unlikely that a direct war will begin.

 But you also need to make some preparations yourself.

 The factory's production chain is relatively intact. As long as production is resumed, it can make up for the demand for ammunition.

 “Raw materials and electricity must be found.”

Materials are actually not difficult to solve.

 Gunpowder and corresponding metals, whether copper or steel, can be satisfied in other worlds.

 Treasure Island is a gathering place for chambers of commerce from all over the world, so it shouldn’t be difficult to purchase these resources.

“No, it’s a bit too troublesome to always transport raw materials through the boundary gate.”

“There is also the rescue team. One day when I am not here, the other party bombs the factory with a few shells..."

 “If we can move the factory to Treasure Island, everything will be solved.”

Material requirements and the possibility of danger, Wu Heng still feels that building a factory on Treasure Island will be more convenient and safer.

 The strong ones here can at best rush over and cause destruction.

  Can't use artillery shells or missiles to blast a large area.

 “The second point is the issue of electricity.”

Wu Heng put his hands behind his head.

 Production requires power supply.

 The power required by a factory cannot be maintained by several solar panels.

 Need to build power stations.

 The power stations that I know about include thermal power plants, hydroelectric power plants, wind power plants and nuclear power plants.

 Nuclear power plants are obviously out of the question.

 Those I can think of include thermal power generation and hydropower generation.

 Treasure Island is close to the sea.

 There is no shortage of water.

 But it is really difficult for us to build equipment in the sea.

 The second type is thermal power generation.

 The basic principle is to burn fire, generate steam, and convert it into electricity.

 “Provide heat and convert it into electricity...” Wu Heng murmured.

 His eyes suddenly lit up as he got closer.

 The furnace of fire.

 A magical building that relies on formations to produce terrifying heat energy.

 It can even melt a large amount of metal and provide it to the blacksmith for forging.

 Isn't it possible to research a power plant with a magic building?

 Even fuel is saved.

“You can try it!” Wu Heng said.

 I think it is very likely that it can be implemented.

 Thought about it quickly.

The sky is gradually getting darker.

Wu Heng walked out of the study and returned to his room to rest.


 The next day, in the morning.

Wu Heng got up and washed up, then went to the radio room to take a look.

 Philippa's record book has already written a lot of words.

 The most useful record is that another pirate group was cleared yesterday.

Picking up the phone, Wu Heng said: "Philippa!"

After waiting for a while, a confused voice came from the other side, "You are sick, so early."

 “Is there nothing wrong?”

"The pirate thing is fine. You talked to me so early. I feel like I'm going to die." The person on the other end was weak and full of complaints.

Wu Heng was almost amused by her and said, "I've been out for a few days, do you want to come back?"

 The person on the other side hesitated.

Then he said: "Go back, I miss you a little, but I have just been out for a few days, and the others are quite energetic. Do you see if there are any pirates nearby? If not, I will go back."

"Wait a minute, let me take a look!" Wu Heng took out the emerald sand table and looked at Philippa's route.

Looking all the way.

 Finally landed on a fleet of somewhat suspicious ships.

There are five ships in total, hanging with a blue-on-yellow pattern, looking like a caravan fleet.

 But this fleet is traveling sideways.

 Instead of advancing along the route, he rushed straight towards the other fleet.

 Then, the flag is changed and the pirate flag is hoisted.

These guys are getting smarter.

“Philippa, there is a large fleet in the north, and they are preparing to attack a passing caravan.” Wu Heng picked up the microphone and said directly.

Philippa immediately became energetic and said, "A fight started?"

 “Not yet, catching up.”

"Okay, I'll have people turn around right away. I'll protect this caravan." Philippa said, and then asked: "What is the pirate flag? Is it powerful?"

Wu Heng looked at the sand table again and said, "Black background, golden lion, and tiger pattern."

“The Wild Lion Pirate Group? The association has withdrawn all wanted notices for him.”

Philippa said doubtfully.

 (End of this chapter)

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