The first stop for Yue Yi's team after returning to China was to visit the headquarters of Anta Group.

Because it gives enough.

In less than a year since signing Yue Yi, Anta's total sales have surpassed the Pique Group and risen to the second place among domestic sports brands.

There is a giant picture of Yue Yi bending his bow and shooting the sun on the wall of the headquarters gate, and Yue Yi's propaganda posters can be seen everywhere inside.

Chairman Anta personally received Yue Yi and his party and hosted a banquet.

On the second day, Yue Yi began to take promotional photos of the second generation of Marshal Yue.

At the filming scene, Yue Yi met Kong Yunning, whom he had not seen for a long time.

She still has collagen on her face, exuding a youthful atmosphere.

After the two looked at each other, Yue Yi saw joy in the girl's eyes. She subconsciously wanted to rush over, but finally controlled her body movements.

Because there are too many people around Yue Yi.

Since she and Yue Yi filmed the commercials of Yue Yueshuai's series, she is now a well-known sports girl in China.

There were many advertisements inviting her, but she listened to Yue Yi's words and has been stable.���At school.

Yue Xiafei saw Kong Yunning coming and hugged her affectionately. The two had a good relationship. After returning to China last year, Yue Xiafei contacted her more than Yue Yi contacted her.

Maybe because there were too many people around, Kong Yunning was a little embarrassed to take the initiative to show too much closeness with Yue Yi.

Usually, she made a lot of calls on her mobile phone, and sent text messages non-stop. After the separation, she spent a lot of money on communication fees alone, but Yue Yi rarely replied to her.

It’s not that Yue Yi eats and disappears, but mainly because Kong Yunning is too annoying in love. How can Yue Yi have so much time and energy to chat with her, and there is a time difference between the two.

Seeing Yue Yi looking at her with a smile, Kong Yunning wanted to rush up and scold him. Why is he so cold to her? Then throw yourself into his arms and never separate.

In the studio, the two came to work. Under the arrangement of the shooting staff, the two quickly entered the working state.

During the shooting process, the admiration in Kong Yunning's eyes was obvious, which made the picture of the interaction between the two so real and natural.

After a day of shooting, everyone left the studio, and under the gaze of others, the two returned to their respective rooms.

But not long after, Yue Yi rang the doorbell of Kong Yunning's room.

She called to ask for it, how could he refuse?

The girl was still so awkward, but she wanted to appear mature and sophisticated, and wanted to take the initiative.

Afterwards, the two hugged each other and talked about a lot of trivial matters in their lives during the separation.

The shooting schedule ended the next day. After leaving the Anta headquarters, Kong Yunning did not return to school.

She was on summer vacation and had plenty of time. The excuse she claimed to the outside world was to help Yue Xiafei.

Yue Xiafei was happy to hear about this. As an elder, he liked this sunny girl very much.

The team came to Jiangnan City, the hometown of Yue Yi and Yue Xiafei, and Li Yu, vice president of Anta Group, accompanied them in person.

Before Yue Yi returned to China, Li Yu had communicated with Yue Yi's team and wanted to hold a one-month basketball training camp under the joint name of Yue Yi and Anta Group.

The training camp recruits young people who love basketball from all over the country. The training camp is free and open. The players who participate only need to pay for their own food and accommodation.

Anta Group will also arrange accommodation, food and other issues for the players who participate in the training camp. The players only need to concentrate on training.

Yue Yi agreed.

It is the duty of a conscientious spokesperson to cooperate with the big sponsor to promote the product.

This training camp is not commercial and profitable. The core purpose is a gathering of young talents, and there is no need to worry about the bad reputation of money-making.

The training camps held by many NBA stars charge a lot of money.

Yue Yi does not agree with the wool from young players.

Anta Publicity Department released the recruitment information for the training camp a month ago.

NBA superstar Yue Yi personally participated, and three trainers who worked in the NBA came to guide.

After the publicity message was sent out, there were countless responses and followers gathered.

After layers of screening, 100 people were finally left to enter the camp, all of whom were young seedlings aged 16 or 17.

Some are young players from the second team of the CBA club, some are from the basketball team of the sports school, some are young guys who are a little famous on the wild court, and several are national youth players who are the focus of the national team and have the potential to enter the national team in the future.

They were also sent to the training camp by the national youth team leader because Yue Yi was in this training camp.

Regardless of the quality of the training camp, a bond with Yue Yi can be accumulated. At

8 o'clock in the morning on July 3, a hundred young players gathered in the suburban stadium in Hangning District, Jiangnan City, and lined up in five rows on the court.

There were a large number of media staff around to take pictures, and they were very popular.

Yue Yi wore the brand new second-generation Yue Marshal sneakers, Anta sportswear, and a peaked cap, and appeared on the court on time at eight o'clock.

Looking at so many media people, Yue Yi frowned.

Standing in front of the young players, Yue Yi's expression was very serious, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

He made a speech before the camp opened.

"This one-month training camp is not a show, but a real, hard training. If you just want to have fun and experience the experience, then I can tell you now, leave as soon as possible.

Otherwise, you will be crying and I will kick you out."

"Has anyone quit?"

"It is not shameful to quit now. What is shameful is to quit because you cannot bear the intensity of training."

"Very good, in the next month, I will take you and train with you"

"After saying"go"

, Yue Yi personally participated in the training plan made by the trainer for the young players and led them to practice it.

During the break, Yue Yi found Li Yu, the general manager of the training camp, and asked him to remove the CTV reporters and media other than Anta's propaganda department were all cleared out.

Although Anta held this training camp for publicity purposes, Yue Yi always believed that training should be done with peace of mind and practice under the camera every day. Really committed to it.

Li Yu didn't expect Yue Yi to be so serious about the training camp. He thought he would just go through the motions. Did he really want to lead a group of children to practice for a month?

Li Yu had to listen to Yue Yi's request. Ta is Yue Yi's financial sponsor, and Yue Yi is Anta's cash cow. Time passes day by day, and Yue Yi's team leaves Hangning District, each of them busy with various things.

In the camp,

Yue Yi took them to practice physical fitness and skills together, and they also had four programs called Yue Camp on CTV5..

The training and life records of the training camp are broadcast during prime time every weekend, and the ratings remain high.

The Anta Propaganda Department filmed a lot of material and compiled it into a training camp documentary that was broadcast on TV stations everywhere.

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