The game was a big success, but the game was a big success.

Chapter 187 Is a sweep the final answer?

Post-match interview.

After two consecutive defeats on the road, all the Celtics were very depressed.

Coach John Carroll said in an interview with the media: “The Knicks are the first in the East. They have created regular season history. For the Celtics, winning the game itself is not an easy task.”

“I think we and the outside world should lower our goals for this series. The black eight itself is a miracle. I think we should first consider not being swept. When the Celtics get their first victory from the Knicks, the situation will change.”


First, he lowered his posture and said that the two losses were reasonable, and then he released his outlook for this series.

This seemingly humble new coach did not know how deeply this post-match speech hit the Celtics players.

No team enters the playoffs without winning, let alone the Celtics with thousands of fans behind them.

But now the team coach Carroll’s spirit is so humble that the players and fans can’t help but wonder if this Celtics team has the possibility of defeating their opponents in this series?

In the player interview after Carroll

Paul Pierce, the star player of the Celtics, answered this question directly.

“The truth is not as bad as Mr. John said. Maybe it’s because he hasn’t been coaching for a short time that Mr. John doesn’t have a complete understanding of us. If Blount hadn’t fallen into a foul crisis in advance, the outcome of the game would be hard to say! Please believe us and the Boston fans. No matter which team meets the Celtics in the first round… they will be very troubled.”

“In the next game, wait and see, you New York media, we will teach the Knicks players a good lesson in the North Shore Garden.”

This opposition made John Carroll a little embarrassed.

The first reaction of the media was that the Celtics were not in harmony!

The speeches of the star player and the head coach were completely in two directions. This topic alone was enough for the New York media to make a fuss about it.


Time flies.

The next day.

All the Celtics returned to Boston in advance.

After a night of fermentation, all media reviewed and analyzed yesterday’s game and the Celtics’ post-match interview.

“Isolated and hard to help, Pierce scored 21 points but lost the game!”

“Breaking news! After the game, “Truth” openly sang against John Carroll. The discord between the master and the apprentice may be the real reason for the Celtics’ defeat!”

“Pierce: We will win the game in Boston! Green Army coach: Not being swept is a victory!”

“21 points can’t save the team! The gap between the two teams is too big. How devilish does Boston’s “devil’s home court” have to be to help the Celtics win? ”


The many reports overwhelmed the fans and sparked heated discussions.

Unlike before the official start of the playoffs, at the beginning of this series, even Knicks fans did not think that the home team would sweep the opponent without bloodshed.

But with the end of G2, seeing that the Celtics could not cause much trouble to the Knicks, the confidence of many Knicks fans was boosted.

After the game, the Celtics coaching staff and Pierce, who were not on the same page, made Knicks fans believe this.

This even made the slogan of sweeping the market become the mainstream voice for a time.

Fortunately, after about two days, the G2 of other Eastern teams finished one after another, and the post-game heat of the Kenny War came to an end.

Eastern Division!

The Pacers defeated the Bucks 109:98, and Jermaine O’Neal even got 20+20 statistical data in G2. The weak Bucks inside line could not cause trouble to the successor of the Sharks.

The Bucks’ restricted defense was worse than the Celtics. They used Joe Smith, a power forward, to fight against Jermaine O’Neal, which made them repeat the same mistakes.

The Pistons’ game against the Pelicans did not have any twists and turns. The Pistons’ five tigers played brilliantly, and 6 of them scored in double digits throughout the game, fully reflecting Larry Brown’s team spirit.

Although Pelicans star Baron Davis scored 29 points despite the huge pressure of the Palace of Auburn Hills, his teammates’ weakness made him the leader of the empty-cut group.

In G2, the only team that did not bring the game to 2:0 was the Miami Heat.

After a game at home, the Nets

There was an explosion after the game!

Richard Jefferson and Corey Kidds, the two Nets’ outside twin stars, scored 58 points together and defended their home court.

Compared with the calm in the East, everything went as expected, and the West swept the clouds and staged a miracle.

The Timberwolves, who entered the playoffs with the first record in the West in the regular season, were counterattacked by the Nuggets at the Target Center. Carmelo Anthony made a mid-range buzzer-beater at the last moment, dragging the series score to 1:1!

The black eight miracle that fans didn’t see in the East is happening in the West.

In the other three games, the teams in the upper half took the away game with a score of 2:0.

The Kings, Spurs and Lakers all completed double kills!

This year’s playoffs are like a preview of the regular season record. All fans are looking forward to the counterattack, buzzer-beater, and shocking reversal after the start of the game, but the conventional results bring them back to reality.

According to the normal rhythm of the game, if fans want to see some changes, they may have to wait until the semifinals.

Therefore, most fans still focus on the two top players in the East and West.

The Knicks, who are ranked first in the East, need not be said much!

Who can successfully stop the Knicks in the playoffs… has always been a topic of conversation after dinner.

But few fans have expectations for this Celtics team. Whether it is the performance on the court or the speech after the game, it is difficult for people to have high expectations for this traditional giant.

The external gambling agency once reduced the odds of a 4:0 sweep to the lowest, which made the lottery players who believed in the Knicks as the true god laugh.

As for the Timberwolves, they attracted some of the attention of the Knicks.

Denver Nuggets!

For this plateau team, bringing the game back to the home court is more advantageous than most other teams in the league.

If plateau sports are not adapted in advance and trained all year round, most players will have more or less impact.

Many neutral fans are waiting for the start of Denver’s home game. The script of underdog victory is often more exciting than crushing all the way.

Once Denver defends two home games, they will usher in a 3:1 lead!

Even if the Timberwolves have the advantage of home court later, it will not pose a big threat to them. After all, there are only a few teams in history that have completed a comeback after falling behind 1:3.

Even if the Timberwolves are very powerful on paper, the possibility of following historical laws has become the truth that convinces most fans.

(End of this chapter)

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