A giant-like player walked into the training hall. His height looked down on everyone present. His status in the team was just like his height, higher than all the players present, including Yue Yi who won the NBA Best Rookie Award.

He was Yao Ming, the national team's flagship figure and the absolute core of the team.

When Yao Ming walked in with his backpack, everyone's eyes were focused on him, and then they approached him and greeted him one by one.

Of course, Yue Yi was also among them.

How can you get along in the team if you don't respect the boss?

Not to mention the national team, just comparing the status in the NBA, Yue Yi is far inferior to Yao Ming now.

The final battle of the 07-08 season, the yellow-green battle was staged as scheduled, and all the awards have been announced.

Yao Ming and his teammate McGrady were selected for the third team of the best lineup this season. If he hadn't been reimbursed in the second half of the season, he would not have been just the third team of the best lineup.

Yao Ming is at his personal peak at this time, and his strong strength makes the American Dream Team afraid of him.

This is the appearance of the top player in the field of Chinese basketball.

The players of the national team took turns to greet him and welcome the arrival of the core player of the team.

When it was Yue Yi's turn, Yao Ming looked down at him, then smiled friendly and made a joke.

"You dunked over me, brat. But I noticed that you didn't even have many dunks in this whole season. Do you have a problem with me? Did you do it on purpose?"

Honestly, I did it on purpose. I only have one experience card. What else can make me famous and let the media and fans remember it more than dunking over a big Buddha like you?

However, Yue Yi didn't dare to say that. He smiled and said,"Brother Yao, you don't know how many domestic fans scolded me because of this goal. I regret it so much now."

"You can pull me down and regret it, but you can secretly enjoy yourself."Di Yi on the side ruthlessly revealed Yue Yi's inner world.

Yue Yi smiled and rolled his eyes at him,"Sister Di, can you choke to death if you don't tell the truth? Emperor Yi said anxiously:"If you mention these two words again, I will fall out with you." Yue Yi smiled and said:"

Hahahaha, this is the nickname given to you by the fans. I am also your fan.""

"You... you little white face."

Seeing two NBA draftees fighting in front of him, Yao Ming envied their relationship and felt that being young was great. Being young represented the future. They would be the core of the national team in the future. It was a good thing for them to have a good personal relationship.

The other players saw the three players standing together in the NBA, and they sighed in their hearts. Sure enough, they could still talk to each other in the same circle.

Not far away, Zhu Ba, Wang Shipeng, Chen Jiahua, and Du Feng looked at Yi Di in surprise, thinking: Is Yi Di familiar with Yue Yi? Doesn't he hate this undrafted player?

Yue Yi had just come to the national team, and we were going to teach him a lesson so that he couldn't put on the airs of an NBA player.

"Okay, stop making trouble, coach Yunus is here."Yao Ming stopped the bickering between the two.

Head coach Yunus walked into the arena with his assistants El, Guo Shiqiang, and Nelson, accompanied by the men's basketball team leader Li Yuanwei, deputy team leaders Hu Jiashi, and Bai Xilin. The teams lined up to assemble. , the team leader Li Yuanwei arranged the work for the day.

The first thing was the physical examination and physical examination.

After the staff entered the field, they placed the various instruments and the players went over one by one.

After more than an hour, the head coach Yunus took it. The new physical test report came to Yue Yi, and he communicated with Yue Yi directly in English.

"Yue, comparing your physical test report with last year, the progress is really surprising. This is amazing."

"Yue, do you know that you have grown taller?"

The two team leaders and assistant coaches gathered around to take a look.

Yue Yi's physical test report last year.

Height: 198

Weight: 85

Wingspan: 203

Palm length: 27

Standing reach: 253

Bounce in place: 89

Run-up jump: 103

100 meters The sprint time is 11.9 and the air time is 0.6.

This year's physical test report.

Height: 201

Weight: 89

Wingspan: 211

Hand length: 28

Standing height: 263 Jumping in place: 92 The 100-meter sprint time is 11.6 and the air time is 0.7. Nas exclaimed again:"Yue, your physical condition has grown so much in one year.


"If your physical test data in the first year was at the level of an average college player, then your physical test data this year is definitely enough to reach the average level of an NBA player."

"Yue, I always thought you were a player who relied on skills and brains to play, but I didn’t expect your current physical fitness to be too good."


When Yunus said the last two words, he said them in Chinese.

Although they were very lame, people around him could understand them.

"Yue, you are only 20 years old. There is still room for improvement in your physical test data. I am really looking forward to your future."

The accompanying translator promptly conveyed Yunus's words to several Chinese team leaders and assistant coaches.

Li Yuanwei curiously asked Yue Yi:"Xiao Yue, how do you practice in the Warriors?"

"I just practiced with everyone. I usually practiced according to their methods."Yue Yi pretended to be confused. The obvious increase in physical test data must have a lot to do with the system in his sea of consciousness. His five basic values were not added in vain.

Of course, a whole year of hard training and his young age also have something to do with it.

There are also young players who are still growing taller after entering the NBA.

After NBA-level training and a season of competition, physical strength can naturally be improved.

Without the addition of the system, the young sunrise will become hotter and hotter.

Of course, the increase will not be as much as the system.

Seeing the data in front of him, Yue Yi was extremely looking forward to what his physical test data would look like after filling up the five basic values.

In the NBA, mediocre talent is Yue Yi's biggest flaw. Yue Yi did not expect that he would grow so much in one season.

Physical talent is something that cannot be compensated by hard training. Hard training will have a certain improvement, but it cannot make up for it in all aspects.

This is not surprising. If there is no physical talent that is slowly and continuously increasing, how can Yue Yi stand more and more firmly in the Warriors.

Without the steady improvement of physical fitness in the later period, the data that Yue Yi can play in the NBA will change. As the intensity of the game increases, it decreases.

When Yue Yi's physical test data spread among the players in the team, envy appeared in everyone's eyes.

This also includes Yao Ming.

It is a fact that yellow-skinned people are not very talented in basketball. Most players' arm spans are basically the same as their height. Yao Ming's height of 2.26 meters is outstanding, but his arm span does not reach 2.26.

If it were not for his superb skills and tenacious fighting spirit, Yao Ming's physical talent would really be nothing in the NBA, let alone being selected for the best team.

Of course, physical talent is relative, it depends on who you compare with.

Physical talent is not the only one.

Without strong mental willpower and superb skills, physical talent alone cannot reach the top level.

But physical talent is the foundation.

Without physical talent as a support, it is even more impossible to reach the top.

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